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Honors (HON)

Honors Programs

These courses are limited to students in the Honors Programs.

HON 101 Introduction to Research and Creative Work at Manoa (3) Combines lectures by instructors and faculty guests with workshops and hands-on experience in small group projects, including bibliographic searches, laboratory science, social surveys and interviews. A-F only.

HON 120 Mathematical Modes of Thinking (3) Mathematics as both a language and a thought process expressed in that language. Historical and contemporary relations to culture.

HON 190 Honors Tutorial (1) Supplements a 100 or 200 lecture course or standard lab time with discussion section, instructor-intensive lab time or directed research. Limited enrollment. Repeatable three times.

HON 291 (Alpha) Sophomore Seminar (3) Special inquiry-based study of multi-disciplinary topics in particular historical, cultural, geographical, environmental, or other contexts. Emphasis on primary sources and/or fieldwork. (B) biological science; (H) humanities; (P) physical science; (R) arts; (S) social science; (T) literature. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or departmental approval. NI DB for (B); DH for (H); DP for (P); DA for (R); DS for (S); DL for (T)

HON 301 Public Policy-Making (3) Students develop understanding of theory, practice, and ethical issues of public policy-making. Combines lecture/discussion and fieldtrips. Students develop policy analysis and strategic plans that identify issues, interests, and methods of influence. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or 291, or departmental approval. (Cross-listed as POLS 386)

HON 303 Civil Engagement, Volunteerism & Community Service (3) Seminar on history and theory and practice of volunteerism in the U.S. Involves comparative study of volunteerism, individual research projects on volunteerism, and conduct of field service activities together with written reports. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or 291, or departmental approval.

HON 380 Peer Mentoring (3) Students function as peer mentors in and out of class sessions. Emphasis on understanding dynamics of leadership skills within the context of small groups. Pre-semester training sessions, on-going training and supervision. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or departmental approval.

HON 491 Junior Seminar (3) Project-based experiential learning involving community-based research or creative work. Focus on project design, practical skills, and teamwork. Multi-disciplinary topics vary each semester. Required of, and limited to, candidates for Honors degree. Repeatable one time. A-F only.

HON 492 Honors Colloquium (3) Weekly meetings for discussion of enduring issues and problems of an interdisciplinary nature. Limited to candidates for Honors degree. CR/NC only.

HON 495 Introduction to Research (3) Library research skills; scholarship of research and creative work; methodological and ethical issues; development of individual proposal or prospectus for Senior Honors Project. Limited to candidates for the Honors degree. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only.

HON 496 Senior Honors Project (3) Original research, creative work, performance or other form of scholarly project appropriate to a major and supervised by a faculty member. Limited to candidates for Honors degree. Repeatable one time for each major. A-F only. Pre: 495 or consent.

Selected Studies students also have the option of taking A-section courses from the following list when they are offered by departments:

  • AMST 202A Diversity in American Life
  • ANTH 151A Emerging Humanity FGA
  • ANTH 152A Culture and Humanity FGB
  • ART 101A Introduction to Visual Arts
  • ASAN 241A Civilizations of Asia
  • ASAN 242A Civilizations of Asia
  • ASAN 312A Contemporary Asian Civilizations DS
  • ASTR 110A Survey of Astronomy
  • ASTR 120A Astronomical Origins
  • BOT 101A General Botany
  • BOT 105A Ethnobotany FG
  • CHEM 181A Honors General Chemistry
  • ECON 130A Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 131A Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECON 300A Intermediate Economics: Macroeconomics Analysis
  • ECON 301A Intermediate Economics: Price Theory DS
  • ECON 317A the Japanese Economy DS
  • ENG 100A Composition I
  • ENG 270A Introduction to Literature: Literary History NI DL
  • ENG 271A Introduction to Literature: Genre NI DL
  • ENG 272A Introduction to Literature: Culture and Literature NI DL
  • ENG 273A Introduction to Literature: Creative Writing and Literature NI DL
  • GG 101A Introduction to Geology
  • HWST 107A Hawai‘i: Center of the Pacific
  • HIST 161A World Cultures in Perspective
  • HIST 162A World Cultures in Perspective
  • ICS 101A Tools for the Info Age
  • ICS 111A Introduction to Computer Science
  • ICS 211A Introduction to Computer Science II NI
  • MATH 251A Accelerated Calculus I NI
  • MATH 252A Accelerated Calculus II NI
  • MATH 253A Accelerated Calculus III
  • MICR 140A Microbiology Laboratory
  • PHIL 100A Introduction to Philosophy: Survey of Problems
  • PHIL 101A Introduction to Philosophy: Morals and Society
  • PHIL 102A Introduction to Philosophy: Asian Traditions DH
  • PHIL 110A Introduction to Deductive Logic
  • PHYS 272A General Physics II DP
  • POLS 110A Introduction to Political Science
  • POLS 335A Political Philosophy and Theory DS
  • PSY 371A Abnormal Psychology DS
  • REL 151A Religion and the Meaning of Existence DH
  • REL 210A Understanding Christianity DH
  • SOC 100A Introduction to Sociology
  • SOC 300A Principles of Sociology Inquiry
  • SP 251A Principles of Effective Public Speaking