Indonesian (IND)College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature IND 101 Elementary Indonesian (4) Emphasis on the development of communicative competence in both oral and written language. HSL IND 102 Elementary Indonesian (4) Continuation of 101. Pre: 101. HSL IND 103 Beginning Indonesian I (3) Introduction into the Malay-Indonesian language for the purpose of communication, travel, further study, and enjoyment. Fall only. HSL IND 104 Beginning Indonesian II (3) Introduction into the Malay-Indonesian language for the purpose of communication, travel, further study, and enjoyment. Spring only. Pre: 103. HSL IND 112 Intensive Elementary Indonesian (10) HSL IND 201 Intermediate Indonesian (4) Continuation of 102 or 104. Pre: 102 or equivalent. NI HSL IND 202 Intermediate Indonesian (4) Continuation of 201. Pre: 201. NI HSL IND 203 Intermediate Indonesian I (3) Intermediate Indonesian language study for the purpose of communication, travel, further study, and enjoyment. Pre: 102 or 104 or equivalent language skills in Indonesian or Malay, or consent. Fall only. NI HSL IND 204 Intermediate Indonesian 2 (3) Intermediate Indonesian language study for the purpose of communication, travel, further study, and enjoyment. Pre: 201 or 203 or equivalent language skills in Indonesian or Malay. Spring only. NI HSL IND 212 Intensive Intermediate Indonesian (10) NI HSL IND 301 Third-Level Indonesian (3) Continuation of 202. Conducted in Indonesian. Meets three hours a week. Reading, discussion, composition, and projects. Pre: 202 or consent. IND 302 Third-Level Indonesian (3) Continuation of 301. Pre: 301. IND 303 Accelerated Third-Level Indonesian (6) Pre: 202. IND 305 Third Level Indonesian (2) Online course consists of modular, thematic, proficiency-based units exploring the language of the contemporary Indonesian media with an emphasis on reading, writing, and listening comprehension. Not open to students who have taken IND 301. Pre: 202, 204, or consent. IND 306 Third Level Indonesian (2) Online course consists of modular, thematic, proficiency-based units exploring colloquial and formal Indonesian with a strong emphasis on listening and writing comprehension. Not open to students who have taken 302. Pre: 301 or 305 (or equivalent), or consent. Spring only. IND 307 Third Level Indonesian Conversation (2) Topic-based course aimed to enhance student’s listening and speaking skills in the Indonesian language. Not open to students who have taken 301. Pre: 202, 204, or consent. Co-requisite: 305. Fall only. IND 308 Third Level Indonesian Conversation (2) Topic-based course aimed at enhancing students’ listening and speaking skills in the Indonesian language. Not open to students who have taken 302. Pre: 301 or 307, or consent. Co-requisite: 306. Spring only. IND 401 Fourth-Level Indonesian (3) Continuation of 302. Conducted in Indonesian. Meets three hours a week. Readings in various materials; speaking in various settings. Pre: 302 or 308, or consent. IND 402 Fourth-Level Indonesian (3) Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or 405. IND 405 Fourth Level Indonesian (2) Online course consists of modular, thematic, proficiency-based units exploring the language of the contemporary Indonesian media with an emphasis on reading, writing, and listening comprehension. Pre: 302, 306, or consent. Fall only. IND 407 Fourth Level Indonesian Conversation (1) Topic-based course aimed to enhance students’ listening and speaking skills in the Indonesian language. Pre: 302, 306, or consent. Co-requisite: 405. Fall only. IND 452 Structure of Indonesian (3) Introduction to grammar; some sociolinguistic background. Pre: 302 or equivalent, or consent. DH IND 454 History of Indonesian (3) Social and linguistic development of Indonesian from roots in earlier Malay to contemporary form and function. Pre: 202 and 452, or consent. DH IND 461 Modern Indonesian Literature (3) Selected readings,
1900 to present. Discussion and composition. Pre: 402 or consent. DL |
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