Journalism (JOUR)JOUR 150 The Press and Society (3) Communications media in theory and practice. Development, role, influence; rights, responsibilities, problems, issues, and trends. DS JOUR 301 Fundamentals of Journalism (6) Theory and extensive practice in reporting, writing and editing news stories across multiple media platforms. Fall only. JOUR 302 Journalism Tools and Platforms (6) Tools for contemporary newsgathering and technologies for presentation across multiple media platforms. Pre: 301 or departmental approval. JOUR 307 Photojournalism (3) Production, selection, and use of digital photographs for publications. Storytelling action and feature photography with digital cameras, worked up through Adobe Photoshop and InDesign programs. Students must have a digital camera/ Mac OSX advised. A-F only. JOUR 316 Advanced Editing (3) Intensive training in editing, planning, and organizing stories and visual elements for publication; news judgment; managing projects. Pre: consent. JOUR 325 Magazine Writing (3) Writing nonfiction articles for magazines, newspapers, and newsletters; preparing material for specific audience; marketing articles. JOUR 327 Interpretive Journalism (3) Writing articles of news analysis, editorials, and critical reviews. Pre: consent. JOUR 360 Journalism History and Trends (3) Development of the news media and trends that may affect the future of journalism. Pre: upper division standing. DS JOUR 365 Media and the Law (3) Function of American legal system as it relates to news media. Libel, copyright, freedom of information, free press vs. fair trial, regulation of broadcasting. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 451) DS JOUR 385 Practicum (1) Working on campus student or quasi-professional publications under professional and faculty supervision. CR/NC only. Repeatable up to three credits. Pre: consent. JOUR 390 (Alpha) Journalism/Communications Workshops (V) Short-term intensive workshops in journalism and mass communication skills and projects. (B) workshop in new media; (C) workshop in reporting; (D) workshop in editing; (E) workshop in broadcast journalism; (F) workshop in public relations. Repeatable one time. Pre: COM 201 or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 390) JOUR 401 Journalism Projects/Production (6) Intense problem-based application of skills and knowledge to production of a major journalism project across multiple media platforms. Pre: 302 or departmental approval. Fall only. JOUR 402 Intellectual Foundations (6) Intellectual, historical, social and cultural contexts of contemporary journalism. Pre: 302 or departmental approval. JOUR 407 Advanced Photojournalism (3) Computer experience in the creation, manipulation, and editing of color news, feature, sports, and documentary images. Study of the ethical and legal dimensions of electronic imaging. Pre: 307 or consent. JOUR 425 Publication Layout and Design (3) Visual display concepts and procedures for newsletters, brochures, newspapers, magazines. Pre: upper division standing. JOUR 460 Media Ethics (3) Ethics and social responsibility for media professionals. Application of ethical theories and principles to case studies and research projects. A-F only. Pre: any 300-level course in ACM, COM or JOUR and junior standing; or consent. (Cross-listed as ACM 460 and COM 460) JOUR 475 Global Communication (3) Problems and opportunities of communication in a variety of international contexts. Focus on commerce, diplomacy, and mass communication. Pre: COM 201 or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 475) DS JOUR 485 Fieldwork (3) Internship in media or PR operations under professional and faculty supervision. CR/NC only. Pre: 302 and consent. JOUR 499 Directed Research (V) Individual research projects.
Pre: senior standing and consent of department chair. |
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