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Counseling and Guidance (EDCG)EDEP 429 is a prerequisite for the graduate program in counseling and guidance and is to be completed within the first two semesters of study. EDCG 402 Guidance and Classroom Management (3) Guidance principles applied to classroom management for teachers. Pre: consent. EDCG 470 Ethnic Groups and Education in Hawai‘i (3) Identity and learning within and among Hawai‘i ethnic groups; study of prejudice and inter-ethnic hostilities as these impact education and teaching. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEF 470) DS EDCG 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent. EDCG 581 (Alpha) Educational Workshop in Guidance (1) For counselors, counseling and guidance teachers, and other personnel to develop new approaches, attitudes, and ideas pertaining to the role and function of counseling and guidance in school, community, and state. (B) elementary school; (C) middle school; (D) high school; (E) college; (F) rehabilitation; (G) career; (H) evaluation and assessment; (I) personal development; (J) research methods; (K) guidance technique for classroom teachers; (M) counseling and social issues; (N) counselor as consultant; (O) program development; (P) geriatric; (Q) adult development. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. EDCG 582 (Alpha) Educational Workshop in Guidance (2) For counselors, counseling and guidance teachers, and other personnel to develop new approaches, attitudes, and ideas pertaining to the role and function of counseling and guidance in school, community, and state. (B) elementary school; (C) middle school; (D) high school; (E) college; (F) rehabilitation; (G) career; (H) evaluation and assessment; (I) personal development; (J) research methods; (K) guidance technique for classroom teacher; (M) counseling and social issues; (N) counselor as consultant; (O) program development; (P) geriatric; (Q) adult development. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. EDCG 583 (Alpha) Educational Workshop in Guidance (3) For counselors, counseling and guidance teachers and other personnel to develop new approaches, attitudes, and ideas pertaining to the role and function of counseling and guidance in school, community, and state. (B) elementary school; (C) middle school; (D) high school; (E) college; (F) rehabilitation; (G) career; (H) evaluation and assessment; (I) personal development; (J) research methods; (K) guidance technique for classroom teacher; (M) counseling and social issues; (N) counselor as consultant; (O) program development; (P) geriatric; (Q) adult development. Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only. EDCG 600 Counseling in the Schools (3) History, philosophy, and organization of school counseling programs. Counselor role and functions, legal and ethical issues, contemporary issues, current methodology and resources. (Meets EdD common core elective.) Pre: consent. EDCG 601 Principles and Practice of Rehabilitation Counseling (3) Principles, practices of rehabilitation counseling; review of history and influence of legislation on vocational rehabilitation; current issues, developments, with emphasis on local situation. Pre: consent. EDCG 602 Introduction to Community Counseling (3) Philosophy, organization, and function of community service agencies, programs, and institutions as related to professional work in counseling. Pre: consent. EDCG 603 Introduction to Practicum (3) Pre-practicum training for supervised experiences in school, community, and human service organizations. Focus on the counseling relationship. Includes a specialty observation-participation field experience. Pre: classified counseling and guidance major. EDCG 604 Career Development and Vocational Counseling (3) Theory and practice in career development and vocational counseling with individuals and groups; utilization of educational, vocational, and social resources in career counseling. Pre: consent. EDCG 605 Human Growth and Development—Life Span (3) Life span perspective on psychological, social, and physical development. Major theories and related research on human development; applications in policy planning and service delivery in counseling. Pre: consent. EDCG 606 Counseling: Theory and Practice (3) Theory and techniques of counseling and guidance as preparation for practicum and internship. Application in school, college, rehabilitation, and community settings. Pre: consent. EDCG 607 Planning and Design of Counseling Research (3) Integration and synthesis of counseling research principles in field settings; construction and formulation of research proposals. Pre: 603 or 683, and consent. EDCG 608 Counseling: Group Theory and Practice (3) Theories and techniques of group counseling and guidance as preparation for practicum and internship. Application in school, college, rehabilitation, and community settings. Pre: 603 or 683, and 606, and consent. EDCG 609 Tests and Inventories in Guidance (3) Tests and inventories for the assessment of aptitudes, achievement, and interests. Applications to educational, instructional, and career guidance. Pre: consent. EDCG 611 Problems of School Adjustment (3) Principles of behavior affecting interpersonal relationships in school with emphasis on application to actual situations. Pre: consent. EDCG 614 Theory and Assessment of Intelligence (3) Theory and supervised experience in individual intelligence testing, psychological report writing; psychometric and social issues in intelligence testing. Pre: 609 and consent. EDCG 615 Theory and Assessment of Personality (3) Personality testing; practice in administration and use of personality assessment; examination of psychometric and social issues. Pre: 609 and consent. EDCG 620 Cross-Cultural Counseling (3) Significance of cultural factors in counseling relationships, delivery of counseling services in multicultural settings with attention to Hawai‘i. Emphasis on process of cultural learning and implications for counselor roles and functions. Pre: consent. EDCG 633 Crisis Intervention (3) Professional concerns about crisis intervention strategies, and counseling skills development. Crisis theory as applied to suicide, sexual assault/rape, natural and man-made disasters, personal loss, terminal illness, life cycle crisis, and the like. A-F only. Pre: at least nine credits in EDCG courses, including 606. EDCG 646 American College Student (3) Study of psychosocial characteristics of American college students and college environment, from viewpoint of student personnel work. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as EDEA 646) EDCG 650 Substance Abuse Counseling (3) Major theories on substance abuse behaviors, etiology, developmental aspects, socio-environmental issues, and prognosis. Theory and techniques in counseling, assessment, rehabilitation, prevention, and intervention. Pre: consent. EDCG 654 Child Abuse: Counseling Practice and Theory (3) Historical aspects and contemporary sociocultural, and political attitudes and practices. Treatment and prevention theories and techniques in context of developmental psychology. Pre: consent. EDCG 660 Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling (3) Theory/practice of marriage, family, and child counseling, including major model in clinical practice; supervised counseling project by each student. Liability insurance required. Pre: 603 and 606 and 608 and consent. EDCG 670 Consultation: Theory and Practice (3) Consultation in educational, business, health, community, and human services agencies. Pre: 603 or 683, and 606, and 608, and consent. EDCG 681 Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability (3) Functional implications of chronic illnesses and disabilities on psychological, social and vocational areas of an individuals life. Case studies and presentations will stimulate discussion and help students to apply theoretical information into practical everyday context. Pre: 601 and consent. EDCG 683 Case Management in Rehabilitation (3) Knowledge and skills required in case and case-load management in public as well as private sector rehabilitation sites. Emphasis on professional/client relationship, interviewing process, decision-making, goal-setting, recording/documentation, time management, and other tasks. Pre: 601 and consent. EDCG 684 Psychopathology in Counseling (3) Discussion-oriented course (potentially Web-based). Examination of theory and practice of diagnosis in the assessment and treatment of mental disorders and the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) multi-axial system. Case studies will illustrate diagnostic issues. A-F only. Pre: 606 and 681, and consent. EDCG 685 Ethical Issues for the Helping Profession (3) Developing ethical reasoning capabilities for resolution of ethical dilemmas likely to be encountered in counseling, psychology, and specialty practices (e.g., community, rehabilitation, school, mental health, alcohol and substance abuse, marriage and family counseling, and the like). A-F only. Pre: 606 and consent. EDCG 686 Vocational Evaluation and Assessment in Rehabilitation (3) Theory, process, and techniques of vocational evaluation and assessment. Assessment methods and processes as they relate to vocational choice and adjustment of special groups. Pre: 681 and consent. EDCG 687 Assistive Technology in Rehabilitation Counseling (3) Study of application of assistive technologies to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. Case studies provide the vehicle in guiding students toward integration of available information into reality of actual situations. Special emphasis on the importance of using a consumer-centered approach in providing assistive technology services. A-F only. Pre: 681 and consent. EDCG 688 Theory and Techniques of Job Placement (3) Theory, process, and techniques of job readiness, job development, and job placement. Pre: 604 and consent. EDCG 699 Directed Reading and/or Research (V) Individual reading and/or research. Pre: written consent of instructor and department chair. EDCG 700 Thesis Research (V) Research for master’s thesis. Pre: master’s Plan A candidate and consent. EDCG 703 (Alpha) Practicum in Counseling (V) Supervised experience (150 clock hours per semester) in counseling and guidance activities, which includes a weekly class meeting: (E) elementary; (H) secondary; (C) community service; (R) rehabilitation; (U) college. Each alpha is repeatable three times. Pre: 603 or 683, and consent. EDCG 704 Contemporary Issues in Counseling (3) Current issues and problems. (Meets EdD common required elective.) Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent. EDCG 733 (Alpha) Internship I (V) Supervised post-practicum experience (300 clock hours per semester) in counseling and guidance activities, which includes a weekly class meeting: (E) elementary; (H) secondary; (C) community service; (R) rehabilitation; (U) college. Each alpha is repeatable three times. Pre: 703 and consent. EDCG 734 (Alpha) Internship II (V) Supervised post-internship I experience (300 clock hours per semester) in counseling and guidance activities, which includes a weekly class meeting; (E) elementary; (H) secondary; (C) community service; (R) rehabilitation; (U) college. Each alpha is repeatable three times. A-F only. Pre: 733 and consent. EDCG 741 Seminar in School Counseling (3) In-depth study of professional concerns in school counseling. A-F only. Pre: 703(E or H) and classified counseling and guidance major and consent. EDCG 751 Seminar in Community Counseling (3) In-depth study of professional concerns in community counseling. A-F only. Pre: 703(C) and classified counseling and guidance major and consent. EDCG 761 Seminar in College Counseling (3) In-depth study of professional concerns in college counseling. A-F only. Pre: 703(U) and classified counseling and guidance major and consent. EDCG 781 Seminar in Rehabilitation Counseling (V) In-depth
study of professional concerns in rehabilitation counseling. A-F only.
Pre: 703(R) and classified counseling and guidance major, and consent.
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