Aerospace Studies (AS)The leadership laboratory is required for all courses except AS 304 and 306. Conducted within the framework of organized cadet corps with progression of experiences designed to develop leadership potential. Involves Air Force customs and courtesies, drills, and career progression. AS 100 Air Force Fitness Course (1) A military fitness program that will challenge all students to meet their maximum fitness levels through a variety of exercises and fitness tests. Open to all students. Repeatable. AS 101 Foundations of the United States Air Force (1) Study of the total force structure, strategic offensive and defensive, general purpose, and aerospace support forces of the Air Force in the contemporary world. A-F only. AS 101L Initial Military Training I (1) Laboratory consists of activities that focus and promote the Air Force way of life. Instruction will include leadership and followership development, teamwork, physical fitness training, and activities designed to build camaraderie and esprit de corps. Course is open to all majors. CR/NC only. AS 102 Foundations of the United States Air Force (1) Continuation of 101. A-F only. AS 102L Initial Military Training II (1) Laboratory consists of activities that focus and promote the Air Force way of life. Instruction will include leadership and followership development, teamwork, physical fitness training, and activities designed to build camaraderie and esprit de corps. Course is open to all majors. CR/NC only. AS 201 Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power (2) Study of Air Force heritage, Quality Air Force principles, ethics, and an introduction to leadership and group leadership problems. Application of written and verbal communication skills is included. A-F only. AS 201L Field Training Preparation I (1) Laboratory consists of preparing second-year AFROTC cadets with the skills needed to successfully complete AFROTC Field Training (courses 304 and 306). Students will learn basic military skills, Field Train-ing skills, and participate in physical fitness training. CR/NC only. Pre: consent. AS 202 Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power (2) Continuation of 201. A-F only. AS 202L Field Training Preparation II (1) Laboratory consists of preparing second-year AFROTC cadets with the skills needed to successfully complete AFROTC Field Training (courses 304 and 306). Students will learn basic military skills, Field Train-ing skills, and participate in physical fitness training. CR/NC only. Pre: consent. AS 251L Leadership Laboratory (1) Laboratory course on the basic skills of leadership and followership. Lab includes application of leadership/followership skills, various field trips to military installations, group projects, and physical training. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101, 102, 201, 202; or consent. Fall only. NI AS 304 AFROTC Four-Week Field Training (4) Four-week field experience and training at selected Air Force bases on the mainland. Required of AFROTC students for Air Force commission. Pre: 101, 102, 201, 202, enrolled in AFROTC program, and consent. AS 306 AFROTC Six-Week Field Training (6) Six-week field experience and training at selected Air Force bases on the mainland. Required of AFROTC students for Air Force commission. Pre: enrolled in AFROTC program and consent. AS 351 Air Force Leadership Studies (3) Integrated management course emphasizing the military officer as manager in Air Force milieu, including individual motivational and behavioral processes, leadership, communication and group dynamics. A-F only. AS 351L Intermediate Cadet Leader I (1) Laboratory consists of demonstration of leadership and management skills needed to successfully function as an Air Force officer. Instruction will include lessons covering planning, organizational and communication skills, and the ability to use available resources to complete an assigned task. CR/NC only. Pre: must have completed 304 and 306; or consent. AS 352 Air Force Leadership Studies (3) Continuation of 351. A-F only. AS 352L Intermediate Cadet Leader II (1) Laboratory consists of demonstration of leadership and management skills needed to successfully function as an Air Force officer. Instruction will include lessons covering planning, organizational and communi-cation skills, and the ability to use available resources to complete an assigned task. CR/NC only. Pre: must have completed 304 and 306; or consent. AS 401 National Security Affairs (3) Study of the national security process, regional studies, advanced leadership, ethics, and Air Force doctrine. Special focus placed on preparation for active duty and current issues affecting professionalism. A-F only. Pre: 352 or consent. Fall only. AS 401L Senior Cadet Leader I (1) Laboratory consists of providing prospective Air Force officers opportunities to continue to develop leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills. Instruction will include preparation for active duty. CR/NC only. Pre: must have completed 351 and 352L; or consent. AS 402 National Security Affairs (3) Continuation of 401. A-F only. Pre: 401 or consent. AS 402L Senior Cadet Leader II (1) Laboratory consists of providing prospective Air Force officers opportunities to continue to develop leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills. Instruction will include preparation for active duty. CR/NC only. Pre: must have completed 351 and 352L; or consent. |
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