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Library and Information Science (LIS)

College of Natural Sciences

All LIS courses numbered 600 or higher (except LIS 680 Seminar for Beginning Librarians) may be taken only by graduate students admitted to the LIS Program or with approval from the LIS Program Chair.
A grade of B- or better in the prerequisite courses is required for continuation.

LIS 100 Using Information Critically (3) Concepts and practice for effective information seeking, evaluation, and use in context of information technology and libraries. Research framework structures activities involving fiction, film, scholarly studies, writing, oral presentation; original research is culmminating project. A-F only. (Cross-listed as CAS 101)

LIS 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1)

LIS 591 Library and Information Studies Workshop (1) Designed for in-service librarians and other information specialists needing to update their professional skills, focus on a particular topic, or learn new approaches and concepts. Repeatable for credit. Credits earned in these courses cannot be applied for graduate degrees.

LIS 601 Introduction to Reference and Information Services (3) Philosophy, principles, and practice of reference services in libraries, information centers and information literacy. Bibliographic control, reference research, reference interview, online searching, evaluation of bibliographic and Webliographic material. Field component. MLISc degree required course.

LIS 602 Introduction to Multimedia Technology and Resources (3) Lecture/lab introduces latest specialized technologies for providing, managing, and designing information services for libraries. Provides basic experience in desktop productivity software and web publishing, bibliographic database software, and qualitative and quantitative data analysis. LIS program only. A-F only. (Once a year)

LIS 605 Basic Cataloging and Classification (3) Introductory cataloging and classification covering AACR2, Library of Congress and Dewey decimal classification systems, LC subject headings, use of OCLC. MLISc degree required course.

LIS 606 Advanced Cataloging and Classification (3) Continues 605 with study of authority work, and further study of non-book materials cataloging, including electronic and internet resources. Extensive use is made of OCLC Connexion cataloging client. Pre: 605.

LIS 610 The Information Environment (3) Lecture/discussion on role of libraries, their social utility in information societies. History and future of libraries in changing technological world. Information professions, information ethics, intellectual freedom, intellectual property, information access, national/international library developments. MLISc degree required course.

LIS 611 Intellectual Freedom (3) Seminar surveying the core philosophical principles and practices of intellectual freedom with special application to librarianship and information sciences. LIS majors only. Pre: departmental approval. (Alt. years)

LIS 612 History of Books and Libraries (3) History of written communication; the recording, preservation and transmission of knowledge. Development of libraries through the mid-twentieth century as instruments of cultural transmission.

LIS 615 Collection Management (3) Principles and issues of collection management and care. Criteria and tools for selecting and deselecting materials. Relationships with publishers/producers.

LIS 618 Government Documents (3) Survey of government documents at the federal, state/local and international levels in all formats. Covers methods of acquisition and organization, including depository arrangements. Current issues of government information dissemination policies and practices discussed. Pre: 601 or consent.

LIS 619 Preservation Management (3) Introduction to preservation management. Focus on management strategies for preservation of materials in libraries and archives. Covers preservation planning, condition surveys, disaster planning, grantsmanship, and basic issues relating to deterioration.

LIS 620 Conservation of Library and Archival Materials (3) In-depth exploration of the nature of library and archival materials and factors that cause deterioration. Hands-on approach provides practical experience testing, analyzing basic conservation treatments, understanding the role of conservation in preservation planning. Pre: 619 or consent.

LIS 647 Systems Analysis for Information Management (3) Overview of systems analysis; its techniques, benefits and limitations. Focus on libraries and information agencies, although concepts are applicable to other settings. Structured, top-down solutions stressed throughout. Object oriented techniques and data modeling tools are reviewed. Pre: 670.

LIS 650 Management of Libraries and Information Centers (3) Basic theories and principles of administration for effective management of public, academic, and special libraries and information centers, with emphasis on planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and control. MLISc degree required course (except school track).

LIS 652 Introduction to Archives Management (3) Study of archival principles and management theories applicable to all types of archives. Includes policy, appraisal, computer, and micrographic applications, ethical and legal issues.

LIS 653 Seminar in Archival Studies (3) Theory of archival studies from historical and contemporary perspectives. Includes public administration, legislation, and relationship to other repositories. Pre: 652 or consent.

LIS 660 Information Sources and Systems in Science (3) Bibliographical structure and sources in the basic and applied sciences, including physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, agriculture, engineering. Field component. Pre: 601 or consent.

LIS 661 Information Sources and Systems in Humanities (3) Lecture on information structures of humanities disciplines, including fine arts, applied arts, theater arts, literature, music, religion, philosophy. Information cycle, print and digital reference services, information seeking research in the humanities. Field research component. Pre: 601.

LIS 662 Information Sources and Systems in Social Science (3) Lecture on information structures of social science disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, education, business, history, political science. Information cycle, print and digital reference services, information-seeking research in the social sciences. Field research component. Pre: 601.

LIS 663 Basic Database Searching (3) Introduces use of commercial online databases for interactive retrieval of bibliographic, full-text and directory information, the development of search strategies using controlled subject vocabulary queries and free text searching. Pre: 601.

LIS 665 Teaching Information Technology Literacy (3) Lecture/discussion on history, theories, principles, practices and concepts of library and information literacy instruction, learning theory and user-based research methods. Examines program design, administration and evaluation. Field research component. Pre: 601.

LIS 667 Advanced Database Searching (3) Lecture with demonstrations of advanced features of online information retrieval systems and search engines, including natural language searching, citation-based searching, term mapping, similarity searching, result ranking and clustering for power search Web databases. Pre: 663.

LIS 670 Introduction to Information Science and Technology (3) Survey of topics in information science and technology. Lectures and discussions emphasize practice, problems and theory relating to information storage, retrieval and dissemination provision technology in libraries and information centers.

LIS 671 Digital Librarianship (3) Lecture with demonstrations to introduce the essential types of digital resources and the software tools for finding high quality and relevant information efficiently from digital journal archives and reference databases. Pre: 601 or 670.

LIS 672 Technology for Libraries and Information Centers (3) Survey of theories, concepts, methods and practices relating to the application of information technology to support the administration and use of information resources. Includes digital, printed and audiovisual materials. Pre: 605, 670; or consent.

LIS 674 Database Design and Creation (3) Designing and creating textual and/or directory databases from the viewpoint of information specialists and content providers. Needs analysis, file design, record content and structuring, software choice. Students implement prototype database. Pre: 670.

LIS 675 Database Content Evaluation (3) Lecture discussing and demonstrating the principles and methods of using criteria in evaluating databases used by librarians and information professionals, such as database coverage, source base, currency, accuracy and quality of information. Pre: 601 or 670, or consent.

LIS 677 Human Dimension in Information Systems (3) Lecture/discussion on human element in information systems, including physical, cognitive and affective behavior in interaction with information systems. Information retrieval, human-computer interaction and cognitive science research, quantitative and qualitative research methods. Research component. Pre: 670.

LIS 678 Personalized Information Delivery (3) Study of the components of personalized information systems: information filtering systems with emphasis on modeling and representation of documents, queries, user information preferences, and user-system interaction. Topics include advanced Information Retrieval (IR) models, metadata and markup languages, query operations, thesaurus based IR, acquisition of user profiles, and user/system performance evaluation. Pre: 647, 663, 670, 674, ICS 321, ICS 421, or ICS 624; or consent.

LIS 680 Seminar for Beginning School Librarians (1) Series of five seminar meetings on topics, issues for beginning school librarians. Emphasis on building skills and support networks to help entry level professionals create effective school library programs. CR/NC only.

LIS 681 Books and Media for Children (3) History and criticism of children’s literature. Contemporary books and media. Trends in book publishing and media production. Developmental needs and interests of children. Selection and evaluation. Research studies.

LIS 682 Books and Media for Young Adults (3) History and criticism of literature for young adults. Contemporary books and media. Trends in media for young adults. Developmental needs and interests of adolescents. Selection and evaluation. Research studies.

LIS 683 Services in Libraries (3) Planning and implementing services and programming in public and school libraries. Trends, issues, networking, public relations, outreach, competencies, services for the disabled and other special groups.

LIS 684 Administration of School Library Media Centers (3) Effective management of school library media centers. Philosophy and objectives, standards, personnel, facilities, resources, budget, services, library instruction, public relations, program planning and evaluation. Required for Librarian HDOE licensure.

LIS 685 Traditional Literature and Oral Narration (3) Analysis of traditional literature including Asian and Pacific Island resources. Selection and evaluation of traditional literature emphasizing cultural values. Introduction to oral tradition, history and techniques of storytelling.

LIS 686 Information Literacy and Learning Resources (3) Study of information literacy models. Integration of information literacy with K-12 curriculum units and lessons. Evaluation of print and multimedia resources to meet student and curricular needs. Required for Librarian HDOE licensure. (Spring only). (Cross-listed as EDCS 686 and ETEC 686)

LIS 687 Hawaiian Studies Information Resources (3) Survey of reference and research materials in Hawaiian studies. Includes historical and contemporary works, arts, humanities, social and natural sciences, media. Covers approaches to reference service, collection building and management.

LIS 688 Pacific Islands Information Resources (3) Study of reference tools and bibliographic sources for Pacific Islands studies, including exam of online catalogs, databases and web sites. Focus on Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia (excluding Hawai‘i). Pre: 601 or consent.

LIS 689 Asian-American Resources for Children and Youth (3) Study of Asian-American resources for young people: socio-historical roots, evaluation and selection, curricular and program uses in a multicultural context.

LIS 690 Internship (3) Field experience in library or information agency settings with supervision of professional librarians or information specialists. Available to classified students only. Selection based on academic advisor approval, application form, interview and possession of required competencies. Students must apply and be accepted before registration. Selection is by agency. CR/NC only. Pre: 601 and 663 (or concurrent).

LIS 693 Special Topics in Librarianship (V) Includes issues of topical interest in the profession. Concentrates on the major topic of current interest, such as library service to the aged, reprography, medical librarianship, knowledge management, art librarianship, cartography.

LIS 694 Special Topics in Information Technology (V) Includes issues of topical interest in information technology. Concentrates on one major topic of current interest, such as information transfer, networks, library information systems, artificial intelligence applications.

LIS 695 Seminar in Research in Librarianship (3) Various methodologies and application to problems of librarianship. Evaluation of research studies; developing, writing, and critiquing proposals. Experience with statistical packages for data analysis.

LIS 696 Practicum School Librarianship (V) Skill development and application of academic study through observation and practice in a fieldwork program with accompanying seminar. Required for school library certification in Hawai‘i. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: 12 credits in LIS degree program and consent of practicum coordinator required.

LIS 699 Directed Reading and/or Research (V) Individualized program of directed reading and/or research outside the scope of regularly titled courses. Enrollment requires approval before end of previous semester, with specification of goals, work requirements, number of credits, rationale. Repeatable up to six credits.

LIS 700 Thesis Research (V) Research for master’s thesis. Repeatable nine times. Pre: 695.

LIS 701 Seminar in International Librarianship (3) International and comparative librarianship; professional organizations; comparative methodology; research; periodicals; international agencies; influence of literacy and social, cultural, political factors.

LIS 705 Asian Research Materials and Methods (3) Literature of Asia in Western and Asian languages; bibliography, reference tools, research methods, sources, published and archival repositories. Repeatable one time. (Cross-listed as ASAN 705)