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Tropical Medicine and Medical Microbiology (TRMD)

School of Medicine

TRMD 499 Reading and Research (V) Directed reading and research in laboratory; diagnostic aspects of bacterial, parasitic, and viral infections. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

TRMD 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.

TRMD 512 Unit II Concurrent Elective (1) Elective for first-year medical students. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent. Fall only.

TRMD 513 Unit III Concurrent Elective (1) Elective for first-year medical students. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent.

TRMD 514 Unit IV Concurrent Elective (1) Elective for second-year medical students. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent.

TRMD 515 Unit V Concurrent Elective (1) Elective for second-year medical students. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent.

TRMD 525 Unit V Block Elective (1) Required elective for second-year medical students; objectives to be determined by contract. One option is a review of USMLE step. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551.

TRMD 545 Topics in Tropical Medicine (V) Elective for fourth-year medical students for advanced study of selected topics within the field of tropical medicine and medical microbiology. Pre: fourth-year standing.

TRMD 595 (Alpha) Selected Topics in Infectious Diseases (1) Elective for medical students; (B) infectious diseases; (C) parasitology; (D) epidemiology; (E) immunology. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. Fall only.

TRMD 599 (Alpha) Selected Research Topics in Infectious Diseases (1) Research elective for medical students; (B) infectious diseases; (C) parasitology; (D) epidemiology; (E) immunology. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. Fall only.

TRMD 604 Infectious Disease Micro I (3) Pathogenesis, epidemiology, immunobiology of infectious diseases caused by bacterial and fungal pathogens; principles of host-pathogen interactions; public health aspects of infectious diseases. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: MICR 351 or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 665)

TRMD 605 Infectious Disease Micro II (3) Pathogenesis, epidemiology, immunobiology of infectious diseases caused by viruses and parasites; principles of host-pathogen interactions; public health aspects of infectious diseases. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 604 and MICR 351, or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 667)

TRMD 606 Tropical Medicine Laboratory Rotations (V) Practical experience in use of equipment and procedures in infectious disease and immunology research; introduction to research in tropical medicine. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 604 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 668)

TRMD 607 Neurovirology (1) Seminar on neuroinvasive viruses giving basics of viruses causing nervous system diseases and discussing recent advances in the research field of neurovirology. Pre: MICR 351 or equivalent; or consent. Fall only.

TRMD 609 Advances In Medical Immunology (3) Presentations/discussions of current literature concerning recent advances in immunology relevant to disease and to disease processes. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring)

TRMD 650 Advanced Epidemiological Ecology of Infectious Diseases (2) Applications of population biology, pathogen/host life history, and population genetics to infectious disease epidemiology, including micro- and macroparasites, and implications to disease control and prevention of strategies. A-F only. Pre: 604 (or concurrent) and 605 (or concurrent), or consent. (Alt. years: spring)

TRMD 652 Advanced Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (2) An evolutionary perspective to examine the interactive responses between infectious agents and the immune system. Topics will include natural selection, life history evolution, population genetics of pathogens and hosts, and anti-microbial resistance. A-F only. Pre: 604 (or concurrent) and 605 (or concurrent), or consent. (Alt. years: spring)

TRMD 653 Bioinformatics for Infectious Diseases (1) Combined lecture/computer lab on bioinformatic tools used in genomics, including sequence assembly, search algorithms, alignment, phylogenetics, and molecular evolution/epidemiology. Focus will be on infectious disease examples. Open to nonmajors. A-F only. Pre: 604 (or concurrent) and 605 (or concurrent) or consent. Fall only.

TRMD 671 Advanced Medical Parasitology (2) Consideration of ultrastructure, physiology, biochemistry, in-vitro cultivation and host-parasite relationship of parasites of medical importance. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: fall)

TRMD 672 Advanced Medical Virology (2) In-depth study of the major groups of viruses pathogenic for human; virus replication, host range, pathogenesis, immunology, and epidemiology. Pre: 605 or equivalent, or consent. (Alt. years: fall)

TRMD 673 Advanced Medical Bacteriology (2) Role of bacteria in infectious diseases, with emphasis on clinical aspects and identification of etiological agents. Pre: 605 or equivalent, or consent.

TRMD 690 Seminar in Tropical Medicine and Public Health (1) Weekly discussion and reports on current advances in tropical medicine and public health. (Cross-listed as PH 755)

TRMD 695 Plan B Master’s Project (3) Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. Pre: graduate standing in TRMD.

TRMD 699 Directed Research (V) Directed research in medical microbiology (bacteriology, parasitology, virology). Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

TRMD 700 Thesis Research (V) Research for master’s thesis. Approval of department faculty required. Repeatable unlimited times.

TRMD 705 Special Topics in Tropical Medicine (1) Advanced instruction in frontiers of tropical medicine and public health. Repeatable three times. (Cross-listed as PH 756)

TRMD 800 Dissertation Research (V) Research for doctoral thesis. Approval of department faculty is required. Repeatable unlimited times.