Engineering (ENGR)Preference in registration is given to declared engineering majors. Please consult the current Schedule of Courses for confirmed offerings each semester. ENGR 100 Engineering Freshman Seminar (1) Overview of the engineering field, the different disciplines, and opportunities. Success strategies for studying engineering. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. ENGR 250 Personal Development for Effective Teams (3) Exploration and application of basic leadership theories and processes which foster personal and interpersonal development via cognitive experiential classroom methods and mentoring relationships with experienced peer leaders. (Cross-listed as IS 250) ENGR 350 Career Development Seminar (1) Introduction to career development as it pertains to engineering and business industry; client relations, networking, job skills, career assessment and direction. Repeatable one time. Fall only. ENGR 401 Engineering Management (3) Introduction to engineering management with emphasis on development of skills for professional advancement. Repeatable one time. ENGR 493 Field Experience (1) Supervised internship
in engineering practice under professional and faculty direction. Repeatable
one time. CR/NC only. Pre: junior standing in engineering and consent. |
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Catalog Coordinator, Manoa Catalog Office, 2600 Campus Road, QLC 102, Honolulu, HI 96822 :: Web Design by Christine Galiza, Modified by Michelle Saoit :: |