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Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)

School of Medicine

CMB 351 Genetics, Evolution and Society (3) The role of genetics in evolution, medicine, behavior, plant and animal breeding and technology; its impact on today’s society. Pre: One semester of biological science at college level or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 340) DB

CMB 405 Biochemistry (4) Structure of biological molecules and molecular mechanisms of biological and physiological processes. Pre: BIOL 275, BIOL 275L, and CHEM 273; or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 405) DB

CMB 411 Human Genetics (3) Principles of human genetics. Designed for pre-medical or pre-dental students or others who require a course with emphasis on human genetics. Pre: BIOL 172 and BIOL 172L, or consent. DB

CMB 499 Genetical Problems (V) Directed reading and research in genetics. Pre: 351 or 411.

CMB 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.

CMB 515 Unit V Topics in Genetics (1) First-year elective course in which medical students may take an in-depth study of genetics. Pre: first-year medical student or consent.

CMB 601 Probability and Statistics in Genetics (3) Basic concepts of probability theory and statistical inferences in genetic applications. Pre: 411 or consent.

CMB 604 Evolutionary Genetics (2) Genetic changes involved in the processes of adaptation and in species formation. Pre: 411. Recommended: population and/or quantitative genetics.

CMB 606 Introduction to Neurosciences (4) An interdisciplinary overview of the central nervous system, drawn from current knowledge and research on vertebrate and invertebrate neurobiology. Pre: consent.

CMB 611 Seminar in Biomedical Sciences (1) Presentation and discussion of research topics in biomedical science. Repeatable six times. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as REPR 611)

CMB 618 Cytogenetics (3) (2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Correlation of genetic and cytological phenomena. Pre: 411.

CMB 621 Cell Molecular Biology I (4) Molecular approaches to cell structure and function emphasizing cells in multicellular plants and animals. Pre: graduate standing, BIOC 441 or BIOL 402, MBBE 402, or PEPS 402, and BIOL 406; or consent. Recommended: CHEM 351.

CMB 622 Cell Molecular Biology II (4) Molecular approaches to cell structure and function emphasizing cells in multicellular plants and animals. Pre: one of 621, BIOC 441 or BIOL 402, MBBE 402, or PEPS 402, and BIOL 406; or consent.

CMB 625 Advanced Topics in Genetics (2) Advanced treatment of frontiers in genetics. Pre: graduate standing in genetics or consent.

CMB 626 Ethics in Biomedical Research (2) Course topics include responsible data management, recording, reporting, misconduct and scientific fraud, conflicts of interest, critical use of animals and human issues and subjects in research, genetic screening, stem cell and gene therapy and patenting.

CMB 631 Research Rotations (3) Individualized research project in three laboratories of CMB faculty with a written report on each project. Faculty laboratories will be selected by consultation with student’s graduate committee and individual faculty. Pre: 621 (or concurrent), 622 (or concurrent), or consent.

CMB 650 Population Genetics (3) Mathematical, observational, experimental results on effects of mutation, selection, and systems of mating on distribution of genes. Analysis of non-experimental populations. Pre: 601 or consent.

CMB 654 (Alpha) Genetics Seminar (1) Research and topical literature reports in genetics. May be repeated. (B) molecular genetics; (C) molecular biology of cancer; (D) human genetics; (E) cytogenetics; (F) evolutionary genetics; (G) molecular biology of the cell; (H) drosophila genetics; (I) population/statistical genetics; (J) developmental genetics; (K) insect molecular biology; (M) genetics and molecular biology of fungi. Pre: graduate standing in genetics or consent.

CMB 671 (Alpha) Techniques in Genetics (V) Laboratory training in procedures used in diagnosis of genetic diseases, cytogenetics, immunogenetics, and dermatoglyphics. Pre: graduate standing in genetics or consent.

CMB 672 Techniques in Genetics (3) Continuation of 671.

CMB 680 Molecular Genetics (3) Structure of proteins and nucleic acid to genetic fine structure, mutagenesis, transfer of genetic information, and control of development. Pre: 411 and BIOC 441 or BIOL 441; or consent.

CMB 699 Directed Research (V) Pre: graduate standing and consent.

CMB 700 Thesis Research (V) Research for master’s thesis. Pre: acceptance of thesis topic.

CMB 701 Human Polymorphisms (3) (2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Phenotypic, serum protein, isozymic, and other polymorphisms; pharmacogenetics, theory of polymorphisms; disease associations; evidence for and against selection; significance. Pre: 650 or consent.

CMB 702 Immunogenetics (3) (2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Immunological and genetic analysis of antigenic variation; cellular and soluble antigenic systems; transplantation; genetic control of immune response. Pre: 680 or consent.

CMB 705 Special Topics in Neurosciences (V) Advanced topics in neuroscience, from basic neurobiology to clinical neurology and psychiatry. Emphasis on current investigations at the cellular or molecular level. Pre: consent.

CMB 712 Quantitative Methods in Human Family Genetic Analysis (3) (2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Lecture and laboratory sessions covering probability models and statistical methods used in genetic analysis of human family data. Pre: a course in genetics and calculus, or consent.

CMB 750 Human Population Genetics (3) Comprehensive treatment of the genetics of human populations with emphasis on population structure. Pre: 650.

CMB 800 Dissertation Research (V) Pre: acceptance of dissertation topic.