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Linguistics (LING)

College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature

LING 100 Language in Hawai‘i and the Pacific (3) Introduction to the study of language and language-related issues, with a focus on Hawai‘i and the Pacific. A-F only. DS

LING 102 Introduction to the Study of Language (3) Non-formal introduction to language, emphasizing the everyday use of language, its relevance to contemporary issues in society, and local language issues. Topics covered include pidgins and creoles, language and the brain, animal communication, etc. DS

LING 103 Language and Symbolic Reasoning (3) Introduction to language as a formal symbolic system and to the techniques of analysis and reasoning that reveal its workings. A-F only.

LING 120 Language as a Window to the Mind (3) Introduction to language-related phenomena, which gives insight into the organization of the human mind. Combines lecture, discussion and group projects.

LING 320 General Linguistics (3) Introduction to the formal analysis of language, focusing on phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, historical linguistics, language acquisition, and related topics. DS

LING 331 Computer Applications (3) Background; uses for machine translation, dictionary programs, speech synthesis, grammar modeling, etc. Pre: 320 (or concurrent) or consent.

LING 344 Languages of the World (3) Survey of major language families; typological classification and language universals; writing systems, “contact” languages. Variety of grammatical structures illustrated by selected languages. Pre: 320 or consent. DS

LING 346 The Philippine Language Family (3) Introduction; phonological and grammatical systems; historical developments; emphasis on Filipino, Cebuano, and Ilokano. Pre: grade of B or better in 102 or 320 and experience with a Philippine language, or consent. DH

LING 347 Pidgin and Creole Languages (3) Nature, history, structure, and geographic distribution of pidgins and creoles. Pre: 102 or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as IS 347)

LING 410 Articulatory Phonetics (3) Intensive training in recognition, reproduction, and recording of human speech sounds; preparation for fieldwork with unrecorded languages and for clinical work in speech pathology. DH

LING 412 Psycholinguistics (3) The mental processes involved in producing, understanding, and acquiring language. Students will conduct a small psycholinguistic experiment. Open to nonmajors. Pre: one of 102, 320, PSY 100, or SPA 300; or consent. DS

LING 414 Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (3) Introduction to the ethnographic study of speech and language. Pre: ANTH 152 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ANTH 414 and IS 414) DS

LING 415 Language and Gender (3) The role of language in the construction of gender and in the maintenance of the gender order. Field projects explore hypotheses about the interaction of language and gender. No previous knowledge of linguistics required. A-F only. (Cross-listed as ANTH 413) DS

LING 416 Language as a Public Concern (3) How does language serve as a proxy for larger social questions? Focuses on four main themes: language revitalization, discrimination on the basis of accent, gender miscommunication and the English Only Movement. A-F only. Pre: 102 or 320 or consent. DS

LING 420 Morphology (3) Theory of word structure; analysis of a variety of morphological types. Pre: 320 (or concurrent) or consent. DH

LING 421 Introduction to Phonological Analysis (3) Phonological analysis and theory. Pre: 410. DH

LING 422 Introduction to Grammatical Analysis (3) Syntactic analysis and grammatical theory. Pre: 320 or consent. DH

LING 423 Cognitive Linguistics (3) Conceptual systems and language from a cognitive science perspective. Linguistic evidence on conceptual structure, reasoning, categorization, and understanding. Open to nonmajors. Pre: 102, 320, ICS 111, or PSY 100; or consent.

LING 430 Animal Communication (3) Investigates animal communication from the perspective of modern linguistics. Dispels common misconceptions about “talking animals” and shows how the cognitive, biological, and environmental needs and opportunities of animals determine what and how they communicate. A-F only. Pre: 102 or consent. DS

LING 431 Computational Modeling (3) Hands-on introduction to modeling language. Focuses on connectionism, relations between language perception, and motor control. Requires no programming experience. Open to nonmajors. Pre: 102, 320, ICS 111, or PSY 100; or consent.

LING 441 Meaning (3) Theories of how literal and figurative language encode meaning and processes of meaning encoding and decoding. Open to nonmajors. Pre: 102, 320, ICS 111, or PSY 100; or consent.

LING 445 Polynesian Language Family (3) Introduction to the language family of Hawaiian, Samoan, Tahitian, Tongan, etc.; models of migration and settlement and linguistic evidence; subgrouping and reconstruction of Proto-Polynesian; linguistic characteristics of present-day languages; language endangerment and conservation in Polynesia. Pre: 320 with a grade of B or better, or consent. DS

LING 451 Induction of Linguistic Structure (3) Phonological and grammatical structures of a previously uncodified language are determined by linguistic analysis of data obtained from speakers of the language. Pre: 102 or 320, or consent. DH

LING 470 Children’s Speech (3) Individual strategies, baby talk, language socialization, language variation including multilingualism. Relation of cognitive to language development. Pre: 320. DS

LING 499 Directed Research (V) Repeatable up to 3 credit hours. CR/NC only. Pre: one 400-level linguistic course and consent.

LING 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.

LING 611 Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics (3) Principles of acoustics and audition as they relate to speech sounds, use of computer-based analysis tools to investigate acoustic properties of speech. Pre: 421 or consent.

LING 615 The Nature of Language (3) Language as a communication system, current theories of grammar, meaning, sociolinguistics, linguistic change and comparison.

LING 621 Phonology (3) Phonological theory and problems of analysis. Pre: 421 or consent. (Fall only).

LING 622 Grammar (3) Grammatical theory and problems of analysis. Pre: 422 or consent.

LING 623 Semantics and Pragmatics (3) Ways in which the interpretation of sentences in natural language depends upon the literal meaning of propositions and their logical (semantic) and conversational (pragmatic) inferences. Pre: 422 or consent.

LING 630 Field Methods (3) Work with native speakers of lesser-known languages to develop techniques for data collection and analysis. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 421 and 422 and one of 621 or 622; or consent.

LING 631 Language Data Processing (3) Preparation of language data for computer processing; use ready-made programs; write simple language processing programs using SNOBOL4. Applications to student’s research. Pre: 421 and 422, or consent.

LING 632 Laboratory Research (3) Laboratory methods for research in linguistics. Introduction to hardware, software, research designs and basic analysis techniques commonly used in laboratory-based research. Combines lecture, laboratory work and discussion. Pre: graduate standing.

LING 640 (Alpha) Topics in Linguistics (3) History of the discipline, schools of linguistic thought, current issues, etc. Repeatable one time. (E) English linguistics; (F) phonology and phonetics; (G) general; (H) history of the discipline; (S) sociolinguistics; (X) syntax; (Y) psycholinguistics. Pre: consent.

LING 645 The Comparative Method (3) Introduction to historical-comparative linguistics; attention to both Indo-European and languages with few or no written records. Pre: 421 and 422, or consent.

LING 646 The Comparative Method (3) Continuation of 645. Pre: 645.

LING 670 Developmental Linguistics (3) Survey of the literature in language acquisition; emphasis on relation to linguistic theory. Pre: 421 and 422, or consent.

LING 699 Directed Research (V) CR/NC only. Repeatable unlimited times. Maximum six credit hours. Pre: graduate standing and consent.

LING 700 Thesis Research (V) Repeatable up to 12 credit hours.

LING 730 Advanced Laboratory Research (3) Advanced laboratory methods for research in linguistics. Specialized and/or advanced uses of hardware, software, research designs and analysis techniques. Specific topic varies: check with department. Combines lecture, laboratory work and discussion. Repeatable two times. Pre: 632 or consent.

LING 750 (Alpha) Seminar (3) Reporting and discussion of current research in linguistics. (E) ethnolinguistics; (F) phonology and phonetics; (G) general; (M) semantics; (Q) language acquisition; (R) written language; (S) sociolinguistics; (X) syntax; (Y) psycholinguistics. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

LING 770 Areal Linguistics (3) Structures of languages of various areas of the world; diffusion. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

LING 799 Apprenticeship in Teaching Linguistics (V) Experience-based introduction to college-level teaching; doctoral students serve as student teachers to professors; responsibilities include supervised teaching and participation in planning and evaluation. Repeatable one time. Pre: admission to doctoral program and consent.

LING 800 Dissertation Research (V)