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Pacific Islands Studies (PACS)

School of Pacific and Asian Studies

PACS 108 Pacific Worlds: An Introduction to Pacific Islands Studies (3) Team-taught combined lecture/discussion introduces students to the histories, cultures, arts and politics of Oceania using Western and Indigenous world views and ways of knowing. Students work on projects in small Waka (canoe) groups. A-F only. DS

PACS 371 Literature of the Pacific (3) Basic concepts and representative texts for the study of the literature of the Pacific, including Pacific voyagers and contemporary writings in English by Pacific Islanders. Pre: two ENG DL courses; second may be taken concurrently; or consent. (Cross-listed as ENG 371) DL

PACS 399 Directed Research (V) Repeatable three times.

PACS 462 Drama and Theatre of Oceania (3) Survey of the contemporary drama and theatre of Oceania that combines island and Western traditions. Includes Papua New Guinea, Hawai‘i, Fiji, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand. Pre: ANTH 350 or THEA 101, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 462) DH

PACS 491 The Contemporary Pacific (3) Examination of critical issues in the contemporary Pacific. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DS

PACS 492 Topics in Pacific Islands Studies (3) Repeatable two times. Pre: 491. DS

PACS 494 Culture and Consumption in Oceania (3) Lecture on changing patterns of consumption in Oceania, and the historical, political, cultural, artistic, and economic forces shaping such practices. Pre: upper division standing, or consent.

PACS 495 Encountering Tourism in Asian-Pacific Societies (3) A critical examination of a wide spectrum of issues relating to the evolution and current impact of tourism on contemporary Asian and Pacific Islands societies. Topics include colonial antecedents, social impacts, cultural and environmental concerns, case studies (including Hawai‘i). Pre: ASAN 201 or ASAN 202, or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 495) DS

PACS 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.

PACS 601 Learning Oceania (3) Graduate seminar. Introduction to the nature and origins of Pacific Studies as an organized field of study. Epistemological, conceptual, political and ethical issues facing students of the region today. Co-requisite: 602.

PACS 602 Re/Presenting Oceania: Pacific and American Perspectives (3) Graduate seminar. Critical analysis of the way physical, social and cultural aspects of Oceania have been represented in scholarly and popular media. Co-requisite: 601.

PACS 603 Researching Oceania: Creative and Conventional Methods of Inquiry (3) Graduate seminar. Literacy, theory and method in the creation of a Master’s research project. Pre: 601 and 602.

PACS 640 Women in Oceania (3) Will look at feminist theory, ethnography, culture, activism and globalization in the context of writing, research and film on or by Women in Oceania. Pre: consent.

PACS 690 Graduate Seminar: Change in the Pacific (3) Interrelationship of change in selected Pacific Islands regions, institutions, and processes. Repeatable. Pre: consent.

PACS 695 Master’s Portfolio Project (V) Independent study for students working on MA portfolio projects. A grade of satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing in PACS.

PACS 699 Directed Reading and Research (V)

PACS 700 Thesis Research (V)