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Chemistry (CHEM)Credit allowed for only one of CHEM 151, 161, 171, or 181A. CHEM 100 Chemistry and Society (3) Introductory lecture on chemistry for non-science majors. Discussion of basic chemical concepts and their application to everyday life. No credit for science and engineering majors. A-F only. (Once a year) DP CHEM 151 Elementary Survey of Chemistry (3) Nonrigorous but adequate background in fundamentals. Preparation for technical training in life sciences. DP CHEM 151L Elementary Survey of Chemistry Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Experiments introducing laboratory techniques and illustrating chemical principles. Pre: 151 (or concurrent). DY CHEM 152 Survey of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry (3) Structure, nomenclature, properties, reactions of organic compounds emphasizing those of practical importance in related fields. Pre: 151, 162, or 171. DP CHEM 152L Survey of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Techniques of preparation, purification, identification of organic compounds. Pre: 151L, 162L, or 171L; and 152 (or concurrent). DY CHEM 161 General Chemistry I (3) Basic principles of chemistry, including stoichiometry. Introduction to solution phase chemistry. Gas phase chemistry. Thermodynamics, including enthalpies of formation and reaction. Atomic structure, periodic trends, chemical bonding, molecular structure. Pre: C (not C-) in 151 or successful completion of placement exam, or consent. DP CHEM 161L General Chemistry Lab I (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments introducing techniques and fundamental principles of chemistry. Pre: 161 (or concurrent). DY CHEM 162 General Chemistry II (3) Continuation of 161. Liquids and solids. Solutions and colligative properties. Continuation of thermodynamics, including entropy and free energy. Principles and applications of chemical equilibrium, including acid-base chemistry (titrations, buffers). Kinetics. Redox reactions and electrochemistry. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 161. DP CHEM 162L General Chemistry Lab II (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments introducing techniques and fundamental principles of chemistry. Pre: 161L and 162 (or concurrent). DY CHEM 171 Principles of Chemistry (4) Principles, theories, elementary analytical methods of chemistry. Intended for physical science majors and engineers. Pre: high school chemistry and MATH 215 or MATH 241 or MATH 251A. DP CHEM 171L Principles of Chemistry Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments illustrating fundamental principles of chemistry. Pre: 171 (or concurrent). DY CHEM 181A Honors General Chemistry (4) Rigorous, in-depth introduction to chemical principles with emphasis on experimental and applied aspects of modern chemistry. Pre: high school chemistry and MATH 215 or MATH 241 or MATH 251A. (Fall only). DP CHEM 181L Honors General Chemistry Laboratory (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory experiments illustrating chemical principles involving advanced techniques and modern instrumentation. Co-requisite: 181A. DY CHEM 272 Organic Chemistry I (3) Molecular structure, stereochemistry, spectroscopy, mechanisms, reactions, and synthesis of organic compounds. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 162 or 171 or 181A. NI DP CHEM 272L Organic Chemistry I Lab (2) (1 5-hr Lab) Techniques, synthesis and qualitative analysis, applications of spectroscopy. Pre: 162L or 171L, and 272 (or concurrent). NI DY CHEM 273 Organic Chemistry II (3) Continuation of 272. Molecular structure, stereochemistry, spectroscopy, mechanisms, reactions, and synthesis of organic compounds. Pre: C (not C-) or better in 272. NI DP CHEM 273L Organic Chemistry II Lab (1) (1 4-hr Lab) Techniques, synthesis and qualitative analysis, applications of spectroscopy. Pre: 272L and 273 (or concurrent). NI DY CHEM 274 Principles of Analytical Chemistry (3) Selected methods and principles, e.g., phase equilibria, ionic equilibria, electrode equilibria, separations, spectroscopy, automation, and process control. Pre: 162 or 171 or 181A, MATH 215 or MATH 241 or MATH 251A. NI DP CHEM 274L Principles of Analytical Chemistry Lab (2) (2 3-hr Lab) Phase separations, chromatography, titrimetry, spectrophotometry, etc. Pre: 274 (or concurrent). NI DY CHEM 351 Physical Chemistry I (3) Principles and theories; physico-chemical procedures. Pre: 162L or 171L or 181L, MATH 243 or MATH 253A, and PHYS 272 and PHYS 272L. DP CHEM 352 Physical Chemistry II (3) Continuation of 351. Pre: 351. DP CHEM 352L Physico-Chemical Measurements (2) (2 3-hr Lab) Modern laboratory techniques. Includes emphasis on instruction in scientific report writing. Pre: 352 (or concurrent). DY CHEM 372 Bioorganic Chemistry (3) Mechanism of biochemical reactions, biophysical structure, techniques for studying biochemical reactions. Pre: 273 (with a grade of C or better) or graduate standing with consent, or departmental approval. (Fall only). CHEM 380 Professional Ethics for Chemists (1) Discussion of contemporary ethical issues in chemistry using case studies and additional examples from the media. CR/NC only. Pre: 352L (or concurrent) or consent. (Spring only). CHEM 399 Directed Reading or Research (V) Pre: chemistry major, and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or minimum GPA of 3.0 in chemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. CHEM 422 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry (3) Classification, description, fundamental theory. Pre: 351 (or concurrent). DP CHEM 425 Synthesis and Analysis of Inorganic Compounds (3) Lecture on advanced methods of preparation and characterization of inorganic compounds and materials. CHEM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 422 or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 425L. (Fall only). DP CHEM 425L Preparation and Analysis of Inoraganic Compounds Laboratory (2) Laboratory on preparative methods and analytical techniques and instruments in inorganic chemistry. CHEM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 422 or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 425. (Fall only). DY CHEM 445 Synthesis and Analysis of Organic Compounds (3) Introduction to multi-step synthesis and instruments/analytical techniques used to characterize organic compounds. Retrosynthesis and diastereoselective reactions; spectroscopy (optical methods, NMR), mass spectrometry. Chromatography (GC, HPLC) and coupled techniques (GCMS, LCMS). CHEM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 273 with a grade of C (not C-) or better, or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 445L. (Spring only). CHEM 445L Preparation and Analysis of Organic Compounds Laboratory (2) Laboratory on the preparation of organic compounds and physical methods for their characterization. Includes optical methods (UV-vis, IR), chromatography (HPLC, GC), mass spectrometry (GCMS and LCMS) and NMR. A-F only. Pre: 273L with a grade of C (not C-) or better, or departmental approval. Co-requisite: 445. (Spring only). CHEM 601 Theory of Chemical Bonding (3) Application of quantum mechanics and symmetry principles to descriptions of chemical bonding. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM. CHEM 602 Chemical Applications of Spectroscopy (V) Introduction to magnetic resonance, infrared, UV, and visible spectroscopy, emphasizing applications to organic and inorganic chemistry. Three topics each semester—1 credit hour per topic. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM. CHEM 622 Organometallic and Main Group Chemistry (3) Types and reactions of metal carbon bonds, catalysis, compounds and reactions of main group elements. Pre: 352 and 422. CHEM 623 Coordination Chemistry (3) Survey of Lewis acids and bases, coordination numbers, geometries, stereochemistry, ligand field theory, formation constants, and bioinorganic chemistry. Pre: 601 and 602 (or concurrent). CHEM 641 Organic Structure Determination (3) Interpretation of chemical and physical (primarily spectral) data in the identification of organic compounds. Pre: graduate standing or consent. CHEM 642 Organic Synthesis (3) Modern synthetic methods with emphasis on the design and execution of multi-step sequences. Pre: graduate standing or consent. CHEM 643 Physical Organic Chemistry (3) Theory of molecular structure, stereochemistry, and reaction mechanisms. Pre: 601 or consent. CHEM 651 Chemical Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (3) Includes statistical thermodynamics, with application to chemical systems. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM. CHEM 652 Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics (3) Kinetics and chemical reaction dynamics of elementary reactions relevant to combustion processes, astrochemistry, chemical vapor deposition and planetary sciences. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM. (Spring only). CHEM 653 Quantum Chemistry (3) Rigorous introduction to quantum mechanics, including operator formalism, matrix formation, group theory, and perturbation theory; introduction to the electronic structure of atoms and molecules. Pre: graduate standing in CHEM. CHEM 657 Astrochemistry–A Molecular Approach (3) Formation of astrobiologically important molecules and their precursors in the interstellar medium and in our solar system: first principles and latest trends. Pre: consent. (Fall only). (Cross-listed as ASTR 657 and GG 657) CHEM 658 Crystallography (3) Crystal symmetry. Elementary x-ray physics. Diffraction theory and its application to crystal and molecular structure determination. Pre: 352 and MATH 244 or MATH 253A. CHEM 691 (Alpha) Inorganic Chemistry Seminar (1) Current topics in (D) analytic-inorganic; (E) organic; (Z) inorganic chemistry. Repeatable eight times for (Z). Pre: graduate standing. CHEM 692 (Alpha) Inorganic Chemistry Seminar (1) Continuation of 691. Current topics in: (D) analytic-physical; (E) organic; (Z) inorganic chemistry. Repeatable nine times for (Z). Pre: graduate standing. CHEM 699 Directed Research (V) Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent. CHEM 700 Thesis Research (V) Pre: candidacy for MS degree and consent of thesis chair. CHEM 721 Special Topics: Inorganic Chemistry (V) Theory and applications. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics. Pre: consent. CHEM 741 Special Topics: Organic Chemistry (V) Theory and applications. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics. Pre: consent. CHEM 751 Special Topics: Physical Chemistry (V) Theory and applications. Repeatable unlimited times in different topics. Pre: consent. CHEM 800 Dissertation Research (V) Pre: candidacy for
PhD degree and consent of dissertation chair. |
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