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Business (BUS)

Shidler College of Business

BUS 099 International Exchange Study/Research (V) Study overseas in an approved international exchange or similar program. Repeatable four times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of academic advisor.

BUS 209 Written Communication in Business (3) An interactive writing class stressing persuasive writing in the context of memos, letters, and business reports. A-F only. Pre: ACC 201 and ENG 100. Students may not earn credit for both BUS 209 and ENG 209. NI

BUS 250 Applied Math in Business (3) The algebra and geometry of linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Mathematics of finance—annuities, perpetuities, present value. Derivatives, graphical analysis, mathematical models as applied to business. Selected coverage of algebra, geometry, and calculus emphasizing business applications and decision making. Pre: two years high school algebra and one year plane geometry. FS

BUS 301 Business Ethics (1) Comprehensive examination into major components of social responsibility including economic, legal, political, ethical, and societal issues involving interaction of business, government, and society. Students develop awareness of major ethical frameworks and issues that affect business decision. A-F only. Pre: first or second semester in Shidler College or departmental approval. Recommended: taken in the first year of admission to Shidler College.

BUS 310 Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions (3) Problem recognition and formulation; stress on cross-disciplinary complex problem solving and communication; computer intensive. Coverage of descriptive statistics, probability and hypothesis testing with emphasis on quality, productivity, and regression analysis. Must be taken in first semester of BBA program. DS

BUS 311 Information Systems for Global Business Environment (3) Skills and strategies for using external information resources applied to local and global business issues; advanced skills in computer-based analytical techniques and information management; impact of information technology on business operations. Must be taken in first semester of BBA program. Pre: ICS 101 or equivalent, or consent.

BUS 312 Principles of Marketing (3) Concepts, problems, and opportunities in marketing within its competitive, political-legal, economic, social and global environments. Social responsibility and ethics. Marketing research. Consumer and business-to-business segmentation and positioning. Strategic marketing planning. Students may not earn credit for BUS 312 and TIM 304.

BUS 313 Economic and Financial Environment of Global Business (3) International trade, financial flows, and direct investment. Public and private institutions including government policies and capital markets. Emphasis on Asia Pacific issues, with attention to the cultural differences among countries. Must be taken in first year of BBA program. DS

BUS 314 Business Finance (3) Introduction to the theory and practice of financial management: analysis and decision making for asset management, capital budgeting, capital structure, and dividend policy. Prerequisite for all other finance courses. Pre: ACC 202 or consent.

BUS 315 Global Management and Organizational Behavior (3) Analysis of theories and concepts underlying domestic and global organizational management, including behavioral and personnel issues. Emphasis on leadership, team-work, cultural differences in the Asia Pacific region. Prerequisite to all other advanced management courses. Students may not receive credit for BUS 315 and TIM 303. Pre: PSY 100 or SOC 100.

BUS 345 Strategic Management (3) Applications of strategy to domestic and global business problems using an interdisciplinary approach. Emphasis on Asia-Pacific business, assessment of risk, integration of all business core disciplines. Extensive writing expected. Pre: all core courses and graduating senior standing.

BUS 367 Business Study Abroad (V) Study abroad experience emphasizing international business issues. Content varies depending on where the course is taught and by which professor. Course qualifies as an international business elective. Repeatable four times.

BUS 395 (Alpha) Internship (V) On-the-job experience in the business community. Term paper and meetings with faculty advisor required. (D) MIS; (F) finance; (G) management; (I) international business; (K) marketing; (M) human resource management; (R) real estate. CR/NC only. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent and RE 300 for (R) only.

BUS 475 Asia Pacific Business (V) Analysis of business environment and business issues through study of businesses, governmental entities, and non-governmental organizations in specific geographic areas in non-U.S. settings. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Summer only).

BUS 476 Asia Pacific Field Trip (V) Analysis of business environment and business issues through study and direct observation of businesses, governmental entities, and non-governmental organizations in non-U.S. settings. Involves group travel to selected international business cities. Travel sites will vary. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 475 and consent. (Summer only).

BUS 477 Dynamics of Asian Finance (6) Analysis of selected key industries of Asian countries: business/economic trends, shifting product mix, technological changes, joint ventures, international competition, and productivity strategy, including contrasting management styles, worker/management relationships, and decision-making processes under different cultural settings. Industry observations conducted in Asian countries for three weeks during the summer. Pre: 6 credit hours of economics or business, PAMI participant; or consent.

BUS 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment required for degree completion. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.

BUS 601 Professional Development (0) Professional development course designed to focus on and improve the soft skills of MBA students. Students will learn from guest speakers, through field trips, intensive workshops, and hands-on experience. Repeatable two times. Full-time MBA degree program only. No grading.

BUS 621 Business Statistics (1.5) Statistical tools for the MBA. A-F only. Co-requisite: 622.

BUS 622 Economic Foundations of Strategy (1.5) Microeconomic principles that provide structure to solve managerial problems, and to suggest strategies for success. Evaluation of the microeconomic competitive environment in which organizations operate. A-F only. Co-requisite: 621.

BUS 623 Marketing Management (3) Concepts and issues in marketing within the global environment of business. Ethical dimensions and social responsibilities; market research; consumer segmentation and positioning. Strategic marketing planning. A-F only.

BUS 624 Accounting for Decision-making (3) Accounting tools for business professionals focusing on the role of accounting information in capital markets, managerial decision-making and corporate governance. A-F only. Pre: 201 or successful completion of Trueman, B. (2004). MBA Primer-Financial Accounting: Thomson South-Western, available online at www.mbaprimer.com, or completing a 12 contact-hour tutorial.

BUS 625 Leadership and Communication (1.5) Introduction to personal leadership development with emphasis on communication skill building and leading organizational change. A-F only. Co-requisite: 626.

BUS 626 Organizational Behavior (1.5) Contributions made by sociology, psychology, and related behavioral sciences to the understanding and prediction of human behavior in organizations. A-F only. Co-requisite: 625.

BUS 627 Business, Government, and External Environment (1.5) Important issues related to the external environment of business. This includes international trade and finance, regulatory environment, social impacts of business. A-F only. Pre: 622 or consent. Co-requisite: 628.

BUS 628 Ethics (1.5) Assists students in developing an awareness of major ethical issues which affect business decisions, and encourages a socially responsible consideration of those issues and being able to express their views. A-F only.

BUS 629 Managerial Finance (3) Financial management theories and tools for business professionals; asset management; capital budgeting; capital structure and dividend policies. A-F only. Pre: 621, 622, and 624; or consent.

BUS 630 Managing Information Technology for Strategic Advantage (1.5) Theory, practices, techniques for managing information technology resources for innovation and for strategic advantage in global business environment. Emphasis on Asia/Pacific. A-F only. Pre: 621 and 622. Co-requisite: Must be taken same semester as 631.

BUS 631 Operations and Supply Chain Management (1.5) Theory, practices, techniques for managing operations and supply chains for global integration of firms and organizations. Emphasis on Asia/Pacific. A-F only. Pre: 621 and 622, or consent. Co-requisite: 630.

BUS 632 Business Policy and Strategy (3) Integration of learning through analysis of comprehensive business problems, resolution of policy issues, and the study of competitive strategies in the international setting. Pre: all required MBA core courses (or concurrent for full-time MBA program), or consent.

BUS 667 Business Study Abroad (V) Study abroad experience emphasizing international business issues. Content varies depending on course of study and educational institution selected. Course qualifies as an international business elective(s). Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: business core or permission of academic advisor.

BUS 675 International Business Topics (V) Analysis of the business environment and business issues through study of businesses, governmental entitities, and/or non-governmental organizations in specific geographic areas, in non-U.S. settings. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Summer only).

BUS 677 Field Study in Asia (6) Industry observations conducted entirely in Asian countries for three and a half weeks. Pre: consent.

BUS 695 Internships (V) On-the-job experience in the business community. Project paper and meetings with faculty advisor required. A-F only. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

BUS 696 MBA Consulting Practicum (3) Final MBA requirement for those candidates not writing a thesis. Candidates will form consulting teams to perform a meaningful, strategic study for a client organization. Pre: 632.

BUS 696C Entrepreneurship (3) Comprehensive study of entrepreneurship.

BUS 699 Directed Reading and Research (V) Outline (including methodology or sources, results expected and means of measurement) must be prepared by student and approved by supervisor and chair of graduate programs before registration.

BUS 700 Thesis Research (V) Required for Plan A candidates only; six credit hours required, one of which must be taken during semester in which degree is awarded. Repeatable unlimited times.

BUS 705 Seminar in International Management (V) Introduces students to research and teaching at the university. Covers topics of research including research projects currently underway by Shidler College faculty, advanced PhD students, distinguished visiting faculty, and research contemplated by new PhD students. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.

BUS 800 Dissertation Research (V) Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: PhD student status in international management or consent.