


general information
academic units


Message From the President 2
The University of Hawai'i 5
calendar 6-7
undergraduate education 8-
UHM General Education Core and Graduation Requirements 23-
graduate education 28-
student Life 46-
tuition, fees, and financial aid 59-
degrees and certificates 70-


architecture 72-
arts & sciences, AMST-IT 77-
Arts & Sciences, JOUR-ZOOL 122-
business administration 176-
engineering 208-
hawaiian, asian, and pacific studies 217-
health sciences and social welfare 226
interdisciplinary programs 227-
law 234-
medicine 237-
nursing 256-
ocean and earth science and technology 267-
outreach college 285-
public health 289-
rotc programs 293-
social work
travel industry management 298-
tropical agriculture and human resources 304-
instructional support, research, and Service Units  478-


overview 325
a - E 326-
f - N 379-
o - Z 427-


administration 484-
Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professorships 486
faculty 486-
emeriti faculty 511-
Instructional Support, Research, and Service Units Staff 518-


appendix 528-
glossary 533-
campus map

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Last updated 6/28/99



Courses: Biology
Biology (BIOL)

College of Natural Sciences 

BIOL 101 Biology & Society (3) Characteristics of science, historical development of scientific concepts, and interaction of society with science illustrated by topics from biological science. Credit not given for both 101 and 123. NS1

BIOL 101L Biology & Society Laboratory (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Lab experiments illustrating topics and methods in the biological sciences. Pre: 101 (or concurrent). NS1

BIOL 102 General Botany (3) Growth, functions, and evolution of plants; their relations to the environment and particularly to humans and human activities. (Cross-listed as BOT 101) NS1

BIOL 102L General Botany Laboratory (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Lab observations and experiments illustrating basic principles of plant biology. Pre: 102 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as BOT 101L) NS1

BIOL 103 Principles of Zoology (3) Structure, development, physiology, reproduction, evolution, behavior, and ecology of animals. (Cross-listed as ZOOL 101) NS1

BIOL 103L Principles of Zoology Laboratory (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 103. Pre: 103 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as ZOOL 101L) NS1

BIOL 123 Introduction to Science: Hawaiian Environment (3) Characteristics of science and interaction with society illustrated by topics in geology, astronomy, oceanography, and biology of Hawaiian Islands. Credit not given for both 123 and 101. NS1

BIOL 123L Hawaiian Environment Science Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Lab experiments illustrating topics and methods in science; examples from Hawaiian natural history. Pre: 123 (or concurrent). NS1

BIOL 124 Environment & Ecology (3) Biological and physical principles affecting human/environment interaction; impact of science, technology, value, and perceptions on global society and ecology; projections and options about human ecology. NS3

BIOL 124L Environment & Ecology Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Lab experiments and projects illustrating topics in human ecology. Pre: 124 or concurrent. NS3

BIOL 171 Introductory Biology (3) Introductory biology for all life science majors. Cell structure and chemistry; growth, reproduction, genetics, evolution, viruses, bacteria, and simple eukaryotes. Pre: CHEM 151 or 161 (or concurrent) or consent. Co-requisite: 171L. NS1

BIOL 171L Introductory Biology Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 171. Pre: CHEM 161L (or concurrent) or consent. Co-requisite: 171. NS1

BIOL 172 Introduction to Biology II (3) Continuation of 171. Anatomy, physiology, and systematics of plants and animals; behavior; ecosystems, populations, and communities. Pre: 171/171L. Co-requisite: 172L.

BIOL 172L Introduction to Biology II Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 172. Co-requisite: 172.

BIOL 201 The Biotechnology Age: Issues and Impacts (3) Introduction to the basic concepts, goals and practical impacts of biotechnology. Real-life case studies are used to explore socio-ethical, economic, and environmental issues raised by cloning, DNA testing, gene therapy and genetically engineered food, medicines, and vaccines using microbes, plants and animals. Pre: 101 or consent. (Cross-listed as PMP 201)

BIOL 265 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (3) Principles of ecology and evolution for life science majors stressing integrated approach and recent advance. Pre: 171/171L and 172/172L; or consent. Co-requisite: 265L.

BIOL 265L Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 265. Recommended: ICS 101/101L. Co-requisite: 265.

BIOL 270 Cell & Molecular Biology (3) Integrated cell and molecular biology for life science majors. Modern advances in recombinant DNA technology. Pre: 171/171L, 172/172L, and CHEM 272/272L; or consent. Co-requisite: 270L.

BIOL 270L Cell & Molecular Biology Lab (1) (1 4-hr Lab) Laboratory to accompany 270. Pre: 171/171L, 172/172L, and CHEM 272/272L; or consent. Co-requisite: 270.

BIOL 299 Service Learning for Biology Majors (1) Directed participation on tutorials and related activities in public schools and approved community and UHM organizations. A-F only. Repeatable one time. Pre: 265/265L, 270/270L and consent.

BIOL 308 Biological Field Studies (3) Biological survey, collection, and analysis techniques will be reviewed and applied through field studies. Introduction to the uniqueness of the Hawaiian environment and its diversity of life. Emphasis on diversity, evolution and ecology. Pre: 171/171L, 172/172L, and 265/265L or equivalent; or consent.

BIOL 310 Environmental Issues (3) Global environmental problems in historical perspective; physical, biological, sociocultural views. Pre: one of 101, 123, or GEOG 101; or consent. 

BIOL 320 The Atoll (3) Atoll as ecosystem and as human environment. Formation, structure, distribution, biota. Pre: two semesters of introductory science or consent. 

BIOL 350 Sex Differences in the Life Cycle (3) Human sex differences, their biological basis and significance; genetic, hormonal, and behavioral determinants of sexual differentiation; biology of gender, sexuality, parenting, menopause, and aging. Pre: one semester of biological science. (Cross-listed as WS 350) NS1

BIOL 360 Island Ecosystems (3) Characteristics of island biota; examples from Hawai'i and the Pacific. Impact of island and continental cultures; policy and ecosystem endangerment; contemporary legislation, policy, and management practices. Pre: one semester of biological science or consent. 

BIOL 375 Concepts of Genetics (3) Genetic concepts at advanced undergraduate level; genetic transmission, recombination, gene action, mutation, population and evolutionary genetics. Pre: 171/171L, 172/172L, and 270/270L; or consent. Co-requisite: 375L. Repeatable once.

BIOL 375L Concepts of Genetics Lab (1) (1 4-hr Lab) Experiments with a variety of organisms to illustrate principles discussed in BIOL 375. Pre: 171, 171L, 172, 172L, and 270, 270L; or consent. Co-requisite: 375.

BIOL 399 Directed Studies in Biology Teaching (1) Supervised laboratory internship in the preparation and demonstration of laboratory experiments in selected laboratory courses. Repeatable. Pre: consent.

BIOL 401 Molecular Biotechnology (3) General principles, applications, and recent advances of the rapidly growing science of biotechnology. Topics include impact of biotechnology on medicine, animal sciences, environment, agriculture, forensics, and economic and socio-ethical issues. Pre: BIOL 270 or consent. (Cross-listed as PMP 401)

BIOL 402 Principles of Biochemistry (4) Molecular basis of life from viruses to bacteria to higher plants and animals, studies of proteins and enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Pre: 270/270L, CHEM 272, and CHEM 273; or consent. (Cross-listed as ENBI 402)

BIOL 405 Biochemistry (4) Structure of biological molecules and molecular mechanisms of biological and physiological processes. Pre: 270 and 270L, and CHEM 272 and 273, or consent. (Cross-listed as GENE 405)

BIOL 406 Cellular Biology (3) Cell structure and function. Structure, chemistry, and functions of organelles and macromolecules. Pre: 270 and CHEM 273, or consent. 

BIOL 406L Cellular Biology Laboratory (2) (2 3-hr Lab) A laboratory to accompany 406. Pre: 270L or consent. Co-requisite: 406.

BIOL 407 Molecular Biology (3) Relationship between structure and function at macromolecular level. Pre: 270 and CHEM 273; or consent. 

BIOL 407L Molecular Biology Laboratory (2) (2 3-hr Lab) A laboratory to accompany 407. Pre: 270L or consent. Co-requisite: 407.

BIOL 410 Human Role in Environmental Change (3) Human impacts through time on vegetation, animals, landforms, soils, climate, and atmosphere. Special reference to Asian/Pacific region. Implications of long-term environmental change for human habitability. Pre: one of 123, 124, or GEOG 101 and either 310 or GEOG 326; or consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 410)

BIOL 434 Seminar in the Biology of Women (3) Embryological, anatomical, and physiological development of human female; hormonal, neural, and behavioral determinants of female sexual behavior; psychobiology of pregnancy, ovariectomy, and menopause. Pre: 172, 350 or WS 350, WS 377, or consent. (Cross-listed as WS 434)

BIOL 440 Psychoactive Drug Plants (3) Taxonomy, ecology, biochemistry, distribution, cultural history, and contemporary use of mind-altering drug plants; examples from primitive, traditional, and modern societies. Pre: junior standing, one semester of biological science, and either ANTH 200 or GEOG 151; or consent. 

BIOL 441 Basic Biochemistry (4) Function and composition of biological substances and their metabolic transformation in animals, plants, microorganisms. Pre: 270/270L, CHEM 272, and CHEM 273; or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOC 441)

BIOL 490 Wildlife & Plant Conservation (3) Principles of conservation biology and wildlife management techniques, illustrated with animal, plant, and ecosystem examples. Examination of ethical, cultural, legal, political, and socioeconomic issues impinging on conservation policy and practice. Group project and field trips. Pre: 171/171L, 172/172L, and 265/265L; or consent. 

BIOL 496 Biology Seminar (1) Study and discussion of current or significant topics and problems in biology. Open to graduating seniors in biological sciences. Pre: consent.

BIOL 499 Biological Problems (V) Directed reading and research. For seniors whose research interests are not served by MICR 499, ZOOL 499, or BOT 399. Limited to senior majors in biology (BA and BS) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in biology courses.

BIOL 501 (Alpha) Biology Workshop for Science Teachers (V) Principles taught in a conceptual and/or hands-on manner either in a laboratory setting or in the field. (B) biotechnology; (C) ecology; (D) marine biology. A-F only. Repeatable. Pre: in-service teacher, 171/171L and 172/172L; or consent.

BIOL 502 Seminar for Science Teachers (1) Seminar and discussions of current and significant topics and problems in science where teachers can exchange new and innovative teaching ideas and strategies. Repeatable. Pre: in-service teachers or consent.

BIOL 619 Seminar in Science Teaching (1) Effective teaching methods; organization of courses, lectures, laboratory exercises; development and evaluation of examinations; computers and audiovisual aids. Open to graduate students in the College of Natural Sciences. Repeatable once. (Cross-listed as ZOOL 619)

BIOL 620 Seminar on Preparing Future Faculty (1) Role and responsibilities of college teaching, academic expectations, policies and procedures in different types of institutions of higher learning, developing the requisite skills for obtaining teaching positions and skills necessary for a successful career in college teaching. Open to graduate students advanced to candidacy for master's or PhD degrees. A-F only. Repeatable. Pre: consent.

For key to symbols and abbreviations, see the first page of this section.

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