Thai (THAI)College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature THAI 101 Beginning Thai I (4) Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Structural points introduced inductively. Meets one hour daily, Monday–Friday; four out of five hours devoted to directed drill and practice; daily lab work. HSL THAI 102 Beginning Thai II (4) Continuation of 101. Pre: 101 or consent. HSL THAI 107 Reading and Writing Thai Script (3) Focus on Thai script reading and writing skills. For students with some aural and spoken skills in Standard Thai equivalent to those completing THAI 102 or higher, but cannot read or write in Thai script. Lab work. Pre: consent. HSL THAI 112 Intensive Elementary Thai (10) HSL THAI 201 Intermediate Thai I (4) Continuation of 102. Integrated development of skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Thai script. Meets 5 hours a week, lab work. Pre: 102 or consent. NI HSL THAI 202 Intermediate Thai II (4) Continuation of 201. Pre: 201 or consent. NI HSL THAI 212 Intensive Intermediate Thai (10) NI HSL THAI 301 Third-Level Thai (3) Continuation of 202. Advanced conversation and reading, emphasis on modern written texts. Lab work. Pre: 202 or equivalent or consent. THAI 302 Third-Level Thai (3) Continuation of 301. Pre: 301 or equivalent. THAI 303 Accelerated Third-Level Thai (6) Continuation of 202. Meets six hours a week. Advanced conversation and reading; emphasis on modern written texts. Lab work. Pre: 202 or equivalent. THAI 401 Fourth-Level Thai (3) Continuation of 302/303. Advanced conversation and reading of specialized, scholarly texts. Pre: 302 or 303 or equivalent. THAI 402 Fourth-Level Thai (3) Continuation of 401. Pre: 401. THAI 404 Accelerated Fourth-Level Thai (6) Continuation of 303. Meets six hours a week. Advanced conversation and reading of specialized, scholarly texts. Pre: 303. THAI 415 Thai Language in the Media (3) Development of reading and aural comprehension of authentic Thai language used in print and broadcast media through reading Thai newspapers, viewing and listening to Thai television and radio programs. Oral and written reports. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 or 403 or equivalent. THAI 451 Structure of Thai (3) Standard language and regional and social variants. Pre: LING 320 and one Southeast Asian language. DH THAI 452 Structure of Thai (3) Continuation of 451. DH THAI 461 (Alpha) Readings in Thai Contemporary Prose Literature: the Short Story (3) Selected readings in Thai short stories from early 1930s to present. Oral and written reviews (B) 1930-1969; (C) 1970-present. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 402 or consent. DL THAI 462 (Alpha) Readings in Thai Contemporary Prose Literature:
the Novel (3) Selected readings in Thai novels from early 1930s
to present. Oral and written reviews. (B) 1930-1969; (C) 1970-present.
Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 402, 461(B) or 461(C), or consent.
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