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French (FR)

College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature

All courses are conducted in French. A grade of C- or better in the prerequisite courses is required for continuation.

FR 101 Elementary French (3) Conversation, grammar, and reading. HSL

FR 102 Elementary French (3) Conversation, grammar, and reading. Pre: 101 or consent. HSL

FR 201 Intermediate French (3) Reading, conversation, laboratory drill, composition. Pre: 102 or equivalent. NI HSL

FR 202 Intermediate French (3) Continuation of 201. Pre: 201. NI HSL

FR 258 Intermediate French Abroad (3) Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the second-year level in French language and culture in a French-speaking country. Pre: 102 or equivalent. NI HSL

FR 259 Intermediate French Abroad (3) Continuation of 258. NI HSL

FR 260 Intensive Intermediate French Abroad (V) Intensive course of formal instruction on the second-year level in French language and culture in a French-speaking country. A student having taken 201 may enroll for only 3 credits of FR 260. For semester programs only. Pre: 102. NI HSL

FR 301 French Phonetics (3) Analysis of phonological system; methods of teaching pronunciation; understanding various types of spontaneous speech. Drills in pronunciation, intonation, stress, and rhythm. Pre: 202 or consent. DH

FR 302 Reading in French (3) Development of language skills through reading of cultural and literary texts. Pre: 202 or consent.

FR 306 Structure of French (3) Structure of contemporary French as analyzed by descriptive linguists. Pre: 202. DH

FR 309 Business French (3) Reading and writing commercial materials. Pre: 202.

FR 311 Conversation (3) Systematic practice for control of spoken French. Further development of vocabulary for accurate, mature expression. Pre: 202.

FR 312 Composition (3) Emphasis on strengthening facility with language through further training in syntax, structure, and composition writing. Pre: 202.

FR 321 Advanced Conversation (3) Systematic and advanced practice for control of spoken French, advanced development for accurate, mature expression. Pre: 311 or consent.

FR 331 Survey of French Literature (3) Major authors and movements. Pre: 311 (or concurrent) and 312; only 311 may be concurrent. DL

FR 332 Survey of French Literature (3) Continuation of 331. Pre: 311 (or concurrent) and 312; only 311 may be concurrent. DL

FR 358 Third-Level French Abroad (3) Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the third-year level in French language and culture in a French-speaking country. Pre: 202 or 259 or 260 or equivalent.

FR 359 Third-Level French Abroad (3) Continuation of 358.

FR 360 Intensive Third-Level French Abroad (V) Intensive course of formal instruction on the third-year level in French language and culture in a French-speaking country. For semester programs only. Pre: 202 or 260 or equivalent.

FR 361 Contemporary French Civilization (3) Survey of culture and institutions of modern France. Pre: 202. DH

FR 364 Survey of French Civilization (3) A historical survey of the development of French culture. The course is interdisciplinary, focusing on the relations between politics, literature, science, and the arts. Pre: 202 or consent. DH

FR 391 (Alpha) Topics in French Literature (3) (B) French film; (C) the Fantastic; (D) Francophone literature. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: 311 or 312, or consent. DL

FR 399 Directed Reading (V) Independent study of approved reading with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent.

FR 405 Advanced Oral and Written Expression (3) Further development of listening, comprehension, speaking, and writing skills through viewing of French videotapes, reading French newspapers, frequent oral and written reports. Pre: 311 and 312, or 306, or 358, or 360; or consent.

FR 406 French-English Translation (3) Practice in techniques based on contrastive linguistics. Translation of texts from various fields from French into English and the reverse. Pre: 306 or 309, and 312; or consent.

FR 408 Masterpieces of Medieval Literature (3) Samplings from epic, novel, verse and prose, tale, lyric poetry, chronicle, theater, didactic literature. Elementary readings in original text in editions giving modern French translation. Pre: 331 or consent. DL

FR 409 Advanced Language Study: French (3) Advanced course in spoken and written French with intensive review of alternative grammatical structures and shades of meaning in the modern language. Graduates who have not taken prerequisites may request consent. Pre: 306 or 405 (or equivalent); or consent.

FR 410 Masterpieces of 16th-Century Literature (3) Samplings from all major writers of the period. Readings in original text in editions giving modern French equivalents for difficult words. Pre: 331 or consent. DL

FR 411 Masterpieces of 17th-Century Literature (3) Principal works of major dramatists: Corneille, Moliere, Racine. Principal movements and major authors of non-dramatic prose and poetry. Pre: 331 or consent. DL

FR 413 Masterpieces of 18th-Century Literature (3) Pre: 332 or consent. DL

FR 417 19th Century French Prose and Poetry (3) Study of representative prose and poetry of the major trends of 19th century France: romanticism, realism, symbolism, aestheticism. Pre: 332 or consent. DL

FR 421 20th-Century French Theater (3) Major French playwrights and their works: Claudel, Giraudoux, Anouilh, Sartre, Camus, etc. Pre: 332 or consent. DL

FR 423 20th Century French Prose and Poetry (3) Study of representative prose and poetry of the major trends of 20th century France: modernism, surrealism, existentialism, postmodernism and multiculturalism. Pre: 332 or consent. DL

FR 458 Fourth-Level French Abroad (3) Intensive course of full-time formal instruction on the fourth-year level in French linguistics, civilization, culture, and literature in a French-speaking country. Pre: 359 or 360 or equivalent.

FR 459 Fourth-Level French Abroad (3) Continuation of 458.

FR 460 Intensive Fourth-Level French Abroad (V) Intensive course of formal instruction on the fourth-year level in French language, culture and literature in a French-speaking country. For semester programs only. Pre: 360 or equivalent.

FR 491 (Alpha) Seminar in French Literature (3) (B) French literature by period; (C) Francophone literature; (D) French film; (E) topic in French literature. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 331 (or concurrent) and 332 (or concurrent), or consent. DL

FR 499 Directed Reading and Research (V) Independent study of approved readings and research with faculty supervision. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: consent.

FR 506 French for Reading Proficiency (3) Reading of scholarly and technical French for graduate students; open to undergraduates with consent of department chair. Not applicable to undergraduate language requirement. Repeatable two times with consent. CR/NC only.

FR 601 Seminar in 20th-Century French Literature (3) Authors and movements of modern period.

FR 609 French Renaissance (3) Poetry, theater, prose. Emphasis on Montaigne and Rabelais. Lectures, discussions, reports.

FR 620 Masterpieces of the 17th Century (3) Dramatic or prose works of the classical period.

FR 651 Philosophic Currents in 18th Century (3) Philosophic movements and their impact on the social, political, and literary life of the period and the modern era.

FR 661 Stylistics (3) Designed to give mastery of external stylistics. Contrastive analysis of structures of French and English. Translation into French and from French.

FR 671 History of the French Language (3) Origins and development of French language in its cultural context. Contrastive analysis.

FR 672 Seminar in Medieval Literature (3) Genesis and evolution of literary genres from the 12th to 15th centuries. Epic, romance, lyric poetry, prose, and drama. Repeatable two times with consent.

FR 681 Seminar: The Novel in France (3) Novels which have influenced movements or established techniques. Repeatable two times with consent.

FR 690 The Theater in France (3) Historical development; major dramatists who have influenced movements or established techniques. Pre: 6 credit hours at 400 level.

FR 699 Directed Research (V) Pre: consent of department chair.

FR 735 Seminar in French Literature (3) Study of authors or a period. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: consent of chair of graduate field.