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Astronomy (ASTR)ASTR 110 Survey of Astronomy (3) Introduction to the astronomical universe: sky and celestial objects, planetary motion, planets and the Solar System, Sun and stars, the Milky Way and galaxies, cosmology and the universe. Credit not given for both 110 and 120. DP ASTR 110L Survey of Astronomy Laboratory (1) Observations of constellations and the night sky, the sun and moon, planets, stars, and deep-sky objects; laboratory and observational experiments illustrating basic concepts in astronomy. Offered in the evening. Pre: 110 (or concurrent), or consent. DY ASTR 120 Astronomical Origins (3) Formation of the sun and stars; origin of our solar system; formation and evolution of galaxies, including the Milky Way Galaxy; origin of chemical elements, and the beginnings of the cosmos. Credit not given for both 110 and 120. A-F only. DP ASTR 130 Introduction to Archaeoastronomy (3) Astronomy and celestial lore in ancient cultures: Neolithic Europe, Mayan, Mesoamerican, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, American Indian, Chinese, and Polynesian. Concepts of the cosmos, calendars, eclipse predictions, motion of celestial bodies, and navigation. Construction of simple observing tools. DP ASTR 150 Voyage through the Solar System (3) An illustrated voyage through the solar system. The origin, evolution, and present state of the sun and each planet based on recent results. (Spring only). (Cross-listed as GG 105) DP ASTR 240 Foundations of Astronomy (3) Introduction to the astronomical universe for science or engineering students. Satisfies requirements for non-introductory level credit. Pre: PHYS 151 or PHYS 170, or consent. Credit not given for both 110 and 240. NI DP ASTR 280 Evolution of the Universe (3) The Big Bang, origin of the elements, formation and evolution of galaxies and stars. Pre: any introductory astronomy or physics course, or consent. NI DP ASTR 281 Astrobiology (3) Are we alone in the universe? Modern astronomical, biological, and geological perspectives on this fundamental question. Searches for life on Mars, oceans on Europa, planets orbiting other stars. Space exploration and colonies, interstellar spaceflight and communication. Pre: 110 or 240, or consent. (Spring only). NI DP ASTR 380 The Cosmos in Western Culture (3) History and intellectual context of astronomical discovery; the evolution of ideas of space, time, and motion from the Babylonians to relativistic cosmologies; emphasis on the interaction of astronomy with the history of ideas. Pre: 110 (or concurrent). (Spring only). ASTR 399 Directed Study (V) Individual reading, observation, or experimentation in astronomy and astrophysics. Repeatable four times. Pre: consent. ASTR 427 Cosmology (3) Structure, history, and composition of the universe; the Big Bang; formation and evolution of galaxies, clusters, and large-scale structure; cosmological models. Given concurrently with 627. Pre: PHYS 274 or consent. (Alt. years: spring) DP ASTR 430 The Solar System (3) Observations and physical nature of planets and moons, asteroids, comets, and other small bodies; formation of the Solar System; discovery of other planetary systems; solar activity. Given concurrently with 630. Pre: PHYS 170 or consent. (Alt. years: spring) DP ASTR 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) ASTR 622 The Interstellar Medium (3) Astrophysics of diffuse matter, HII regions, molecular clouds, etc. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) ASTR 623 Stellar Interiors and Evolution (3) Structure and evolution; energy sources, radiative processes; relations to observables. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) ASTR 626 Galaxies (3) Observations and stellar dynamics of elliptical and spiral galaxies including our galaxy, globular clusters, and dark matter. Galaxy formation and evolution. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring) ASTR 627 Cosmology (3) Geometry and evolution of the universe. Dark matter. Early universe. Formation of large–scale structure, galaxies, and clusters. Cosmological models. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) ASTR 630 The Solar System (3) Survey of observational data and physical concepts on planets and smaller bodies; formation of planetary systems; solar activity. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) ASTR 631 Radiative Transfer Stellar Atmospheres (3) Excitation, ionization, and radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres; model atmospheres, formation of line and continuum radiation. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) ASTR 633 Astrophysical Techniques (3) Telescopes, positional astronomy, photon detection, error analysis, photometry, spectroscopy. Pre: consent. (Fall only). ASTR 635 Fundamentals of Astrophysics (3) Applications of fundamental physics to astrophysical situations. Elements of general relativity. Basics of hydrodynamics and shock waves. Radiative processes, high energy astrophysics. Modern dynamics. Pre: consent. (Fall only). ASTR 640 General Relativity (3) Introduction to gravity and general relativity. Tensor basics, classical scaler, vector and tensor field theories. Exact symmetric Einstein equation, gravito-magnetic weak field, and radiation solutions. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) ASTR 641 Active Galaxies (3) Phenomenology of active galactic nuclei, black holes, accretion flows and jets, emission mechanisms, host galaxies, and cosmic evolution. Pre: 635 or consent. (Alt. years: spring) ASTR 657 Astrochemistry - A Molecular Approach (3) Formation of astrobiologically important molecules and their precursors in the interstellar medium and in our solar system: first principles and latest trends. Pre: consent. (Fall only). (Cross-listed as CHEM 657 and GG 657) ASTR 699 Directed Research (V) Pre: consent. ASTR 700 Thesis Research (V) ASTR 734 Astronomy Seminar I (V) Selected advanced topics in astronomy and astrophysics. Available for 1 to 3 credit hours by arrangement. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent. ASTR 735 Astronomy Seminar II (V) Selected advanced topics in astronomy and astrophysics. Available for 1 to 3 credit hours by arrangement. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent. ASTR 736 Astronomy Seminar III (V) Selected advanced topics in astronomy and astrophysics. Available for 1 to 3 credit hours by arrangement. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent. ASTR 740 Astrobiology Seminar: Origin, Evolution and the Role of Water for Life in the Universe (1) Interdisciplinary research topics in astrobiology as they relate to the theme of water: formation in space, role in creating pre-biotic molecules, delivery to earth, and terrestrial planet habitability. Repeatable three times. Pre: graduate level sciences and ideas, or consent. ASTR 777 Star Formation (2) Molecular clouds, collapse processes, physics of circumstellar disks and accretion, properties of young stars, outflows and jets, formation of binaries, extrasolar planets and planet formation, meteorites and the early solar system. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring) ASTR 800 Dissertation Research (V) |
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