Degree, Minors
and Certificates Offered
General Information
Accreditations and
Certificate Programs
Marine Option Program
Undergraduate Programs
Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences
UH Manoa General Education
Core Requirements
UH Manoa Graduation Requirements
A&S College Requirements
A&S Degree Requirements
A&S Major Requirements
Second or Multiple
Majors and Minors
Second Baccalaureate
and Awards
and Research Facilities
Center for Biographical
Language Learning
Manoa Writing
Second Language
Teaching and Curriculum Center
Foreign Language Resource Center
Colleges of Arts and Sciences
Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees from the Colleges of Arts and
A&S students must fulfill the following five requirement areas: UH
Manoa General Education Core, UH Manoa Graduation, A&S
College, A&S Degree, and A&S Major.
1. UH Manoa General Education Core Requirements
A&S students must fulfill the UH Manoa General Education Core,
which consists of Foundations and Diversification requirements. Some of
the courses that fulfill these Core requirements may be double dipped
with other requirements (see “General Education”).
The minimum course grade to fulfill Core requirements is a D (not D-).
These requirements must be taken for a letter grade, unless the course
is offered only with the CR/NC grade option.
2. UH Manoa Graduation Requirements
A&S students must fulfill the UH Manoa Graduation requirements,
which consist of Focus and Hawaiian or Second Language (HSL),
and grade point average (GPA) requirements (see “General Education”
and “Undergraduate Education”).
The minimum course grade to fulfill Focus and HSL requirements is a D
(not D-). These requirements must be taken for a letter grade, unless
the course is offered only with the CR/NC grade option.
BMus students concentrating in voice may fulfill the HSL requirement
by completing the first year of study in two languages. This substitution
must be approved by the department chair. All other A&S students must
meet the stated HSL requirement.
- Students must earn a minimum of 124 total applicable credits, of which
at least 30 credits must be completed in residence at UH Manoa.
- Students must complete their academic work and apply for a degree
in a timely manner (see “Excess Credit Policy”).
Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Students must be earn at least a 2.0 GPA (C average) for all UH Manoa
registered credits and must not be on academic action (i.e., not on
probation, suspension, dismissal). Some majors or programs have specific
GPA requirements (see department’s sections).
3. A&S College Requirements
A broad exposure to the liberal arts is achieved by students earning a minimum
number of credits from liberal arts courses and developing facility in liberal
arts disciplines. A&S students have the option of choosing Breadth,
Depth, or an A&S major that demands expertise in performance or research.
A&S Options - Complete one of the following:
- Option 1–Breadth: Complete at least 3 credits
from each of the four A&S Colleges (College of Arts and Humanities,
College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, College of Natural
Sciences, College of Social Sciences).
- Courses used to fulfill the Breadth requirement can double dip
with Focus. Up to 3 of the credits can be counted toward major requirements.
- Credits from MATH 103, 104, and 135 do not satisfy the Natural
Sciences Breadth requirement, but they can be applied to the minimum
124 total credits for graduation.
- The minimum course grade to fulfill the Breadth requirement is
a D (not D-). These requirements must be taken for a letter grade,
unless the course is offered only with the CR/NC grade option.
- Option 2–Depth: Complete an A&S minor
or certificate in a subject other than the major or complete a second
A&S major.
- Courses for a minor or certificate used to fulfill Depth can double
dip only with Focus.
- The minimum course grade to fulfill the Depth requirement is a
C (not C-). These requirements must be taken for a letter grade,
unless the course is offered only with the CR/NC grade option. Minors,
certificates and majors often have minimum GPA requirements (see
each department’s sections).
Option 1: Breadth
College of Arts and Humanities (AH) |
College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature
(LLL) |
College of Natural Sciences (NS) |
College of Social Sciences (SS) |
3 credits, taken from any of the area listed below |
3 credits, taken from any of the areas listed below |
3 credits, taken from any of the areas listed below |
3 credits, taken from any of the areas listed below |
American Studies (AMST)
Art and Art History (ART)
Dance (DNCE)
History (HIST)
Music (MUS)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Religion (REL)
Speech (SP)
Theater (THEA) |
East Asian Languages & Literatures
Chinese (CHN)*
East Asian Languages & Literatures
Japanese (JPN)*
Korean (KOR)*
English (ENG)
Hawaiian & Indo-Pacific Languages & Literatures
Arabic (ARAB)*
Burmese (BURM)*
Cambodian (CAM)*
Chamorro (CHAM)*
Filipino (FIL)*
Hawaiian (HAW)*
Hawaiian & Indo-Pacific Languages & Literatures (IP)**
Hindi (HNDI)*
Ilokano (ILO)*
Indonesian (IND)*
Maori (MAO)
Pali (PALI)
Prakrit (PRAK)
Samoan (SAM)*
Sanskrit (SNSK)*
Tahitian (TAHT)*
Thai (THAI)*
Tibetan (TIB)*
Tongan (TONG)
Vietnamese (VIET)*
Interpretation & Translation Studies (TI)
Languages & Literatures of Europe and the Americas
French (FR)*
German (GER)*
Greek (GRK)*
Hebrew (HEB)*
Italian (ITAL)*
Languages & Literatures of Europe and
the Americas (LLEA)**
Latin (LATN)*
Portuguese (PORT)*
Russian (RUS)*
Spanish (SPAN)*
Linguistics (LING)
Second Language Studies (SLS) |
Astronomy (ASTR)
Biology (BIOL)
Botany (BOT)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Information & Computer Sciences (ICS)
Library and Information Science (LIS)
Mathematics (MATH)
Microbiology (MICR)
Physics (PHYS)
Zoology (ZOOL)
Note: MATH 103, 104 and 135 do not satisfy the College
of Natural Sciences Breadth requirement, although they will count
towards the minimum 124 credits required for graduation.
Anthropology (ANTH)
Communication (COM)
Economics (ECON)
Ethnic Studies (ES)
Geography (GEOG)
Journalism (JOUR)
Peace Studies (PACE)
Political Science (POLS)
Population Studies (PPST)
Psychology (PSY)
Public Administration (PUBA)
Sociology (SOC)
Urban & Regional Planning (PLAN)
Women’s Studies (WS) |
* Language courses taken to fulfill the Hawaiian/second language requirement
may not be used to satisfy Option 1 requirement of 12 credits, 3 credits
from each Arts & Sciences College.
** Courses offered in English
Option 2: Depth
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- Art & Art History
- Biology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Computer Sciences
- Dance
- Economics
- English
- Filipino Language & Culture
- Geography
- Hawaiian Language Immersion Education
- History
- Ilokano Language & Culture
- Japanese
- Korean
- Mathematics
- Microbiology
- Music
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Religion
- Sociology
- Speech
- Theatre
- Zoology
Undergraduate Certificates
- East Asian Languages
- Environmental Studies
- Ethnic Studies
- Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas
- Classics
- French
- German
- Latin America and Iberian Studies
- Russian
- Russian Area Studies
- Spanish
- Indo-Pacific Languages
- Filipino
- Hawai‘i & the Pacific
- Hawaiian
- Hindi
- Ilokano
- Indo-Pacific
- Indonesian
- Samoan
- Sanskrit
- Tahitian
- Thai
- Vietnamese
- Human Language and Computers
- Human Resources/Organizational Management
- Language Acquisition
- Language and Cognition
- Linguistics
- Marine Option Program
- Music
- Peace Studies
- Pidgin and Creole Studies: Second Language Studies
- Political Economy
- Professional Writing
- Social Science and Health
- Women’s Studies
- Option 3: Complete one of the following A&S degrees:
BFA, BMus, or BS.
Note: The BA–Interdisciplinary Studies degree, a cross-disciplinary
college degree, is exempt from the A&S options.
Students must earn a minimum number of credits in the liberal arts and
credits beyond the introductory level in order to attain adequate academic
rigor at the baccalaureate level. In addition, certain credit maximums
ensure an appropriate balance in the curriculum.
Credit Minimums
Credit Maximums*
4. A&S Degree Requirements
The Colleges of Arts and Sciences offer bachelor of arts (BA), bachelor
of fine arts (BFA), bachelor of music (BMus), and bachelor of science
(BS) degrees, each of which has specific requirements as listed below.
Courses used to fulfill these requirements can double dip with UH Manoa
General Education Core, UH Manoa Graduation, and A&S Major requirements.
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Bachelor
of Music (BMus), BA-Interdisciplinary Studies (BA-IS)
- One of the following (these courses also satisfy the UH Manoa
General Education Core “FS” equirement):
BUS 250, ICS 141, 241, MATH 100, 100A, 112, 140, 203, 215, 241, 251A,
NREM 203, PHIL 110, 110A, or 111
Bachelor of Science (BS)
- Calculus I: MATH 215, 241, or 251A (these courses also satisfy the
UH Manoa General Education Core “FS” requirement)
- Calculus II: MATH 216, 242, or 252A
- Chemistry: CHEM 161-161L & 162-162L or 171-171L or 181A-181L
- Physics: PHYS 151-151L & 152-152L or 170-170L & 272-272L
(These Chemistry and Physics lecture courses also satisfy the UH
Manoa General Education Core “DP” requirement. These
lab courses also satisfy the UH Manoa General Education Core
“DY” requirement.)
Note: Many introductory science and mathematics courses
require an assessment examination to determine appropriate placement.
Information about assessment exams appears each semester in UH Manoa’s
Schedule of Classes or on the registration website’s home page.
5. A&S Major Requirements
A&S major requirements offer students specialization in an academic
field of study and develop liberal arts skills. Major requirements contribute
to the ideal liberal arts education, which prepares students for productive
lives and careers, enlightened citizenship, and lifelong learning.
Major requirements are explained in each department’s sections
in this Catalog, in the online Catalog, and on the department’s
The minimum course grade to fulfill major requirements is a C (not C-).
These requirements must be taken for a letter grade, unless the course
is offered only with the CR/NC grade option.
A&S students should meet regularly with both their major advisor
at their respective department office and with an A&S college advisor
in the Student Academic Services office (QLCSS 113).