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Peace Studies (PACE)

College of Social Sciences

PACE 247 Survey of Conflict Management (3) Survey of contemporary conflict management and resolution: negotiation, mediation, conciliation, ombuds, fact-finding, facilitation techniques, arbitration, and litigation. Pre: any social science 100- or 200-level course or consent. NI DH

PACE 310 Survey Peace and Conflict Studies (3) Survey of basic concepts, relationships, methods, and debates in modern peace research and conflict resolution studies. Pre: any social science 100- or 200-level course or consent. DS

PACE 315 Personal Peace: Stories of Hope (3) Interviewing, writing, and publishing stories of those who have overcome great difficulties to find personal peace. Pre: grade of B or better in ENG 100 or consent. DH

PACE 340 Negotiation (3) Negotiation theory, negotiation skills and application of negotiation in conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict resolution. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent. DH

PACE 345 Aggression, War, and Peace (3) Biocultural, evolutionary, and cross-cultural perspectives on the conditions, patterns, and processes of violence, war, nonviolence, and peace. Pre: ANTH 152. (Cross-listed as ANTH 345) DS

PACE 373 Nonviolent Political Alternatives (3) Exploration of scientific and cultural resources for nonviolent alternatives in politics. Pre: Any 100- or 200-level POLS course; or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 396) DS

PACE 399 Directed Reading (V) Directed reading in peace and conflict resolution. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.

PACE 410 History of Peace Movements (3) Examination of two centuries of United States, European, Australian, and Hawaiian peace, thought, and action. Also surveys early Christian and secular attitudes to war. Open to nonmajors. Pre: any DS course, or consent. DH

PACE 412 Gandhi, King, and Nonviolence (3) Life and thought of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent. DH

PACE 447 Mediation Skills: UH Basic (3) Basic mediation skills training course. Completion of course requirements qualifies student to be listed as a mediator for university disputes, as co-mediator or on mediation panel. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent.

PACE 477 Culture and Conflict Resolution (3) Conflict resolution techniques for major world culture. Emphasis on cultures of the Pacific Basin, Pacific Islands, and Asia. Pre: any DS course, or consent. DS

PACE 478 International Law and Disputes (3) Management, prevention, resolution of international disputes and the role of international law. Pre: any Social Science 100 or 200 level course, or consent. DS

PACE 485 Topics in Peace and Conflict Resolution (3) Recent issues, practices in peace and conflict resolution. Repeatable one time. Pre: any DS course, or consent. DS

PACE 495 Practicum and Internship (3) The practicum and internship in Peace and Conflict Resolution provides an opportunity for students to apply the skills and concepts learned in earlier courses. Pre: any two other PACE courses or consent.

PACE 647 Mediation: Theory and Practice (3) Combined lecture, discussion, and mediation simulations. Theory of ADR field. Theory of major different models of mediation, both in the U.S. and internationally. Application of mediation process to categories of disputes, family, workplace, and international. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval. (Once a year)

PACE 650 Dispute Resolution System Design (3) Conflict prevention, management and resolution in the workplace. Design and implementation of effective systems integrating ADR and recent advances in dispute resolution methodology to government, health, nonprofit, educational, private sector and other institutions. Pre: 447 or 652 or MGT 660 or PLAN 627, or consent.

PACE 652 Conflict Management for Educators (3) Conflict resolution theory and practice for administrators, faculty and staff in educational organizations. K-12, community colleges and universities. Application and theory of negotiation, mediation, facilitation and hybrid ADR processes. Pre: EDEA 601 or EDEA 650, or consent.

PACE 668 Facilitation: Facilitating Community and Organizational Change (3) Advanced conflict resolution course. Covers key issues in the prevention, management and resolution of multiparty conflicts. Combined lecture, discussion, and simulations. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing, or departmental approval. (Once a year)

PACE 690 Topics: Conflict Theory (V) Recent issues of policy and practice in peace and conflict management theory. Repeatable up to 12 credits. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PACE 695 Conflict Resolution Practicum (3) Practice in conflict resolution skills. Open to candidates for Certificate in Conflict Resolution. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 447, LAW 508, MGT 660, PLAN 627, POLS 633, PUBA 661, or SOC 715.

PACE 699 Directed Reading and Research (V) Repeatable up to 9 credits. A-F only. Pre: departmental approval or consent.