


general information
academic units


Message From the President 2
The University of Hawai'i 5
calendar 6-7
undergraduate education 8-
UHM General Education Core and Graduation Requirements 23-
graduate education 28-
student Life 46-
tuition, fees, and financial aid 59-
degrees and certificates 70-


architecture 72-
arts & sciences, AMST-IT 77-
Arts & Sciences, JOUR-ZOOL 122-
business administration 176-
engineering 208-
hawaiian, asian, and pacific studies 217-
health sciences and social welfare 226
interdisciplinary programs 227-
law 234-
medicine 237-
nursing 256-
ocean and earth science and technology 267-
outreach college 285-
public health 289-
rotc programs 293-
social work
travel industry management 298-
tropical agriculture and human resources 304-
instructional support, research, and Service Units  478-


overview 325
a - E 326-
f - N 379-
o - Z 427-


administration 484-
Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professorships 486
faculty 486-
emeriti faculty 511-
Instructional Support, Research, and Service Units Staff 518-


appendix 528-
glossary 533-
campus map

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Last updated 6/28/99



Courses: Sociology
Sociology (SOC)

College of Social Sciences 

In addition to the prerequisites specified below, all 300-level courses have as a prerequisite SOC 100 or a 200-level sociology course, or consent. In addition to the prerequisites specified below, all 400-level courses require SOC 300 or consent.

SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology (3) Basic social relationships, social structures, and processes. SS

SOC 214 Introduction to Race and Ethnic Relations (3) Race and ethnic relations in world perspective; social, economic, and political problems associated with perception, existence, and accommodation of these groups within the wider society. SS

SOC 218 Introduction to Social Problems (3) Theoretical and substantive survey of the nature and causes of social problems; selected types: poverty, inequality, deviance, etc. SS

SOC 231 Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency (3) Forms of juvenile deviance; conditions and processes that result in alienation and deviance of youth. Juvenile corrections as institutionalized societal responses. SS

SOC 251 Introduction to Sociology of the Family (3) Family patterns, mate selection, parent-child interaction, socialization of roles, legal sanctions, trends in organization, functions. SS

SOC 300 Principles of Sociological Inquiry (3) (2 Lec, 2 50-min Lab) Basic methods of sociology for production and analysis of data. Foundations for understanding research and for advanced courses in methods and statistics. Pre: one of 100, 214, 218, 231, or 251; or consent.

SOC 301 Survey of Urban Sociology (3) The city in historical and comparative perspectives. Interplay of demographic, economic, and cultural factors in urban growth. Urban process, development, and interdependence.

SOC 311 Survey of Social Inequality and Stratification (3) Introduction to social stratification theory and research; definition and measurement of socioeconomic status; racial, ethnic and gender inequality; differences in lifestyles and life chances; social mobility. Pre: one of 100, 214, 218, 231, or 251; or consent.

SOC 313 Survey of Sociology of Work (3) Work from viewpoint of individuals; meaningfulness versus productivity; how work, economics, and the industrial system affect individual goals.

SOC 316 Survey of Social Change (3) Causes, processes, and effects of social change, using single- and multi-cause models in simple and complex industrialized societies.

SOC 317 Survey of Sociology of the Community (3) Definitions, models, and theories; classic studies with applications from participant/members and sociologist/observers; intentionality in organizational work, communes, and social networks; special reference to local community.

SOC 318 Women and Social Policy (3) Social and economic policies affecting women in families, education, social services, government, health care, the economy; public policy implementation and development; policy impact on women. Pre: 100 or WS 151; or consent. (Cross-listed as WS 318)

SOC 321 Survey of Sociological Theory (3) Major theorists and their influences, from Comte to today.

SOC 332 Survey of Sociology Law (3) Law as a political enforcement of the social order; how it is organized and operates; determinants of effectiveness; ways it adapts to and facilitates changing social conditions.

SOC 333 Survey of Criminology (3) Concepts used in crime, law enforcement, criminal justice, and corrections. Types of criminal behavior; costs and effects of control.

SOC 335 Survey of Drugs and Society (3) Use of mood- and mind-altering drugs in America among adults, youth, and cross-culturally. Illicit drug culture, psychedelics, and perception; social norms and deviant behavior.

SOC 336 Deviant Behavior and Social Control (3) Interrelations of deviance, criminology, juvenile delinquency, corrections, social control, sociology of law. Key concepts, theories.

SOC 341 Survey of Social Psychology (3) Major principles; social attitudes, theories of conformity and change, person perception and attribution theory, social role, role conflict and role behavior, group structure, and behavior.

SOC 343 Survey of Total Institutions (3) Erving Goffman's concept of total institutions as applied to prisons, mental hospitals, leprosaria, military establishments, ocean vessels, etc., and to "social self" and "social interaction."

SOC 352 Survey of Sociology of Education (3) Formal education as one aspect of socialization. Emphasis on American system; business, military, and religious institutions.

SOC 353 Survey of Sociology of Aging (3) Aging as a social phenomenon, including social impacts of growing elderly population and emerging social patterns among the elderly. Important theoretical perspectives and cross-national research.

SOC 354 Survey of Medical Sociology (3) Social factors in disease and treatment; illness behavior, roles of patients and healers; nature of healing professions; use of medical services; alternative systems of medical organization.

SOC 356 People and Institutions of China (3) Social institutions, family, community, education, stratification, government, economy; impact of modernization and revolution on their contemporary transformation.

SOC 357 People and Institutions of Japan (3) Persistence and change in economy, policy, religion, education, family, and other institutions of modern Japan.

SOC 358 People and Institutions of Korea (3) Institutional analysis of contemporary North and South Korea: family, socialization, economy, polity, religion; social class, urban-rural differences, economic-political ties.

SOC 362 Sociology of Gender (3) Effect of sex and gender roles (both traditional and nontraditional) on attitudes and behavior within the family and educational, economic, and governmental systems. (Cross-listed as WS 362) SS

SOC 401 Analysis in Urban Sociology (3) Urbanization in developed and developing countries, the rural-urban continuum, structure and process of metropolitan regions, theories of urban location and growth, housing and urban renewal.

SOC 411 Analysis in Social Stratification (3) Approaches to research in social inequality: community studies; historical and cross-cultural analyses of poverty, working class, middle class, power structure, social mobility, etc.

SOC 412 Analysis in Population and Society (3) Global and U.S. patterns of population growth; composition and distribution, elementary demographic techniques; development issues and population policy. (Cross-listed as PPST 412)

SOC 413 Analysis in Economy and Society (3) Study of the dominant trend of economic change and its impact on society; globalization of economic activities and transformation of industrial society to postindustrial one; corporate restructuring and downsizing and their impact on employment and income distribution; gender relations in workplaces; the impact of globalization on the newly industrializing countries. Pre: 300 or consent.

SOC 415 Technology and Society (3) Nature of technology, social forces that affect its adoption; impact on society; innovation.

SOC 416 Analysis in Deliberate Social Change (3) Consequences, intended or not, of educational interventions, dispute settlement, community development, family assistance, housing, etc. Recommended: 316.

SOC 417 Comparative Study-Small Communities (3) Problems of studying the small community in various settings in non-Western societies; use of data as indicators of social change.

SOC 418 Women and Work (3) Gender division of labor nationally and internationally; sex differentials in labor supply, training, wages, working conditions, and unemployment; historical trends and future directions. Pre: one 300-level SOC or WS course. (Cross-listed as WS 418)

SOC 419 Analysis in Formal Organizations (3) Schools, hospitals, industries, prisons, and government agencies analyzed in terms of self-actualization, alienation, human relations, communication, leadership, organizational conflicts.

SOC 431 Criminology/Juvenile Delinquency (3) Research in systematic social deviation. Scaling and measurement of delinquents/criminals, official data, gangs, identification and measurement of delinquent/criminal value orientations, etc.

SOC 432 Analysis in Corrections (3) Behavioral assumptions of various correctional practices and modes of organization; current "in-community" approaches.

SOC 433 Analysis in Law and Social Change (3) Interrelationships between legal orders and other social institutions; use of "law" to change major status relationships, e.g., boss-worker, woman-man, child-adult. Recommended: 332.

SOC 435 Women and Crime (3) Women's relations with the criminal justice system; types of women's offenses; responses to women's crime; women as victims; women as workers in the criminal justice system. Pre: one 100- or 200-level SOC or WS course. (Cross-listed as WS 435)

SOC 441 Social Structure and the Individual (3) Effects of social institutions on individuals. Role of socioeconomic status, cultural background, family structure, peer group, schools, and occupational roles in socialization.

SOC 446 Analysis in Rape and Sexual Abuse (3) Theories, methodologies, and research findings on rape victimization and treatment; sexual abuse of women and children in Hawai'i. Pre: 300 or consent. (Cross-listed as WS 446)

SOC 451 Analysis in Marriage and the Family (3) Theory and methods of studying social interaction in marriage and the family; examination of marriage, mating, love, and choice. Empirical research emphasizing Hawai'i.

SOC 452 Marriage and Family: A Feminist Perspective (3) Sex-role socialization, mate selection, motherhood, career-family conflicts. Alternative family structures in U.S. and other countries. Pre: 200-level SOC course or WS 351, and upper division social science major. (Cross-listed as WS 452)

SOC 453 Analysis in Sociology of Aging (3) Social and research issues significant to delivery of long-term care services to the elderly; cost, quality, availability of services, evaluation of programs, role of family, formal and informal care services. Pre: 353.

SOC 454 Analysis in Medical Sociology (3) Application of sociological theories and concepts to medical social situations and behavior; problems of obtaining data for research.

SOC 455 Sociology of Religion (3) Seminar in research on sociological aspects of religious sectarianism; attention to Hawai'i. Pre: 300 or consent. (Cross-listed as REL 452)

SOC 456 Racism and Ethnicity in Hawai'i (3) The historical and contemporary social processes involved in inter-ethnic relations in Hawai'i. Pre: 300.

SOC 457 Sociology of the Arts (3) Relation of art to society; role of artist, audience, critic, patron, museum; Western and other societies; attitudes toward new styles.

SOC 459 Popular Culture (3) Popular culture as manifested in film, sports, TV, comics, magazines, etc.; relation to sociological theories and studies.

SOC 472 Modern Sociological Theory (3) Current theories such as functionalism, conflict theory, social exchange, and symbolic interaction in the works of Parsons, Merton, Mead, Homans, and others.

SOC 475 Analysis in Survey Research (3) Survey research design and analysis, including theory selection instrument construction, sampling techniques, data collection, computerized data analysis, and writing up research reports of the findings. Pre: 300 or consent.

SOC 476 Social Statistics (3) Common statistical procedures emphasizing univariate and bivariate description; some attention to multivariate techniques and statistical inference, within context of research procedures.

SOC 476L Social Statistics Laboratory (1) Required lab for computer applications for analysis of sociological data. CR/NC only. Co-requisite: 476.

SOC 478 Analysis in Field Research Methods (3) Techniques for collecting and analyzing qualitative data. Participant observation; small groups in natural settings; community studies. Grounded theory; theories of everyday life; reality construction.

SOC 479 Theories of Social Conflict (3) Classical and contemporary theories whose major dynamic element is conflict; theories that assign conflict lesser importance.

SOC 491 Discussion Group Leader-Freshman Seminar (6) Students lead a freshman seminar section of sociology and meet weekly with instructor for substantive background. Pre: senior standing and consent.

SOC 495 (Alpha) Topics in Sociology (3) Faculty projects normally limited to 10 students. Topics pre-announced each semester. Pre: 300 or consent.

SOC 495B Seminar: Tutoring and Testing (3) For students assisting in the self-study section of 100. Teaching, evaluating, test questions. Pre: consent.

SOC 496 Topics in Sociology: Student Projects (V) Students create their own study group and solicit an adviser from faculty. Consult department for assistance.

SOC 499 Directed Reading or Research (V)

All graduate courses in the department require classified graduate standing in sociology or consent. Additional prerequisites are specified below.

SOC 500 Master's Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master's Plan B or C candidate and consent.

SOC 604 Methods of Research in Criminal Justice (3) Multidisciplinary perspective on methods and techniques of research in the correctional and remediating professions for practicing and potential correctional or social workers.

SOC 605 Seminar in Advanced Statistics (3) Multivariate analysis. Analysis of variance; multiple regression procedures; multiple classification analysis, stepwise regression, discriminant functional analysis, and path analysis. Pre: 476.

SOC 605L Advanced Statistics Laboratory (1) Required lab for computer applications for analysis of sociological data. CR/NC only. Pre: 476 or consent. Co-requisite: 605. 

SOC 606 Research Methods and Design (3) Emphasis on theory selection, theory construction, and choice of research strategies.

SOC 608 Survey Research Design and Analysis (3) Survey study designs, survey sampling, questionnaire construction, interviewing, pre-tests, pilot studies, logic of measurement and association, table construction, and elaboration models. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 608)

SOC 609 Seminar Qualitative Research (3) Advanced seminar on conducting fieldwork in natural social settings with emphasis on qualitative techniques, political and ethical considerations, data management and assessment, interpretation and reflexive writing. Repeatable once only. Pre: 478 or consent.

SOC 611 Classical Sociological Theory (3) Seminar offers a critical overview of major perspectives and representative works in sociological theory from 19th-century to the 1960s, including intellectual contexts and historical development. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. Fall only. 

SOC 612 Contemporary Sociological Theory (3) Seminar offers a critical overview of major perspectives and representative works in sociology theory from the 1960s to the present, including intellectual contexts and historical development. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. Spring only.

SOC 613 Organizational Analysis (3) Theoretical approaches to organizations; organizational structure and process; organizational pathologies and effectiveness; the organization and its environment. Pre: 419.

SOC 615 Sociology of Health Services (3) Utility of sociological concepts and social research methods for analyzing relationships among individuals' social characteristics, health status and needs, and use of health services.

SOC 616 Seminar in Stress and Health (3) Analysis of current theory and empirical research on relationship of stress and health; sociological, psychological, and community psychiatry models and current issues.

SOC 631 Seminar in Criminology (3) Major current theories, history of their development, elaborations of typologies, implications for treatment modalities.

SOC 632 Criminal Justice System (3) Examination of the criminal justice system; the exercise of discretion and limits placed upon it. Pre: consent.

SOC 661 Demography of Human Fertility (3) Causes of variation in human fertility between and within societies and over time; role of economic and social factors. Implications of population policy. Pre: PPST 650 and PPST 691. (Cross-listed as PPST 661)

SOC 691 Methods of Demographic Analysis (3) Statistical evaluation and analysis of population data; data sources; population growth; composition; standardization of rates; mortality and the life table; nuptiality and fertility; distribution, migration, urbanization; projections and stable population theory. Pre: 476. (Cross-listed as PH 659 and PPST 691)

SOC 699 Directed Reading/Research (V)

SOC 700 Thesis Research (V) Research for master's thesis.

SOC 701 Seminar in Evaluation Research (3) Research design, data collection, field problems and analysis in the evaluation of social programs. Examples from criminal justice, corrections, drug treatment, mental health, and public health. Pre: statistics.

SOC 705 Multivariate Analysis (3) Application to population data. Multiple classification analysis, path analysis, logit and multinomial logit regression and hazard models. Repeatable once only. (Cross-listed as PPST 705)

SOC 706 Historical Social Analysis (3) Methods of historical sociological analysis as they are related to various sociological theoretical perspectives.

SOC 710 Seminar in Comparative Sociology (3) Conduct of comparative social research; special advantages and problems in theoretical development and research strategies. Substantive focus in Pacific rim. Pre: 605 and 606, or consent.

SOC 711 Seminar in Sociology of Knowledge (3) Sociological theory applied to bases of knowledge in everyday life, professional communities, and the sciences. Research and theory-building activities of sociologists; ethnomethodology; construction of social structure, culture, and consciousness. Repeatable once only. 

SOC 715 Seminar in Current Issues in Sociology (3) Substantive areas that are of current interest and the focus of research, but not addressed in other courses. 
Repeatable once.

SOC 716 Seminar in Medical Sociology (3) Application of theoretical paradigms and methodologies to the examination of selected research topics in the field of medical sociology. Repeatable one time. Pre: 615 or consent.

SOC 720 Comparative Study of East Asia (3) Comparative analysis of social organization, social processes, and change of both capitalist and communist countries of East Asia, with each other and other areas of the world. Pre: 611 or consent.

SOC 721 Social Change-Pacific Islands (3) Analysis of social change; transformation from subsistence societies to commodified, wage-labor societies with participation in world economy.

SOC 722 Modern Japanese Society (3) Social and behavioral studies of Japanese values, social organization, and personality development. Problems of value conflict, political protest, world role, tradition, and social change. Repeatable once only. 

SOC 723 (Alpha) Seminar in Modern Chinese Society (3) Developmental policies and social change and impact on modern Chinese social institutions. (B) political change. Focus on politics in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Special emphasis on democracy movement and reunification themes; (C) social and demographic change. Focus on population, social stratification, gender, and family problems. Repeatable once in different area. Pre: 356 (or concurrent).

SOC 725 Seminar in Race Relations (3) Comparative view of how "races" and "ethnic" groups develop and function. Sociological theories of race relations, assimilation, acculturation, and pluralism.

SOC 735 Peace/Development Connection (3) Relationships between peace and development with special emphasis on hunger and militarism in Asia, the Pacific, and Africa. (Cross-listed as POLS 735)

SOC 741 Seminar in Social Structure and the Individual (3) Intensive study and individual research projects in a selected topic. Theoretical and methodological issues in relating social and individual levels of analysis. Recommended: 612.

SOC 750 Seminar in Social Movements (3) Study of sociology of social movements, plus independent student research. Repeatable one time. Pre: one year of graduate work in social sciences or consent.

SOC 751 Social Change in Developing Areas (3) Theories and available research methods examined for applicability to developing areas; specific examples from Asia. Repeatable once only. Pre: upper division course in research methods.

SOC 752 Seminar in Demography (3) Recent literature and materials for measurement of population change in developing countries in Asia. Determinants and consequences of policy and population change. Pre: PPST 650.

SOC 753 Urban Sociology (3) Demographic trends in urban growth: nature and dimensions of urbanization and urbanism; ancient, American, and Third World cities; ecological theories of urban growth; lifestyles.

SOC 754 Seminar in Social Stratification (3) Classical theories of social class, contemporary developments; crucial research issues, appropriate methodologies. Repeatable once only. Pre: classified graduate standing or consent. 

SOC 800 Dissertation Research (V) Research for doctoral dissertation.

For key to symbols and abbreviations, see the first page of this section.

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