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Educational Technology (ETEC)ETEC 414 Educational Media Technology (3) Introduction to educational technology theory and practice with an emphasis on meaningful integration of technology and media into a variety of face-to-face and online learning environments for diverse populations. Pre: upper division standing. ETEC 415 Technology for Teachers (3) Introduction to the application of educational technology in teaching and learning using strategies in design, selection, development, integration, and evaluation. Interactive delivery via distance education technologies. A-F only. Pre: basic teaching certification. ETEC 430 Video Technology (3) Overview of video uses in educational contexts. Includes video planning, production, and simple editing procedures, as well as selection, evaluation, and integration into learning plans. Pre: upper division standing. ETEC 442 Computers in Education (3) Planning and implementation of computer systems and applications for effective integration into classroom settings. Emphasis is on methods and strategies for using digital technologies to enhance standards-based learning by K-12 students. Pre: upper division standing. ETEC 448 Links to Lifelong Learning (3) Focused exploration of the internet and its application to effective teaching/learning, including finding, evaluating, using, creating information on the web; culminating project involves designing, creating, and publishing a website. Integration with copyright law and standards. Repeatable one time. Pre: upper division standing (junior+) and consent. ETEC 454 Technology Resources (3) Virtual and hands-on analysis of technology resources and utilization in K–12 schools. Pre: upper division standing (junior+) and consent. ETEC 499 Directed Activity (V) Individual work, supervised by instructor. May consist of reading, research, and/or projects. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent. ETEC 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B candidate and consent. Repeatable nine times. ETEC 501 Professional Development in Educational Technology: Technology Skills for Educators (1) Exploring technology resources needed for distance learning and classroom integration. Repeatable two times. ETEC 502 PDET: Technology Skills for Educators (2) Exploring technology resources needed for integration into classroom instruction. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. ETEC 511 Professional Development Education Technology I (3) Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. ETEC 512 Professional Development Education Technology II (3) Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. ETEC 513 Professional Development Education Technology III (3) Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. ETEC 514 Professional Development Education Technology IV (3) Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. ETEC 600 Theory and Practice in Educational Technology (3) The profession of educational technology and the role of instructional designers. Theoretical and philosophical foundations underlying practice that include instructional systems theory, needs assessment, change theory, and relevant learning models. Practical applications of these theories to solve instructional problems in real-life settings. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 601 Ed Tech Research Review (3) Review of existing research in media/ed technology, with activities leading to the preparation of final study or project proposal. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 602 Teaching/Training Technologies (3) Innovative technological advances for use in teaching and training, and their evaluation in terms of instructional goals. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 603 Instructional Design and Development (3) Basic concepts and techniques of instructional design and development, for application to solving instructional problems in real-life situations. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 605 Conducting Ed Tech Research (3) Application of methodological and statistical concepts to students’ own research projects. Formative and summative evaluation, measurements, descriptive and inferential statistics. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major. ETEC 606 Qualitative Research in Educational Technology (3) Introduction to qualitative research traditions and designs. Emphasis will be on the use of digital technologies in data collection and analysis. A-F only. Pre: 601, ETEC major or consent. (Once a year) ETEC 620 Visual Design (3) Theory and practice involved in planning educational/instructional graphic and photographic material for print and computer-based media. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 630 Video/TV Design (3) Development and utilization of television programs for the purpose of improving the teaching-learning process. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 644 Programming Concepts/Structures (3) Using Java, project-based exploration of the breadth of computer programming in the context of general and instructional applications, including educational games. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 645 Design Web-based Instruction (3) The design and development of instruction for Web and internet delivery. Integration of HTML, Java, and current Web authoring software will be employed to create instructional websites. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 647 Hypermedia Design (3) The utilization and application of computer interactive systems including the use of advanced authoring tools, combining unique advantages of video, motion, imagery, and sound with current instructional processes in student-centered learning. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 648 (Alpha) Computer Authoring (3) Conceptualization of instructional design and its application to the development of particular types of software, utilization or environment: (B) assisted instruction (CAI); (C) managed instruction; (D) virtual reality; (E) animation. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 649 Development of Online Courseware (3) Planning, design, and development of online instruction for educational and training settings. Implementation of online course elements such as student interaction, course management, testing, and content delivery using an authoring environment such as Web Course Tools or equivalent. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 650 Instructional Technology Services Management (3) Applying theory of management in instructional technology support services and delivery systems. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 661 Distance Education Technology (3) Technical and instructional considerations for developing, delivering, managing, and evaluating distance education including voice, video, print, hypermedia and data transmissions. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 662 Computer Networks in Education (3) Design, installation, and management of computer networks for administrative and instructional uses, with particular focus on local area network issues. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 663 Planning for Technology and Resources (3) Planning, needs assessment, and change theory applied to the development and evaluation of long-range plans and the communication of a vision for technology in education. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 664 Technology and Instructional Applications (3) Designing, delivering, and evaluating performance solutions related to technology-based needs of adult learners in various instructional settings. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 667 Tech in Nontech Disciplines I (3) Designed for non-tech disciplines, course focuses on building and facilitating student success in selected computer, distance learning, web, and internet technologies through exploration, understanding, application, and integration of key concepts and skills. Not for ETEC majors. Pre: consent. ETEC 668 Tech in Nontech Disciplines II (3) Designed for non-tech disciplines, course builds upon the concepts and skills learned in ETEC 667 by presenting for mastery, more complex technological concepts and skills involved in designing, creating, and publishing information on the web. Not for ETEC majors. Pre: consent. ETEC 670 Media and Technological Product Evaluation (3) Evaluation process, sources and instruments applicable to systematic appraisal of technology systems, hardware, software, and other instructional resources. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 679 Education and Communication Technologies (3) Role and impact of communication technologies in contemporary educational institutions. Application and adaptation of such technologies to instructional (i.e., teaching as well as learning) activities and ramifications of these technologies on administrative structure of schools. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 680 Professional Ethics and Technology (3) Examining and conveying an ethical vision of the role and impact of technologies in contemporary education and training; designing ways to communicate that vision to peers and students. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 686 Information Literacy and Learning Resources (3) Study of information literacy models. Integration of information literacy with K-12 curriculum units and lessons. Evaluation of print and multimedia resources to meet student and curricular needs. Required for Librarian HDOE licensure. Pre: ETEC major or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 686 and LIS 686) ETEC 687 Instructional Development Practicum (3) Practicum in instructional development and design in academic, agency, and private industry settings, under close supervision, plus regular class meetings in seminar format. Repeatable one time. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 688 Educational Technology Practicum (3) Practicum in educational technology applications in academic or non-academic settings, under close supervision, plus regular class meetings. Repeatable one time. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 690 Seminar in Technology Leadership (3) Supervised activity in application of technology to teaching/training experiences. Repeatable one time. Pre: ETEC major and consent. ETEC 699 Directed Reading and/or Research (V) Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable for 3 credit hours maximum each time. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 700 Thesis Research (V) Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable nine times. ETEC 750 (Alpha) Seminar in Educational Technology Issues (3) Study and discussion of significant topics and problems. (B) instructional development; (C) telecommunications; (D) the future; (E) research. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ETEC major or consent. ETEC 780 Mixed Methods Research Design (3) Mixed methods
research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social
sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research.
Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed
methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. (Once a year)
(Cross-listed as EDCS 780 and DIS 780) |
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