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Bioengineering (BE)College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources BE 150 Introduction to Biological Engineering (2) Discussion and experimental investigation of physical and chemical principles underlying representative biological processes and systems. Bioproduction, energy conversion processes, physiological systems, biological treatment, biosensors, biomechanics, and related natural and engineered systems. A-F only. Pre: MATH 140 or consent. DY (Once a year) BE 191 Introduction to Applications in Biological Engineering (V) Discussion and investigation of special topics, problems and applications of biological engineering. Pre: consent. BE 260 Mass and Energy Balances (3) Introduction of the principles of mass and energy conservation; development of systematic approaches to apply these principles in calculations for design and analysis of biochemical, chemical, and physical processes. Pre: BIOL 171, CHEM 162 or 181A, PHYS 170, and MATH 242 or 252A; or consent. NI DP BE 350 Dynamic Systems Modeling (3) Introduction to analytical and numerical solutions for systems of differential equations. Modeling and computer simulation of representative dynamic systems encountered in biological engineering. A-F only. Pre: EE 160, MATH 243 or 252A, BE 260, CEE 270; or consent. Co-requisite: BE 350L. DP BE 350L Dynamic Systems Modeling Laboratory (1) Industry field trips and lab experiences to illustrate behavior of representative dynamic systems in biological engineering. Data acquisition and model validation. A-F only. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 350. DY BE 373 Transport Phenomena (3) Fundamental principles and applications relating to mass, momentum, and energy transfers in biosystems and other systems for engineers and scientists. Pre: 260, CEE 270, MATH 243 or 252A, CEE 320 and ME 311. DP BE 405 Engineering Economics (3) Economic analysis in engineering and management decision-making, interest, depreciation, income tax, cost classification, break-even analysis, economic comparisons of alternatives, benefit-cost analysis. A-F only. Pre: ECON 120 or 130, and senior standing; or consent. (Cross-listed as CEE 405) BE 410 Biomass Conversion to Biofuels and Bioenergy (3) Overview of biofuel/bioenergy production; fundamental concepts in biofuel/bioenergy production; renewable feedstocks; thermochemical and biochemical conversions of biomass to biofuel/bioenergy; biodiesel production; environmental impacts, economics and life-cycle analysis; value-added processing of biofuel residues; selected case studies. A-F only. Pre: 373 or consent. (Once a year) BE 411 Food Engineering (3) Principles and applications of thermodynamics, electricity, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, psychrometry, and material and energy balances of food processing and preservation. Pre: BIOL 171, CHEM 162 or CHEM 181A, MATH 243, PHYS 151 or PHYS 170; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as FSHN 411) DP BE 420 Sensors and Instrumentation for Biological Systems (4) Principles of common physical and chemical sensors. Interfacing sensors to different electronic circuits and instrumentation systems. Electronic detection and quantification of biomolecules (biosensors). Applied control for biological processes. Pre: 350, EE 160, and EE 211; or consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 420) DP DY BE 421 Bioprocess Control (3) Process control in both time and Laplace domains with an introduction to the frequency domain; selection and design of appropriate control systems for bioprocesses with consideration of the impact on the total system; identification of safety concerns in designing control systems and process equipment. Pre: 260, MATH 243; or consent. DP BE 431 Environmental Biotechnology (3) Environmental impact and control; the micro-organism and its nutrition and growth conditions; microbial growth and substrate removal kinetics; bioreactors; biological treatment systems; biodegredation of xenobiotic organic chemicals; case studies. A-F only. Pre: 373 or consent. (Spring only). DP BE 437 Biosystems Unit Operations (2) Pumps and fans; size reduction; cleaning and sorting; materials handling; processing of fruits, nuts, vegetables, animals, and other bioproducts. Pre: 373, CEE 320 or ME 322; or consent. DP BE 440 Bioremediation: Principles and Practices (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Soil environment, fate and transport of contaminants; microbial ecology, metabolism, and energy production; biodegradation of selected compounds. In situ treatment, solid-phase bioremediation, slurry-phase bioremediation, and vapor-phase biological treatment. Open to nonmajors. Repeatable one time. Pre: 260, CHEM 161, PHYS 170; or consent. DP BE 460 Bioreactor Design and Analysis (3) Application of mass/energy balances and reaction kinetics for the design and analysis of bioreactors for microbial, plant, and animal cell cultures. Pre: 373, CEE 320 or ME 322; or consent. DP BE 470 Bioprocess Design and Analysis (3) Combined lecture/computer lab on theory and practice of bioprocess design and analysis, involving biological basics and engineering principles of bioprocessing, computer-aided unit operations, process integration, and economic evaluation. A-F only. Pre: 373, or 437 (or concurrent) or 460 (or concurrent); or consent. (Alt. years) DP BE 481 Senior Engineering Design I (3) (1 1-hr Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) First of a two-semester sequence that provides a major design experience for senior students in biosystems engineering. Design process; project management; design methods; modeling and simulation; design optimization; engineering economics; engineering statistics, initiation of an open-ended design project. Pre: 350/350L, 373, CEE 320 or ME 322, ME 311, EE 211; or consent. DP BE 482 Senior Engineering Design II (3) (1 1-hr Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Continuation of 481. Properties of biological materials; risk and reliability; design ethics; guest lectures on engineering design by practicing engineers; extension and completion of the design project with submission of a final design report. Pre: 481 or consent. DP BE 491 Biological Engineering Topics (V) Study and discussion of significant topics and problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable nine times. BE 492 Internship (4) Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. Pre: consent. BE 499 Directed Research (V) Research in the area of biosystems engineering. Pre: consent. BE 606 Instrumentation and Measurement (3) Measurement concepts and operating principles applied to the selection and use of instruments important to scientists and engineers dealing with biological systems, including automatic data acquisition and processing. Pre: CHEM 151, MATH 241, and ME 311; or consent. BE 610 Biofuel and Bioenergy (3) Overview of biofuel/bioenergy production, biorefinery concept; renewable feedstocks; thermochemical and biochemical conversions of biomass to biofuel; biodiesel production; algal-biofuel; environmental impacts, life-cycle analysis; value-added processing of biofuel residues; selected case studies; term paper and presentation. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year) BE 622 Experimental Methods in Cause-Effect Modeling (3) Factorial designs and fractional factorial designs for screening variable and response optimization. Response surface methodology. Experimental designs appropriate to building and testing multi-variable behavior relationships. Sequential experimental designs. BE 625 Biosensor Principles and Applications (3) Elaboration of common biochemical interactions used to quantify biological molecules, and the electrical technologies used to detect them. Discussion of the desirable properties of biosensors, miniaturization and applications related to medicine, agriculture, bioproduction and environment. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 625) BE 634 Biological Treatment (3) Fundamentals of applied microbiology and biochemical reactor engineering, quantitative description of microbial growth, operational theory and design basis of aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic treatment processes. Applications for water, wastewater, air, solid wastes, and soil. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as CEE 634) BE 638 Biosystems Modeling (3) Introduction to system thinking, procedures for developing system models, characteristics of important agricultural system models, computer approach to evaluation and optimization of system models. Pre: one of MATH 215, MATH 241, MATH 251A; or consent. (Cross-listed as AREC 610) BE 664 Hydrologic Processes in Soils (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Hydrologic properties in soils and the processes involved in water infiltration drainage and solute transport. Emphasis on key parameters required for modeling. Recommended: CEE 424 or consent. (Fall only). (Cross-listed as CEE 625 and NREM 660) BE 699 Directed Research (V) BE 700 Thesis Research (V) BE 750 Seminar (1) Use of computer and video technology
in technical presentation, review of current biosystems engineering research.
Pre: consent. |
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