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Academy for Creative Media (ACM)

Colleges of Arts and Sciences

A grade of C or better in the prerequisite courses is required for continuation.

ACM 215 3D Scene Design (3) Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Students will design, build and create images of a consumer electronic device. A-F only. Pre: consent.

ACM 216 3D Animation (3) Artistic/acting and technical/computer aspects of character animation. Special emphasis on techniques for imbuing computer generated characters with the illusion of life. Project-based. A-F only. Pre: consent.

ACM 217 3D Visual Effects and Dynamics (3) Design and creation of computer animation visual effects using particles and dynamics systems to simulate natural phenomena. Compositing of visual layers. A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216. NI

ACM 220 Advanced Rendering (3) Computer animation directing and cinematography in a 3D environment. A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216. NI

ACM 255 Cinema and Digital Media (3) Introduction to the study of cinema and digital media: history, aesthetics and production of cinema, computer animation and video game design. A-F only. DH

ACM 310 Cinematic Narrative Production (4) Production-intensive course with collaborative as well as individual projects. Theories and application of basic digital cinema productions, including camera, lighting, sound, and editing. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent. DA

ACM 312 Cinematography (3) Comprehensive course in visual styles supporting screen narratives through a study of principles of camera elements, operations, lighting, color and composition. Professional role and responsibilities of cinematographer. Project-oriented. Must have access to manually controlled still camera. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 (or concurrent) or consent.

ACM 315 Narrative Game Design (3) Storytelling through computer games. Effect of interactivity on narrative. Interactive plot structures, conceptual design, artwork, audio, cinematography, two- and three-dimensional computer graphics. Design and programming of game narrative using scripting languages. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216 and 255 (or concurrent), or consent.

ACM 316 3D Character Animation (3) Creating the illusion of life through the principles of animation. Application of theory to practical scene work with emphasis on acting and personality in animated characters. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216 and 255 and ART 113, or consent.

ACM 318 Drawing for Animation (3) Design principles and observational drawing essential for the animation filmmaker. Gesture drawing from the model, human or animal. Composing for the screen, character design and conceptual illustration. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216 and 255 and ART 113, or consent.

ACM 320 Computer Animation Production I (3) 3D computer graphics production projects. Students will write, plan, execute, and deliver a 30 second computer-animated short film. Emphasis on visual storytelling and character animation. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 316 and 318. (Fall only)

ACM 325 Visual Effects (3) Introduction to the history, theory, design and execution of visual effects for the screen. Project-based learning in traditional photographic and digitally-generated special effects. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 220 or 310, or consent.

ACM 350 Screenwriting (3) Research, development, style and structure of the narrative and documentary for the screen. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 (or concurrent) or 315 (or concurrent) or 316 (or concurrent), and B or better in ENG 100 or equivalent; or consent.

ACM 352 Screening Asian Americans (3) Survey of Asian and Asian American representations in American film and television from the silent era to the present, with an emphasis on Orientalism and multiculturalism, as well as performance and spectatorship. ACM majors: A-F only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 352) DH

ACM 355 Oral Tradition to Screenplay (3) Adapting the stories, styles, and cultural values of oral tradition storytelling to cinematic narratives. A-F only. Pre: 255 (or concurrent), or consent.

ACM 360 Indigenous Aesthetics (3) Aesthetic theories and practices of indigenous cultures of the Pacific and their adaptation to the screen in cinematic storytelling. A-F only. Pre: 255 (or concurrent), or consent.

ACM 370 Directing the Actor on Screen (3) Introduction of the screen-director to the craft of acting for the camera. Students will develop collaborative communication skills and learn practical techniques to elicit spontaneous and relaxed performances from actors. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 350 (or concurrent).

ACM 372 Editing for Cinema (3) Advanced course examining the theory, techniques, and practices of motion picture editing; use of non-linear digital editing systems; and practical experience in digital editing projects. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 or 316, or departmental approval.

ACM 374 Post Production Sound (3) Practical course on the theory, art and techniques of sound recording, editing and design for cinema. Students work on projects involving dialogue and sound effects in post production. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 372 or consent. (Spring only).

ACM 375 Directing the Camera for the Screen (3) Detailed analysis of cinematic grammar, placement, movement, focus, and effects of the camera to create the mise-en-scene. Practical exercises and projects to apply theory to individual creative work. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 350 (or concurrent), or consent.

ACM 380 Genre and Narrative Theory in Creative Media (3) Focus on the concept of genre, genre films, genre film criticism and popular genres such as Western, film noir, documentary, and Chinese martial arts. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 382 Authors in Creative Media (3) In-depth study of the auteur theory and specific application to authors in creative media, such as film directors, animators, screenwriters or game designers. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 384 Study Abroad (3) Intensive study of selected topics, genres, filmmakers, or digital media production in the host country in a UH Manoa-approved study abroad location. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 255 and consent.

ACM 385 Topics in Creative Media (3) Topics of interest to faculty and students; taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable one time on different topics. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 and junior standing, or consent.

ACM 386 Techniques in Creative Media (3) Specialized techniques in the creation of digital media: taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable one time in different topics. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 or 316, or consent.

ACM 390 Workshop in Creative Media (V) Short-term intensive workshop in focused area of media production. Repeatable up to six credits. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 399 Independent Group Project (V) Participation in a group production project under supervision of ACM faculty member. A-F only. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: 215 or 310, departmental approval, and consent.

ACM 405 Documentary Production (3) Analysis and practical knowledge of the documentary process including, but not limited to, research, organization and story structure, shooting, camera coverage, and editing. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 350, or consent.

ACM 410 Advanced Cinematic Production (3) Production of a major cinematic/digital narrative project. Working in groups, each student takes on creative and technical role and responsibilities of a principle crew position. Emphasis on artistic form in narrative development; timely execution from pre- to post-production. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 350, or consent.

ACM 415 Computer Game Production (3) Students will work as a team to produce to design and produce a computer game: 2D and 3D elements, animation, story, music, audio, and project software. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 315 or ICS 313, or consent.

ACM 420 Computer Animation Production II (3) Student teams produce a short, animated film. Prior knowledge of 2D and 3D media authoring tools and animation techniques is necessary. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 320 or consent.

ACM 450 Advanced Screenwriting (3) Application of narrative principles of character development, story structure and thematic spine to students’ short and feature-length screenplays. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 350 or consent.

ACM 455 Indigenous Filmmaking (3) Theories and studies of indigenous films and creation of a cinematic project based in indigenous cultural and value systems. Students must complete a certification workshop in camera and editing processes to be enrolled in this course. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 and 355, or consent.

ACM 460 Media Ethics (3) Ethics and social responsibility for media professionals. Application of ethical theories and principles to case studies and research projects. A-F only. Pre: any 300-level course in ACM, COM or JOUR and junior standing; or consent. (Cross-listed as COM 460 and JOUR 460)

ACM 480 Oceanic Media and Culture (3) Involves close textual analysis of film, TV and multimedia content. The course includes cinematic and television screenings. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 485 Seminar in Creative Media (3) Intellectual issues in creative media. Conducted by regular and visiting faculty with extensive student participation and scholarly presentation. Repeatable one time on different topics. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 and junior standing, or consent.

ACM 490 Global Media (3) Involves close textual analysis and strategic analysis of the globalism phenomenon, with an emphasis on transnational media corporations. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent. (Fall only)

ACM 495 Creative Media Internship (V) Internship in professional cinematic, television and/or digital media production company under professional and faculty supervision. Repeatable one time. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 or 315 or 316, and consent.

ACM 499 Directed Reading and Research (V) Directed reading and research. Repeatable two times. ACM majors only. Pre: 310 or 315 or 316, and consent.