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Anthropology (ANTH)

College of Social Sciences

Most 300- and 400-level courses have as a prerequisite one of the 200-level courses. Additionally, 300- and 400-level courses may be taken for graduate credit with prior approval of the student’s advisor. A grade of C or better in the prerequisite courses is required for all courses. (A C- is not acceptable.)

ANTH 151 Emerging Humanity (3) Introduction to human biological evolution and the archaeology of culture in the world prior to AD 1500. Open to non-majors, recommended for majors. FGA

ANTH 152 Culture and Humanity (3) Introduction to cultural anthropology. How humans create, understand, order and modify their natural, social, supernatural and physical environments, and make meaning and order. Open to non-majors, required for ANTH majors. A-F only. FGB

ANTH 165 Heritage Sites in Archaeology (V) Combined lecture-lab-fieldwork to introduce the concepts and practices of archeology, historical research, historic site preservation, and heritage management. Repeatable one time. A-F only. DS

ANTH 210 Archaeology (3) Introduction to prehistoric archaeology; methods and techniques of excavation and laboratory analysis; brief survey of theory in relation to change and diversity in prehistoric human groups. DS

ANTH 215 Physical Anthropology (3) Human evolution, primatology, human genetics, biological variation, human adaptability, growth and development. Co-requisite: 215L. DB

ANTH 215L Physical Anthropology Laboratory (1) Laboratory to accompany 215. Co-requisite: 215. DY

ANTH 300 Study of Contemporary Problems (3) Significance of anthropology for contemporary affairs, particularly American ethnic and minority group relations. Relevance to various professions, governmental policy, political action, and accomplishment of change. DS

ANTH 307 Theory in Contemporary Anthropology (3) Theoretical issues that have generated current research and controversies in more than one specialty within social/cultural anthropology; historical roots. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 308 American Culture (3) Contemporary culture of the U.S. Variations in kinship, family, work, play, values, religion; selected topics such as ethnicity, alternate lifestyles, consumerism, addiction. Pre: 152. DH

ANTH 310 Human Origins (3) Theory of evolution, evolutionary systematics, and taxonomy; evolutionary biology of primates; fossil records for primate and human evolution. Laboratory included. Pre: 215, ZOOL 101; or consent. DB

ANTH 313 Visual Anthropology (3) Historical development of documentary films of non-Western peoples; critical examination of ways in which ethnographic films represent different cultures. Pre: 152 (or concurrent). DH

ANTH 315 Sex and Gender (3) Cross-cultural theories and perceptions of sexual differences; linkage between biology and cultural constructions of gender; relationship of gender ideology to women’s status. Pre: 152 (or concurrent). (Cross-listed as WS 315) DS

ANTH 316 Anthropology of Tourism (3) Anthropological perspectives on the subject of the global phenomenon of tourism. Includes issues of cultural performance, identity, and commoditization. Open to nonmajors. DS

ANTH 321 World Archaeology I (3) Archaeology of human origins, early cultures, and origins of agriculture. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. DH

ANTH 322 World Archaeology II (3) Archaeology of complex societies, including the rise of urbanism, state-level society, historical and industrial archaeology. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. DH

ANTH 323 Pacific Island Archaeology (3) Origins of Pacific peoples; chronology of settlement; sequences of culture in Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. DH

ANTH 325 Origins of Cities (3) Combined lecture/discussion on the emergence and development of ancient cities in comparative perspective and the dynamics of (pre)modern urban life. Examples are drawn from the Near East, Mediterranean, Africa, India, China, and the Americas. A-F only. Pre: 322 (or concurrent), SOC 301 (or concurrent), GEOG 421 (or concurrent), or consent. (Alt. years) DS

ANTH 330 Social Organization (3) Systematic study of human institutions; general principles of social interaction formulated from ethnographic data. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 341 Anthropology of Virtual Worlds (3) Anthropological study of computer mediated interaction. Focus on the ethnography of massively multiplayer online games, text-based chat rooms, and blogs. Pre: 152 or consent. (Once a year)

ANTH 345 Aggression, War, and Peace (3) Biocultural, evolutionary, and cross-cultural perspectives on the conditions, patterns, and processes of violence, war, nonviolence, and peace. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as PACE 345) DS

ANTH 350 Pacific Island Cultures (3) Introduction to cultures of Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia from time of first settlement to emergence of modern nation states. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. DH

ANTH 356 Women and Religion (3) Examining roles of, and attitudes toward, women in major religious traditions through autobiographies, films, and primary texts. Pre: 152 or REL 150 or WS 151. (Cross-listed as REL 356 and WS 356) DH

ANTH 370 Ethnographic Field Techniques (V) Problems and techniques of social-cultural anthropological fieldwork; ethnographic literature; work with informants. Repeatable one time. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 372 (Alpha) Indigenous Peoples of Latin America (3) Survey of the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of Latin America through a study of their literature, texts and practices. (B) Mesoamerica; (C) Andean Region. Repeatable one time in different alphas. (Cross-listed as LAIS 372 (Alpha)) DH

ANTH 375 Race and Human Variation (3) Human genetic and physical variation; latitudinal, longitudinal, and altitudinal variation across human populations; history of racism; contemporary issues in race and racism. Pre: sophomore standing, recommend 152 and 215; or consent. (Once a year) DS

ANTH 380 Archaeological Lab Techniques (4) Laboratory analysis and evaluation of field data; preservation and restoration of artifacts. Preparation for publication. Repeatable two times. Pre: 210 or consent. (Once a year) DS

ANTH 381 Archaeological Field Techniques (V) Archaeological survey and excavations; field trips, mapping, photography. May focus on terrestrial or underwater. May be taught entirely in the field at a national or international archaeological site. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 210.

ANTH 384 Skeletal Biology (3) Introduction to the human skeleton and methods for analyzing archaeological human remains including age, sex, ethnicity, paleodemography, skeletal and dental variation, paleopathology, population studies. Co-requisite: 384L. DB

ANTH 384L Skeletal Biology Laboratory (1) Laboratory to accompany 384. Co-requisite: 384. DY

ANTH 385 (Alpha) Undergraduate Proseminar (3) Selected problems in current research. (B) archaeology; (C) ethnography; (D) social anthropology; (E) applied; (F) psychological; (G) biological. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent. DS

ANTH 399 Directed Reading or Research (V) Repeatable nine times. Pre: major or minor in Anthropology.

ANTH 408 History and Memory (3) Lecture/discussion on the culture and politics of collective memory. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year)

ANTH 410 Ethics in Anthropology (3) Seminar surveying ethical cases, problems, issues and questions from the inception of anthropology to the present. Pre: 152. (Alt. years)

ANTH 412 Evolutionary Anthropology (3) Lecture-discussion providing an overview of evolutionary theory in anthropology: focus on the evolution of culture, behavioral ecology, and cultural diversity; emphasis on archaeological and ethnographic research and explanatory models. Pre: 210 or 215, or consent. (Once a year)

ANTH 413 Language and Gender (3) The role of language in the construction of gender and in the maintenance of the gender order. Field projects explore hypotheses about the interaction of language and gender. No previous knowledge of linguistics required. A-F only. (Cross-listed as LING 415) DS

ANTH 414 Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (3) Introduction to the ethnographic study of speech and language. Pre: 152 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as LING 414 and IS 414) DS

ANTH 415 Ecological Anthropology (3) Relationship of humans with natural environment; role of culture in ecological systems. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 416 Economic Anthropology (3) Analysis of economic activities in non-Western, non-industrial societies; production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a variety of cultures. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 417 Political Anthropology (3) Character of political institutions and their development in non-Western and non-industrial societies. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 418 The Anthropology of Homosexualities (3) Anthropological examination of homosexualities; consideration of nature/nurture in the origins and expressions of identity and sexuality; social and political aspects of homophobia; queer theory. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or consent. DS

ANTH 419 Indigenous Anthropology (3) Exploration of how anthropology studies indigenous groups throughout the world. An examination of the changing contexts of anthropological practice as calls for reflexivity lead anthropology of all backgrounds to bring insights from their “homes.” Issues include the question of objectivity, the emicetic distinction, and the ethics of different kinds of anthropological research and the role of anthropologists in indigenous self-determination. Repeatable one time. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 420 Communication and Culture (3) Anthropological introduction to communication; intercultural and interspecies comparisons; verbal and nonverbal. Ethnography of communication, discourse and structural analyses, ethnomethodology. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 421 Anthropology and Mass Media (3) Anthropological critique of mass media research; role of mass media in social and cultural processes of authority, economic exchange, and identity formation in Western, nonwestern, and global contexts. A-F only. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 422 Anthropology of Religion (3) Cults, legends, millennial movements, myths, possession, rituals, sacred healing, shamanism, sorcery, spirits, symbolism, witchcraft, and other forms of religious and symbolic expression and experience, from small scale to highly urban societies. Pre: 152. (Cross-listed as REL 422) DH

ANTH 423 Social and Cultural Change (3) Various approaches to examples of social and cultural change in non-literate societies; evolution, diffusion, acculturation, revolution, etc. Historical features and social processes of colonialism. Pre: 152. DH

ANTH 424 Culture, Identity, and Emotion (3) The interrelation of culture, thought, emotion, and social realities. Role of language and culture in shaping emotional experience and self-understanding, including the formation of social identities such as gender, ethnicity and nationality. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 425 Medical Anthropology (3) Social and cultural aspects of medicine; the relationship of medicine to the beliefs, social systems, ecological adaptations, and cultural changes of human groups. DS

ANTH 427 Food, Health, and Society (3) How human groups identify, collect, create, and transform foods; how they shape those into dietary behaviors, and the influence of those behaviors on health. Pre: junior standing or higher or consent. DS

ANTH 428 Anthropology of the Body (3) Exploration of the history and development of theories of the body via topics such as phenomenology, perception, bodily rituals, gender, sex, race, colonialism, power, pain, medicalization, immunology, reproductive health and cyborgs. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 429 Anthropology of Consumer Cultures (3) Examines the practices and meanings of consumption in the contemporary world. Topics include social class, branding, fandom, global-local nexus. A-F only. Pre: 152 or consent. (Alt. years) DS

ANTH 430 Human Adaptation to the Sea (3) How people from prehistoric to modern times have sailed, fished, or otherwise exploited and enjoyed the sea; how the sea has molded human life. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 435 Human Adaptation to Forests (3) Cultural ecology of human societies in forest habitats. Emphasis on case studies of traditional and changing adaptations in the tropics. Pre: 152 (or concurrent), or consent. DS

ANTH 443 Anthropology of Buddhism (3) Selected aspects of national, regional and local manifestations of Buddhism are explored through the perspective of anthropology with an emphasis on the daily lives of monks, nuns and lay persons in their socio-cultural contexts. Pre: 422, REL 207, REL 475, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as REL 443)

ANTH 444 Spiritual Ecology (3) Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of the relationships between religions, environment and environmentalism. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as REL 444) DS

ANTH 445 Sacred Places (3) Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of sites which societies recognize as sacred and their cultural, ecological and conservation aspects. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as REL 445) DS

ANTH 446 Southeast Asian Cultures (3) Cultures of Southeast Asia from hunting and gathering groups to high civilizations; kinship, economic, political, and religious systems; recent developments. Pre: junior standing or consent. DS

ANTH 447 Polynesian Cultures (3) Analysis of Polynesian cultures from their origins to contemporary states. Pre: junior standing or consent. DS

ANTH 449 Anthropology of Melanesia (3) Close study of cultures of Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, and Fiji through anthropological ethnography. Pre: 152 or consent. (Once a year) DS

ANTH 455 Human Biology of the Pacific (3) Human biology of prehistoric and living populations of the Pacific: mainland and island Southeast Asia, Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Fossil humans, micro-evolution, human variation, origins. Pre: 215. DB

ANTH 458 Forensic Anthropology (3) Application of physical anthropology to problems in human identification. Determination of age, sex, ancestry, etc., of the skeleton and preparation of reports for legal medicine. Pre: 384 (or concurrent). DB

ANTH 460 Asian Paleoanthropology (3) Neogene-Quaternary paleoenvironmental reconstructions; human evolution in East Asia during the Pleistocene; Out of Africa I; modern human origins. Pre: sophomore standing, recommend 310, or consent. (Alt. years) DB

ANTH 461 Southeast Asian Archaeology (3) Prehistory and protohistory of Southeast Asia and of Southeast Asian contacts with East Asia, India, Australia, and Oceania. Pre: junior standing or consent. DH

ANTH 462 East Asian Archaeology (3) Prehistory and protohistory of China, Japan, and Korea from earliest human occupation to historic times. Geographical emphasis may vary between China and Japan/Korea. Pre: junior standing or consent. DH

ANTH 464 Hawaiian Archaeology (3) Archaeological perspective in Hawai‘i’s past; origins of Hawaiians; early settlement and culture change; settlement patterns and material culture; historic sites preservation. Pre: junior standing and consent. DH

ANTH 467 Biomedicine and Culture (3) Examination of the social and cultural foundations of, and responses to, the values, technologies and practices of modern medicine. Pre: junior standing or higher, 152, or consent. (Alt. years) DS

ANTH 468 Archaeological Theory and Interpretation (3) Introduction to theory in archaeology; interpretive paradigms; the relation of archaeological methods to inter-pretation and evaluation of theories. Pre: 210. DH

ANTH 469 History of Archaeological Thought (3) Historical survey of archaeology as a discipline; focusing on theoretical, methodological, and substantive advances that changed archaeology. Pre: 210. DS

ANTH 471 Assemblage Analyses in Archeology (4) Lecture and laboratory surveying methods for conducting analyses of archaeological assemblages. Focus on classification, quantitative techniques, including reliability, precision, and accuracy. Students complete projects on existing assemblages or data from assemblages. Repeatable one time. Pre: 210.

ANTH 472 Ceramic Analysis in Archaeology (3) Concepts, methods, and approaches used in the analysis of ancient pottery. Emphasis placed on ceramic technology, stylistic analysis. Pre: 210. DH

ANTH 473 Lithic Analysis in Archaeology (4) Combined lecture/lab on the manufacture and analysis of stone tools. Students work with experimental collections and engage in stone tool production. The ways in which lithics enlighten us about past human behavior are discussed. Pre: 210 and 380, or consent. DH

ANTH 474 Geoarchaeology (3) Field and laboratory analysis of sediments and soils in 98 environments, site formation, post-depositional processes, landscape change, and paleogeomorphic reconstruction. Pre: 210. DP

ANTH 475 Faunal Analysis in Archaeology (3) Analysis of archaeologically recovered faunal collections with emphasis on identification and interpretation of nonhuman vertebrate remains. Pre: 210. DH

ANTH 477 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems for Anthropologists (3) Combined lecture/lab on GIS and related technologies for anthropological applications. Lectures plus instructor-led and self-directed computer lab exercises. Emphases on practical technical skills and necessary conceptual understanding. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year)

ANTH 481 Applied Anthropology (3) Methods and results in application of anthropological concepts to the practical problems of agricultural, commercial, and industrial development. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 482 Environmental Anthropology (3) This seminar surveys practical environmental questions, cases, problems, and issues from the perspective of applied ecological anthropology. Pre: 415 or consent. (Alt. years) DS

ANTH 483 Japanese Culture and Behavior (3) Sociocultural factors in Japanese behavior. Social structure; traditional institutions. DS

ANTH 484 Japanese Popular Culture (3) Explores contemporary Japanese popular culture through themes such as gender, consumerism, globalization and nostalgia. Rather than a survey of popular culture genres, the course is organized thematically around issues and problematics. DS

ANTH 485 Pre-European Hawai‘i (3) Pre-European society and culture from an anthropological viewpoint. Pre: junior standing or consent. DH

ANTH 486 Peoples of Hawai‘i (3) Critically examines the historical and contemporary experiences of various people of Hawai‘i and utilizes anthropological and ethnic studies approaches to study identity, race, ethnicity, culture, language, gender, sex, class, land, and residence. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ES 486) DS

ANTH 488 Chinese Culture: Ethnography (3) Critical interpretations of ethnographic and biographic texts depicting individual and family lives in different socioeconomic circumstances, geographical regions, and historical periods of modern China. DS

ANTH 490 History of Anthropology (3) Development of anthropological ideas, focusing on theoretical issues concerning culture, society, and human nature. Required of majors. Pre: 152. DS

ANTH 491 Special Topics in Southeast Asian Art History (3) Focused study of particular periods, regions and critical themes in Southeast Asian art and architectural history. Monuments and nationalism in Southeast Asia. A-F only. Pre: 175, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ART 490D) DH

ANTH 495 Senior Thesis (3) Preparation of a major paper with a committee of one chairperson and one other member; paper on topic of interest in anthropology. Optional for majors. Pre: 490 and senior standing. DS

ANTH 496 Senior Thesis (3) Preparation of a major paper with a committee of one chairperson and one other member; paper on topic of interest in anthropology. Optional for majors. Pre: 490 and senior standing. DS

ANTH 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1)

ANTH 601 Ethnology (3) Survey, in historical perspective, of theory in social and cultural anthropology. A course in the graduate core of anthropology. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 602 Linguistic Anthropology (3) Investigation of mutual influences of linguistic theory and methodology and anthropological theory and methodology. A course in the graduate core of anthropology. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 603 Archaeology (3) Development of critical and analytical skills in assessment of archaeological literature; emphasis on the science, theory, explanation, and paradigms that comprise archaeology. A course in the graduate core of anthropology. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 604 Physical Anthropology (3) Human evolution and human variability in extant and previously existing populations; emphasis on history of physical anthropology, evolutionary systematics, primate biology and behavior, paleontology, anthropological genetics, climatic adaptation, growth, and nutrition. A course in the graduate core of anthropology. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 605 Discursive Practices (3) Emphasizes linguistic, semantic, and interactional aspects of culture, exploring ways that discourse constructs social action and social realities, examining processes by which culture is produced as meaningful behavior in actual situations. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 606 Anthropology of Infectious Disease (3) The role of human behavior, including its social and cultural determinants, in understanding the distribution of infectious diseases and in shaping preventive and therapeutic strategies. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 607 The Media and Discursive Practice (3) Role of the mass media in constructing meaning in social cultural processes such as nationalism, ritual, identity, and collective memory. Attention to interactional and post-structural theories of discourse that link the mass media to discursive practice. A-F only.

ANTH 608 History and Memory (3) History and collective memory as culturally formed and politically contested realities. The role of narrative, ritual, and media technologies in shaping representations of the past. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 609 (Alpha) Culture and Leadership (3) Multicultural perspectives on the theory and practice of leadership. (B) service learning and leadership; (C) applied leadership internships; (D) contemporary leadership profiles; (E) film and leadership. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing and consent.

ANTH 610 Anthropology of Tourism (3) Social and cultural analysis of tourism practices, with emphasis on Hawai‘i, Asia and the Pacific. Tourism in relation to consumer culture, transnational flows of people and images, post-colonial politics, performance and identity formation.

ANTH 611 Contemporary Anthropological Theory (3) Graduate seminar that examines the history of theory in sociocultural anthropology from 1960 to present. Designed to be taken in sequence after 601. Pre: 601 or concurrent. (Once a year)

ANTH 620 (Alpha) Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology (3) Major theoretical problems in (B) kinship; (C) cognitive systems; (D) religion; (E) political institutions; (F) law and social control; (G) economics; (H) ecology; (I) other to be announced. Repeatable nine times. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 640 (Alpha) Methods and Theory in Archaeology (3) Focused seminars pertaining to distinct areas of archaeological method and theory. (B) analytical; (C) environment/landscape; (D) applied archaeology; (E) economic/resources; (F) survey/locational. Repeatable two times. Pre: 603.

ANTH 645 Historic Preservation (3) Federal, state, and local laws and regulations that regulate and provide protection to significant archaeological and historical resources in Hawai‘i and the region. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as AMST 645).

ANTH 667 Biomedicine and Culture (3) Examination of the social and cultural foundations of, and responses to, the values, technologies, and practices of modern medicine. Pre: graduate standing. (Alt. years)

ANTH 668 Archaeology Field Methods (V) (5 7-hr Lab) Laboratory and field training in the principles and practice of methods of archaeology—survey, mapping, excavation, conservation. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 670 Applied Archaeology Practicum (V) Applies course work in archaeology to hands-on activities under the direction of practicing professionals and university faculty. MA track in Applied Archaeology students only. Repeatable up to 12 credits. Pre: consent.

ANTH 671 Applied Method and Theory in Hawaiian Archaeology (3) Graduate seminar focused on method and theory in the practice of applied archaeology in Hawai‘i. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)

ANTH 676 Recording Historic and Cultural Resources (3) Techniques in recording and evaluation of historic buildings and other resources, with an emphasis on field recordings and state and federal registration procedures. (Cross-listed as AMST 676 and PLAN 676)

ANTH 694 Anthropology Colloquium Pro-Seminar (1) Entering students in anthropology graduate program attend and participate in weekly colloquia, which encompasses sub-disciplines and specializations presented in anthropology at UH Manoa. Presentations include faculty and other professionals. Graduate student colloquium series will be developed. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 695 Professional Skills Develop in Anthropology (3) Seminar prepares graduate students for entry into profession, including employment opportunities, research, presentations, ethics and outreach. Required of all Plan B students. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 699 Directed Reading or Research (V) Repeatable nine times. Pre: graduate standing and consent.

ANTH 700 Thesis Research (V) Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable nine times.

ANTH 710 Seminar in Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology (3) Ethnographic research methods. Introduction to the approaches and techniques of participatory research, including the collection, analysis, and interpretation of social and cultural data. Politics and ethics of research practice. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing in anthropology or consent.

ANTH 711 Seminar in Research Design and Proposal Writing (3) Research design and proposal writing. For students preparing for advanced research. Pre: graduate standing in ANTH or consent. (Fall only)

ANTH 720 Anthropology of Japan (3) Japan examined through three dimensions of cultural anthropology: cultural/symbolic, social/organizational, and individual/psychological. Selected topics analyzed and interpreted in terms of conjunctions of these dimensions. Pre: 483 or 484.

ANTH 750 (Alpha) Research Seminar (3) Selected problems in current research. (B) archaeology; (C) medical; (D) ethnography; (E) social; (G) biological. Repeatable nine times. Pre: graduate standing.

ANTH 800 Dissertation Research (V) Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable nine times.