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Compliance with Federal Guidelines Concerning Research



Compliance with Federal Guidelines Concerning Research

There are a number of offices and committees at the UH that play key roles in overseeing and developing policy for various aspects of the research process. Federal, state, and UH regulations require that certain proposed research projects are reviewed and approved to ensure that the proposed research complies with protective standards.

UH students who intend to conduct the following types of research should check with their respective academic offices and the committees and office below for guidance and information pertaining to their research project.

  1. Research funded by non-UH funds.
  2. Research sponsored by the UH.
  3. Research conducted by or under the direction of any employee or agent of the UH in connection with his or her institutional responsibilities.
  4. Research conducted by or under the direction of any employee or agent of this institution using any property or facility of this institution.
  5. Research involving the use of the UH’s non-public information to conduct research or identify research subjects.
  6. General information regarding standards applicable to research activities can be obtained from the Office of Research Services, Sakamaki D-200, 2530 Dole Street, Honolulu, HI 96822, (808) 956-8658.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

UH employees and students who intend to conduct research involving nonhuman, vertebrate animals are required to submit an application to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for review and approval prior to any such use of animals. Applications and information may be obtained from the Laboratory Animal Service - Compliance Office or visit the website at www.hawaii.edu/LAS. Students should check with their departments or course instructors for further guidance.

Committee on Human Studies

UH employees and students who will conduct research involving human subjects are required to submit an application to the Committee on Human Studies (CHS) for review and approval prior to the involvement of human subjects in the research project. This includes biomedical, behavioral, humanities, and social science projects whether funded or not. Applications and information may be obtained from the Committee on Human Studies at www.hawaii.edu/irb or by calling (808) 539-3955. Students also should check with their departments or course instructors for further guidance.

Environmental Health and Safety Office

Employees and students whose research projects may involve recombinant DNA, radioactive materials, SCUBA diving, or hazardous materials should contact the Environmental Health and Safety Office at 2040 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, (808) 956-8660 or visit their website at www.hawaii.edu/ehso for information and guidance. This office will also provide information regarding appropriate safety and health standards. Applications and/or information may also be obtained from the Environmental Health and Safety Office for the following committees:

Institutional Biosafety Committee
Radiation Safety Committee
Diving Control Board
Workplace Safety Committee