Geography (GEOG)Sophomore standing or higher or consent is required for all 300-level courses except as noted. Junior standing or higher or consent is required for all 400-level courses except as noted. GEOG 101 The Natural Environment (3) Survey of man’s natural environment; distribution and interrelationships of climates, vegetation, soils, landforms. DP GEOG 101L The Natural Environment Lab (1) Analysis by use of maps, air photos, field and laboratory observation, and experimentation. Emphasis on Hawai‘i and on human modification of environment. Pre: 101 (or concurrent). DY GEOG 102 World Regional Geography (3) World’s major cultural regions; geographic aspects of contemporary economic, social, political conditions. FGB GEOG 151 Geography and Contemporary Society (3) Elements of economic geography and resource management, population and urban geography; application to current problems of developed and underdeveloped worlds. FGC GEOG 300 Introduction to Climatology (3) Elements and controls of climate. World patterns of insolation, temperature, evaporation, precipitation, atmospheric circulation. Climatic classifications. Pre: 101 or MET 101 or MET 200, or consent. DP GEOG 301 Atmospheric Pollution (3) Interdisciplinary approach: chemical, meteorological, health, economic, technological, control, and legal aspects; public awareness. Pre: 101, CHEM 151, or MET 101. DP GEOG 302 Environmental Geography (3) Use and abuse of natural resources and humanity’s progress toward developing a sustainable relationship with its supporting environment. A-F only. Pre: 101 or consent. (Once a year) GEOG 303 General Geomorphology (3) Introduction to geomorphological concepts, process mechanics, and relationships between forms and processes. Emphasis on various subdisciplines of geomorphology: coastal hillslopes, fluvial, aeolean, and glacial. Pre: 101 and 101L, or GG 101 and GG 101L. DP GEOG 305 Water and Society (3) Interaction of people with water at household, community, regional, national, and international scales, from cultural, political, economic, and biophysical perspectives. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. DS GEOG 309 Plants, People and Ecosystems (3) Introduction to ecosystem concept; environmental adaptations for energy and nutrient transfer; characteristics, dynamics, productivity, and distribution of principal vegetation communities. Human dominance. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. DB GEOG 312 Agriculture, Food and Society (3) Examines historical and contemporary development of the global agro-food systems. The impacts of technological, political and economic changes to food security, environment and development. Open to nonmajors. DS GEOG 321 Regional Analysis (3) Spatial dynamics and environmental implications of urban and rural development. Concepts of regions, process of regional development, patterns of spatial interaction, and theoretical bases for development strategies; emphasis on Hawai‘i. Pre: 102 or 151. DS GEOG 324 Geography of Global Tourism (3) Tourist landscape in relation to resources, spatial patterns of supply and demand, impacts of tourism development, and models of tourist space. Flows between major world regions. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as TIM 324) DS GEOG 325 World Resources and Economic Development (3) The pattern of world economic development. Agricultural resources and industries. Mineral resources, energy and metal industries. Manufacturing industries in development. The network of world trade, regional associations, and international economic aid. DS GEOG 326 Environment, Resources and Society (3) Human interaction with the environment. Changes in concept of conservation. Ecological, philosophical, and political aspects of present environmental dilemmas. Problems in Hawai‘i, U.S., and developing world. DS GEOG 328 Culture and Environment (3) Introduction to cultural geography, the cultural landscape, and built environment. Pre: 102 or 151, or consent. DS GEOG 335 Political Geography (3) Political organization of area in the nation state; geographic background of international relations. Boundaries and disputed territories, exploitation of physical resources, evolving geography of the territorial sea and zones of exclusive economic interest. DS GEOG 336 Geography of Peace and War (3) Geographical factors underlying conflict in the world. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. DS GEOG 340 Geography of North America (3) Overview of the physical and cultural geography. Regions and characters. Patterns of population, natural resources, industry, agriculture, and transportation/communication networks. Pre: 101 or 102 or 151, or consent. DS GEOG 352 Geography of Japan (3) Regional synthesis of physical and cultural features; economic, social, political geography; origins and development of cities. DS GEOG 353 Geography of China (3) Topics: environmental parameters and resource base, ecological control and resource management, institutional and technological transformation of agriculture, industrial potential and industrial location, settlement patterns and rural urban symbiosis. DS GEOG 355 Geography of South Asia (3) Introduction to physical and human geography of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Himalayan kingdoms. Environmental, economic, social, cultural, and political factors in development. DS GEOG 356 Geography of Southeast Asia (3) Southeast Asia in world economy. Human and physical resources; returns achieved by various methods of land use. National economies; problems and prospects of modernization. DS GEOG 365 Geography of the Pacific (3) Physical character of the Pacific; cultural, political, economic geography of Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia (except Hawai‘i). DS GEOG 366 Geography of Honolulu (3) Development of Honolulu and O‘ahu from 1778. Evolution of function, land use, and social patterns. Contemporary planning and environmental issues arising from urban growth. DS GEOG 368 Geography of Hawai‘i (3) Regional, physical, cultural geography. Detailed study of people and resources. DS GEOG 370 Map and Aerial Photo Interpretation (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to scale, datums, measurement and coordinate systems applied to the interpretation, analysis and use of large scale aerial photographs and topographic maps. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. GEOG 375 Introduction to Cartography and Air Photo (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of cartography: compilation and measurement from aerial photographs, alternate forms of data presentation, symbolism, design, and map projection. GEOG 380 Analytical Methods in Geography I (3) Analytical problems of and mathematical methods for describing and interpreting geographic phenomena: measurement and scaling; dimensional analysis; structural/relational models; spatial sampling and statistics; matrix methods. Pre: 101 and 151 (or concurrent). DS GEOG 385 Research Methods in Human Geography (3) Introduction to the methodologies and practice of research in human geography. Combines lectures, workshops, and assignments. Students will conduct and report upon their own research. Pre: 151. DS GEOG 387 GIS Data Visualization (3) Display techniques for statistical and terrain data. Cartographic communication models, data models, algorithms and symbol conventions. Techniques for assessing map design. Pre: 380 or SOCS 225 or ECON 321, or consent. DS GEOG 390 Tutorial in Geography (3) Concepts and methods in geographic analysis. Application to local problems through short field trips. Research on topics of special interest. Pre: senior GEOG major. GEOG 399 Directed Reading (V) Limited to senior majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in geography. GEOG 400 Vegetation and the Climate System (3) Role of vegetation in the climate system; links to hydrology and biogeochemical cycling; vegetation and climate history; evolution of terrestrial ecosystems; effects of global warming. Pre: 101 or 300 or 401 or 402 or 405 or MET 101 or MET 200 or MET 302 or MET 303 or MET 310, or consent. DP GEOG 401 Climate Change (3) Approaches to the study of past and future climate change. Pre: 101 or 300 or 401 or 402 or 405 or MET 101 or MET 200 or MET 302 or MET 303 or MET 310, or consent. DP GEOG 402 Agricultural Climatology (3) Analyzing climatic data; relation to photosynthesis, phenological development, and crop yields. Crop-weather models as guides to improved land-use planning and agronomic practices. Pre: 101 or 300 or 400 or 401 or 405 or MET 101 or MET 200 or MET 302 or MET 303 or MET 310, or consent. DP GEOG 403 Fluvial Geomorphology (3) Introduction to the single most important geomorphic agent shaping the terrestrial environment. Focus on fluvial process, fluvial dynamics, fluvial landforms, and sediment transport. Pre: 101/101L or 303 or GG 101/101L. DP GEOG 405 Water in the Environment (3) Water fluxes in the environment. Occurrence and movement of water; methods of quantification. Water balance of soil-plant system: precipitation, interception, infiltration, runoff, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge. Pre: 101 or 300 or 400 or 401 or 402 or MET 101 or MET 200 or MET 302 or MET 303 or MET 310, or consent. DP GEOG 409 Cultural Biogeography (3) Coevolution of human societies and plants over the last 10,000 years. Foraging, farming and urban societies economies; spread and modification of selected plants; issues of preservation of genetic resources and traditional plant knowledge. The form and function of gardens. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 409) DS GEOG 410 Human Role in Environmental Change (3) Human impacts through time on vegetation, animals, landforms, soils, climate, and atmosphere. Special reference to Asian/Pacific region. Implications of long-term environmental change for human habitability. Pre: one of 101, BIOL 101, BIOL 123 and either 326 or BIOL 310; or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 410) DB GEOG 411 Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (3) Past, present, and potential future effects of global environmental change upon humanity; anthropogenic causes and catalysts; past, current, and potential human responses and policy options. Pre: 101 or consent. DS GEOG 412 Environmental Assessment (3) Survey of environmental issues in the U.S. and management responses focusing on implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act. Pre: 101 or consent. (Alt. years) GEOG 420 Hazardous Materials (3) Introduction to state and federal environmental regulations relative to hazardous substances. Analysis of specific health and environmental impacts of hazardous waste. Pre: CHEM 151 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 420 and NURS 430) DB GEOG 421 Urban Geography (3) Origins, functions, and internal structure of cities. Problems of urban settlement, growth, decay, adaptation, and planning in different cultural and historical settings. Dynamics of urban land use and role of policies and perceptions in shaping towns and cities. Pre: 102 or 151 or 328, or consent. DS GEOG 425 The Geography of Film (3) Landscapes of film. How movies work by conveying a sense of space and a sense of place. Genres and landscapes. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. DH GEOG 435 Political Geography of Oceans (3) The oceans’ evolution and relation to problems of economic development, resources, seapower, shipping, trade. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. DS GEOG 453 Geography of China’s Modernization (3) Applies geographic principles and approaches to explore the rapid transformation of the spatial structure of recent socio-economic development in China. Special emphasis given to resource management and environmental quality, which are important factors in sustainable development. Course is designed to explore China’s role in the world economy of the 21st century and to meet the needs of students majoring in business administration, international trade, economics, political science and Asian studies. Pre: 102 or consent. DS GEOG 455 Resource Management (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Hands-on development of analytical models for application to problems of water resource, coastal fisheries, agroforestry, and/or land management. Focus on problems facing Hawai‘i and the Pacific. Pre: junior standing or higher. DS GEOG 468 (Alpha) Topics in Hawaiian Geography (3) Selected topics in the geography of Hawai‘i. Repeatable. Pre: 368. DS GEOG 470 Remote Sensing (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Air photo interpretation, application in natural and social science research, electromagnetic spectrum, exotic sensors, satellite imagery interpretation. Research project, lab. Pre: 370 or 375, or consent. DS GEOG 472 Field Mapping (3) Techniques for field measurement and recording of cultural and physical data. Field sketching, Brunton surveying, plane table mapping, oblique photo compilation, topographic mapping, and representation of field data. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. DS GEOG 475 Cartographic Illustration (3) (3 2-hr Lab) Tools and methods for preparation of cartographic materials for illustration and publication; drafting and reproduction. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. GEOG 476 Advanced Cartography (3) (3 2-hr Lab) Special topics: computer mapping, relief representation, map reproduction methods, use of color, analytic map interpretation, experimental cartography. Pre: consent. GEOG 488 Geographic Information Systems (3) Design, implementation, and use. Database construction and documentation. Techniques for spatial data manipulation and display. Evaluation of existing systems. Student research projects. Pre: 370 or 375, or consent. DS GEOG 490 Senior Thesis (3) Preparation of research paper under individual faculty supervision. Recommended for admission to graduate program. Pre: 390. GEOG 491 Teaching Geography (6) For geography majors who lead, under supervision, a freshman seminar section of geography. Pre: senior standing and consent. GEOG 492 Practicum in Geography (V) Internship in applied geography under professional and faculty supervision. Field placement integrated with academic study. Repeatable up to six credit hours maximum. Pre: senior major and consent. GEOG 600 Seminar in Climatology (3) Methods of determining energy budget and water balance; applications in agriculture, hydrology, climatic classifications. Theory of climatic change. Bibliography. Pre: 300 or 400 or 401 or 402 or 405 or MET 303 or MET 310 or MET 320; or consent. GEOG 618 Human Environment Systems (3) Role and potential of systems science in analysis of human environment interaction, especially resource management. Framework and methodology for problem structuring; overview of techniques. Pre: graduate standing or advanced undergraduate standing with consent. GEOG 621 Coastal Planning and Management (3) Theories and practice of coastal planning and management in the U.S. and abroad. Case studies of various aspects of coastal planning will be used to investigate topics such as coastal land conservation, marine protected areas, coastal hazards and coastal aquaculture. GEOG 622 Environmental Impact Assessment (3) Theory and practice of environmental impact assessment. Policy and planning frameworks supporting environmental assessment in the U.S. and abroad. Cumulative environmental effects and strategic environmental assessment. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as PLAN 622) DS GEOG 628 (Alpha) Resource Systems (3) Resource development and use in a time perspective. Ecological and socioeconomic impacts, concepts, definitions, and methodology. (B) renewable; (C) nonrenewable. Pre: consent. GEOG 631 Urban and Regional Planning in Asia (3) Key issues and policies in urban planning, rural-urban relations, rural regional planning, and frontier settlement in Asia and the Pacific. Repeatable one time. Pre: PLAN 600 or consent. (Cross-listed as PLAN 630) GEOG 633 Globalization and Urban Policy (3) Urbanization and urban policies in the Asia and Pacific region with focus on the international dimension of national and local spatial restructuring. Pre: 630 or PLAN 603, or consent. (Cross-listed as PLAN 633) GEOG 636 Resource Systems Optimization (3) Optimization under constraints, using linear, integer, and multi-objective programming. Applications to geography, planning, and resource management for problem solving, research, and theory development. Pre: one of MATH 215, MATH 241, MATH 251A, or consent. (Cross-listed as AREC 610 and BE 638) GEOG 637 Environment and Development (3) Theories and practice of development; how changing development paradigms shape different ideas concerning the environment and the management of natural resources; emerging debates in development and environment in post-modern era. (Cross-listed as PLAN 637) GEOG 638 China’s Economic and Regional Development (3) A review of contemporary China’s economic and regional development, examining the changing plans, policies and performances in the Socialist Development and Market Transition eras, and the implications on spatial patterns. Pre: 353 or PLAN 630; or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 638 and PLAN 638) GEOG 639 Community-based Natural Resource Management (3) Concepts and theories of community, resource access, and governance. Practical challenges to Asia Pacific CBNRM in contemporary political economy. Pre: PLAN 630 or consent. GEOG 651 Seminar in Geography of China (3) Repeatable with consent of instructor. Pre: consent. GEOG 652 Contemporary Japan Seminar (3) Selected physical and human features that represent economic, social, and political life of modern Japan. Repeatable with consent of instructor. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 652) GEOG 653 Seminar in Geography of South Asia (3) Repeatable with consent of instructor. Pre: consent. GEOG 654 Seminar in Geography of Southeast Asia (3) Repeatable with consent of instructor. Pre: consent. GEOG 665 Seminar in Geography of the Pacific (3) Investigation of geographic problems of Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia. Repeatable with consent of instructor. Pre: consent. GEOG 680 Geospatial Analysis of Natural Resource Data (3) The application of geostatistics to estimate spatial dependence to improve soil and regional sampling; provide insight into underlying soil, geographic, and geologic process, and to provide quantitative scaling up of point measurements to fields, regions, and watersheds. State-space modeling also will be included. A-F only. Pre: 488 or ZOOL 631; or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 680) GEOG 692 Faculty Seminar Series (1) Graduate seminar required of all MA students and recommended for PhD students. Single credit course in which faculty present ongoing research in their fields. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 695. GEOG 693 Technology and Natural Risks Methods of Analysis (3) Survey of tools for evaluating risks to human health from technological and natural hazards. Historical and international context of methods. Pre: 455 or consent. GEOG 695 Concepts and Theories in Geography (3) Concepts, theory, models. Geographic approaches to spatial and environmental problems. Required of entering graduate students unless waived by department. Pre: consent. GEOG 696 Research Design/Methods in Geography (3) Elements of research design, practical field experience, exposure to research and ideologies, broad exposure to heritage and ethos of the discipline. Pre: 695. GEOG 699 Directed Research (V) CR/NC only. Pre: consent. GEOG 700 Thesis Research (V) GEOG 703 Geomorphology (3) Current understanding of geomorphological concepts, processes, and the dynamic relationship between human landscape modification and system response. Pre: consent. GEOG 710 (Alpha) Special Topics (V) Study and discussion of significant topics, problems. (H) Multi-objective decision analysis. Repeatable two times. Pre: 455 or 636, or consent. GEOG 728 Seminar: Resource Management in Asia-Pacific (3) Examination of resource management problems in Asia and the Pacific. Problems of resource use—agriculture, forestry, energy, minerals, ocean, air quality. Pre: graduate status. GEOG 750 Research Seminar: Biogeography (3) GEOG 752 Research Seminar: Resource Management (3) GEOG 756 Research Seminar: Aspects of Development (3) GEOG 757 Research Seminar: Cultural Geography (3) GEOG 758 Research Seminar: Conservation (3) GEOG 761 Research Seminar: Cartography (3) GEOG 762 Research Seminar: Remote Sensing (3) GEOG 763 Research Seminar: Agricultural Geography (3) GEOG 764 Research Seminar: Social Geography (3) GEOG 766 Society and Space (3) Advanced seminar on social production of space. Topics include spatial metaphor in social theory; western spatiality from the renaissance through the enlightenment, modernity and post modernity; and geography of the body, home, landscape, and nation. Pre: graduate standing or consent. GEOG 800 Dissertation Research (V) |
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