Disability and Diversity Studies (DIS)DIS 691 Multicultural Issues in Disabilities (3) Provide background and understanding of various Pacific Rim cultural issues in the conceptualization and treatment of individuals with disabilities and their families. A-F only. DIS 693 Interdisciplinary Disability and Diversity Issues (3) Develop understanding of current issues faced by individuals with disabilities and their families within the disability paradigm and across cultures. A-F only. DIS 694 Interdisciplinary Team Development (3) Develop knowledge and skills to participate effectively on interdisciplinary teams for the common goal of promoting service integration and coordination of education, social, health, mental health, and other services with individuals with disabilities and their families. A-F only. DIS 695 Interdisciplinary Assessment (3) Assessment methods and techniques to instructional research-based practices and supports across disciplines, cultures and PK-12 that address barriers to learning for all students with the context of the Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS). A-F only. DIS 696 Advanced Interdisciplinary Assessment (3) Assessment methods and techniques to instructional research-based practices and supports across disciplines, cultures and PK-12 that address barriers to learning for all students with the context of the Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS). A-F only. DIS 697 Seminar on Disability Issues (3) In-depth explorations of current and compelling interdisciplinary topics related to advancing the social, political, educational, and economic integration of individuals with disabilities of all ages. A-F only. DIS 698 Portfolio/Field Work (3) Interdisciplinary community experience and portfolio in disability and diversity studies. Repeatable three times. A-F only. DIS 699 Directed Reading and/or Research (V) Directed
reading and/or research. Repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: consent. |
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