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Dance (DNCE)College of Arts and Humanities DNCE 121 Beginning Ballet Technique (3) Introduction to classical ballet technique. Repeatable one time. DA DNCE 122 Continuing Ballet Technique (3) Continuation of beginning classical ballet technique. Repeatable three times. Pre: 121 or consent. DA DNCE 131 Beginning Modern Dance Technique (3) Introduction to modern dance technique. Repeatable one time. DA DNCE 132 Continuing Modern Technique (3) Continuation of beginning modern dance technique. Repeatable three times. Pre: 131 or consent. DA DNCE 150 Introduction to Dance (3) Survey the development of major dance styles and their relationship to contemporary choreography. DA DNCE 151 Music Theory for Dancers (3) Elements of music and relationship to dance; emphasis on rhythmic analysis. (Alt. years) DA DNCE 221 Low Intermediate Ballet Technique (3) Low intermediate ballet technique. Repeatable two times. Pre: 122 or consent. NI DA DNCE 222 Low Intermediate Ballet Technique (3) Low intermediate ballet technique. Repeatable two times. Pre: 221 or consent. NI DA DNCE 231 Low Intermediate Modern Technique (3) Low intermediate modern dance technique. Repeatable two times. Pre: 131 or consent. NI DA DNCE 232 Low Intermediate Modern Technique (3) Low intermediate modern dance technique. Repeatable two times. Pre: 231 or consent. NI DA DNCE 250 Dance Production (3) Survey of historical, theoretical, and practical aspects; work in scenery, lighting, costume, makeup, and theater management. DA DNCE 255 Dance in World Cultures (3) Multimedia overview of world dance forms, with emphasis on Asia and the Pacific, and related concepts. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. DA DNCE 260 Movement Fundamentals (1) Organized somatic systems as a framework for understanding movement and dance techniques. Required for majors. Repeatable two times. DA DNCE 301 Asian Dance I (V) Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Pre: upper division standing or consent. Repeatable up to eight credits. DA DNCE 302 Chinese Dance I (1) Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DA DNCE 303 Japanese Dance I (1) Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DA DNCE 304 Javanese Dance I (1) Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DA DNCE 305 Korean Dance I (1) Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DA DNCE 306 Okinawan Dance I (1) Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DA DNCE 307 Philippine Dance I (1) Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DA DNCE 311 Oceanic Dance I (1) Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DA DNCE 321 Intermediate Ballet Technique (3) Intermediate ballet technique. Repeatable four times. Pre: 222 or consent. DA DNCE 331 Intermediate Modern Technique (3) Intermediate modern dance technique. Repeatable four times. Pre: 232 or consent. DA DNCE 334 Taiji (T’ai Chi) for Actors I (3) Basic Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 334) DA DNCE 360 Dance Kinesiology (3) Practical information for dance students on diet and nutrition, anatomy, training and conditioning, and injury prevention. Pre: 260 or consent. DA DNCE 361 Elementary Labanotation (3) Elementary theory of Labanotation with practical application in scoring and reconstructing dances. Pre: 151 or MUS 280, or consent. (Alt. years) DA DNCE 362 Intermediate Labanotation (3) Intermediate theory of Labanotation with practical application in scoring and reconstructing dances. Pre: 361 or consent. (Alt. years) DA DNCE 370 Dance Improvisation (3) Improvisation in dance as creative experience, as source of new movement ideas, and as means of developing spontaneity in performance. Repeatable one time. Pre: 200 level or above, or consent. DA DNCE 371 Dance Composition I (3) Elementary techniques and theories for creating and crafting concert dances. Pre: 231 and 370, or consent. DA DNCE 372 Dance Composition II (3) Intermediate techniques and theories for creating and crafting concert dances. Pre: 371 or consent. DA DNCE 401 Asian Dance II (V) Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 301 or consent. DA DNCE 402 Chinese Dance II (1) Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 302 or consent. DA DNCE 403 Japanese Dance II (1) Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 303 or consent. DA DNCE 404 Javanese Dance II (1) Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 304 or consent. DA DNCE 405 Korean Dance II (1) Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 305 or consent. DA DNCE 406 Okinawan Dance II (1) Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 306 or consent. DA DNCE 407 Philippine Dance II (1) Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 307 or consent. DA DNCE 411 Oceanic Dance II (1) Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 311 or consent. DA DNCE 421 Advanced Ballet Technique (3) Advanced ballet technique. Repeatable six times. Pre: 321 or consent. DA DNCE 431 Advanced Modern Technique (3) Advanced modern dance technique. Repeatable six times. Pre: 331 or consent. DA DNCE 433 Movement Workshop (V) Special workshops in movements relating to specific departmental theatrical productions beyond the scope of movement taught in 437 and 438. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of 435 or THEA 435, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 433) DA DNCE 434 Taiji (T’ai Chi) for Actors II (3) Intermediate-level Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 334 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 434) DA DNCE 435 Movement for Actors (3) Training actors to discover experientially the sources of movement; to teach skills for analyzing movement for its mechanical, anatomical, spatial, and dynamic content; and then to apply these skills in a role. Pre: THEA 222 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 435) DA DNCE 436 Advanced Movement for Actors (3) Detailed development of material presented in 435. Focus on Bartenieff fundamentals and movement analysis as it applies to the physical interpretation of theatrical roles. Pre: 435 or THEA 435, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 436) DA DNCE 437 Period Movement Styles, 1450–1650 (3) Movement styles and social deportment of European societies in the Renaissance and early Baroque periods. Pre: 435 or THEA 435, one semester of a 100-level dance technique class; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 437) DA DNCE 438 Period Movement Styles, 1650–1800 (3) Movement styles and social deportment of the Baroque and pre-Romantic periods in Europe and the American colonies. Pre: 435 or THEA 435, one semester of a 100-level dance technique class; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 438) DA DNCE 439 Musical Theater Dance Forms (3) Theatrical dance forms used in 20th-century musical theater. Pre: 100 level or above dance technique class, 421, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 439) DA DNCE 452 Dance History I: Ritual to Theater (3) Development of Western theatrical dance from Ancient Greece through 19th-century ballet. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DH DNCE 453 Dance History II: 20th Century to the Present (3) Development of modern dance, contemporary ballet, and dance forms of musical theater and film. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DH DNCE 458 Field Experiences in Dance (V) Field experiences in relevant contexts under professional and faculty supervision. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: upper division standing and consent. DA DNCE 459 Topics in Dance (V) Readings, research, and/or field and movement experiences. Repeatable if topic changes unlimited times. Pre: upper division standing and consent. DNCE 470 Dance Performance (1) Performance in various dance styles and settings. Repeatable eight times. Pre: audition or consent. DA DNCE 480 Dance Repertory (V) Preparation of standard and new works for performance. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent. DA DNCE 490 Creative Dance (3) Dance activities for young people. Appropriate for teachers, group workers, recreation majors, and others working with children. Also adults with special needs. Supervised field activities. Pre: upper division standing or consent. DA DNCE 495 Senior Project (1) Individual choreographic project; student choreographs, performs, and oversees all technical aspects of a creative project; tutorial. Pre: 372, senior standing, and consent. DA DNCE 499 Directed Work (V) Individual projects, tutorial. Pre: consent. DNCE 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent. DNCE 651 Seminar in Dance Research (3) Research materials and methods; preparation for thesis and scholarly research reporting. Required for graduate concentrations in dance. (Alt. years) DNCE 652 Seminar: Dance Theory and Criticism (3) Major theories of dance and dance criticism; emphasis on Western ideas. Pre: 452 and 453, or consent. DNCE 653 Dance Ethnology Seminar (3) Exemplary studies and field research. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years) DNCE 654 Regional Dances of Asia (3) Dance content and historico-social context of principal dance traditions. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years) DNCE 655 Regional Dances of Oceania (3) Dance content and historico-social context of principal dance traditions. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years) DNCE 659 Advanced Topics in Dance (V) Readings, research, and/or field movement experiences. Repeatable one time if topic changes. Pre: graduate standing or consent. DNCE 660 Laban Movement Analysis (3) Study and application of Laban Movement Analysis as a framework for enhancing analytical and artistic abilities. Pre: 260 (or concurrent) and 360 (or concurrent); or consent. DNCE 661 Advanced Problems in Movement Analysis (3) Advanced skills in movement analysis and interpretation of movement scores. Emphasis on Labanotation. Repeatable two times. Pre: 362. (Alt. years) DNCE 671 Advanced Choreography (3) Advanced analytic and creative study. Pre: 372 or consent. (Alt. years) DNCE 672 Dance Performance (V) Graduate performance in various dance styles and settings. By audition only. Repeatable six times. Pre: consent. DNCE 679 Directed Choreography (1) Concert choreography for selected performance settings under the direction of a faculty advisor. Repeatable six times. Pre: 372 (or concurrent) or 671 (or concurrent), or consent. DNCE 691 Seminar in Teaching Dance/Theater (3) Pedagogy and classroom experience in teaching technique and theory. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 691) DNCE 693 Internship: Youth Theater/Dance (V) Supervised leadership experiences in dance/theater program with children. Students spend nine hours per week in supervised setting and three hours in weekly class meeting. Pre: 490, THEA 470, or THEA 476; or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 693) DNCE 699 Directed Reading and Research (V) Individual projects: tutorial. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: consent. DNCE 700 Thesis Research (V) |
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