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Public Administration (PUBA)

College of Social Sciences

PUBA 399 Directed Reading and Research in Public Administration (V) Independent research and reading on topics in public administration, public service, and community development. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

PUBA 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.

PUBA 600 Political and Economic System Processes (7) Organized in a series of integrated, cross-disciplinary modules, the course addresses issues people in public service are likely to face. Modules include effective written and oral communication, group processes, political and economic perspectives on public institutions, the use of information resources relevant to public work, critical thinking, legislative process, and the issues of Hawaiian people. A-F only. Fall only.

PUBA 601 Policy and Organizational Processes (7) Organized in a series of integrated modules, the course addresses issues people in public service are likely to face. Modules include frameworks for understanding and improving organizations, administrative law and issues of discretion, budget processes, research and analysis relevant to public work, public service ethics, and concern for future generations. A-F only. Pre: 600. Spring only.

PUBA 612 Applied Certificate Seminar (1) Develop and coordinate learning experience for public administrators using skills and tools acquired in 600 and 601. Graduate certificate students only. Pre: 600 and 601.

PUBA 620 Reforming Public Organizations (3) Looks at the challenges and opportunities for changing public organizations so that they may be more successful in meeting their public responsibilities and better places for people to work. The course focus is on the creation of positive images of organization and effective change strategies. A-F only. Fall only. (Cross-listed as CEE 620)

PUBA 621 Public Organizations in a Political World (3) Seminar on the role of public managers in shaping public opinion and public policy. Using evidence from theory and practice presents students with tools for understanding management roles within a political context. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)

PUBA 622 Strategies of Change: Leaders and Leadership (3) Explores the key elements of leadership in public settings by examining what leaders actually do, looking at popular media portrayals of leadership, and talking together with guests about the challenges of leadership, effective followership, and positive change. A-F only. Spring only.

PUBA 623 Organizational Communication (3) Communication theory/research applied to formal organizations; assessments of strengths and weaknesses of organizational communications systems. Pre: consent.

PUBA 630 Nonprofit Management (3) Fundamental aspects of managing a nonprofit organization: overview of the nonprofit sector; mission and scope of nonprofit organizations; organizational structures and functions; resource and volunteer development; major management issues. A-F only Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PUBA 640 International Perspectives on Public Administration (3) Key dimensions of public administration systems on a global scale; historic and contemporary forces shaping national systems; the dimensions that distinguish them, the opportunities and constraints for comparison and the transfer of knowledge and experience. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or departmental approval. (Once a year)

PUBA 660 (Alpha) Topics in Public Issues (3) In-depth analysis of significant contemporary issues related to public service work in Hawai‘i and the Asia-Pacific region: (B) public policy theory and analysis; (C) public budgeting. Repeatable one time per alpha.

PUBA 662 Applied Policy Analysis (3) Explores significant contemporary policy issues relating to public administration practice. Develops analytic techniques and models of public policy-making processes, and looks at how social forces and political and economic pressures influence policy orientations. Pre: graduate standing and consent.

PUBA 663 Law, Economics, and Public Administration (3) Uses economic thinking to explore U.S. law and the legal system with special application to public institutions. Topics include: underlying rationale of law; elements of property, contract, and tort law; evolution of administrative law, and economic efficiency of the common law system. Course explores economic forces that help shape the law, the effects of legal rules on economic behavior, and the implied role of public institutions. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Fall only.

PUBA 667 Special Topics (3) Topics of current interest in the field of public service and public administration, taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable for different topics up to six credit hours. A-F only. Pre: consent.

PUBA 690 Practicum (3) Placement in public, private, and nonprofit organizations to observe and analyze organizational functions and processes while undertaking projects of use to the host agency. Repeatable one time. Pre: 601.

PUBA 699 Directed Reading (V)

PUBA 700 Thesis Research (V)

PUBA 709 Capstone Planning Seminar (1) Develops topics, methods, objectives, and resources to guide work of capstone seminar. Pre: 601.

PUBA 710 Capstone Seminar (3) Culminates public administration core courses by incorporating theoretical, analytical, and practicum observations into examination of public issues of importance to Hawai‘i and the region. Pre: 709.