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Natural Resources and Environmental Management (NREM)

College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

NREM 203 Applied Calculus for Management, Life Sciences, and Human Resources (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Applications of calculus (limits, continuity, derivatives, exponential and logarithmic functions, partials, integrals) to problems in business management, social sciences, and life sciences. Applies symbolic techniques and quantitative methods in problem solving, utilizes concept of proof as a chain of inferences, and promotes development of reasoning skills and mathematical logic in bridging theory and practice. FS

NREM 210 Introduction to Environmental Science (3) Analysis of our environment with emphasis on understanding relationships and interactions of physical, biological, technological, and political components using scientific methods of inquiry. Food supply and safety, water quality, pollution control, biodiversity, environmental policy. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as PEPS 210) DB

NREM 220 Agricultural and Resource Economics (3) Introduction to basic economics concepts, including demand, supply, exchange, market price and market failure. Economic evaluation and policy for the uses of various natural resource endowments, especially in production agriculture, is included. A-F only. DS

NREM 301 Natural Resources Management (3) Biological and physical science aspects of natural resource management at local, national, and global scales. Topics covered include resource management of soil, water, forests, wetlands, coasts and wildlife. A-F only. Pre: 210, CHEM 151 or higher, BIOL 172; or consent. (Spring only). DB

NREM 301L Natural Resources Management Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Laboratory and field methods covering biological and physical principles and concepts in natural resource management. Emphasis on basic field measurement techniques and computer skills commonly used in managing natural resources. A-F only. Co-requisite: 301. (Spring only). DY

NREM 302 Natural Resource and Environmental Policy (3) Introduction to American government policy in natural resources and environmental protection at federal, Hawai‘i state and county levels. Policy principles, legal structure, governmental agencies, major statutes and programs, analytical techniques, program assessments. A-F only. Pre: 210 or (BIOL 101 or higher) or GEOG 101 or (GG 101 or higher); and 220 or one ECON course or two DS courses. DS

NREM 304 Fundamentals of Soil Science (4) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Origin, development, properties, management of tropical soils; classification of Hawaiian soils. A-F only. Pre: one of CHEM 151, CHEM 161, CHEM 171 or CHEM 181A; or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 304) DP DY

NREM 310 Statistics in Agriculture and Human Resources (3) Theory, applications, and presentation of statistical reasoning. Descriptive, probability, and inferential reasoning for one-variable analysis with extensions to multiple variable cases. A-F only.

NREM 311 Current Topics in Plant Science (1) An undergraduate seminar that provides the presentation and discussion of topics of current relevance to students preparing for careers in applied plant sciences. Oral focus designation. A-F only. Pre: 210 or TPSS 200, or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 311)

NREM 341 Accounting and Financial Analysis (3) Principles and methods of agricultural accounting. Preparing and interpreting financial statements. Sources and costs of credit, capital budgeting, tax management, estate planning. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 220 or ECON 130 or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 341) DS

NREM 351 Enterprise Management (3) Introduction of practical concepts and methods used in business management. Introduce broad range of business strategies. Understand the critical role each strategy plays. Facilitate student’s practice of analytical and critical thinking through case studies. (Cross-listed as TPSS 351)

NREM 380 Tropical Forestry/Agroforestry (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Biophysical and socioeconomic description and analysis of major tropical forestry and agroforestry management systems, including Hawai‘i and the Pacific Basin. The role of traditional land use, pressures from regional and global development, and efforts to create sustainable, diverse systems for rural communities will be discussed. Pre: CHEM 151 or higher and BIOL 171 or higher. (Alt. years: spring) DB

NREM 399 Directed Study (V) Limited to exceptional undergraduate students qualified to carry on advanced study. Pre: consent.

NREM 420 Community and Natural Resource Management (3) Theory and tools for working with groups and communities in the management of natural resources is presented using a participatory format. Topics include sustainable development, extension programming, participatory learning and communication, evaluation, and conflict management. Pre: two social science courses or consent. (Fall only). DS

NREM 429 Spreadsheet Modeling for Business and Economic Analysis (3) Introduction to quantitative decision-making methods for effective agribusiness management in resource allocation, scheduling, logistics, risk analysis, inventory, and forecasting. Emphasis on problem identification, model formulation and solution, and interpretation and presentation of results. Pre: 220 or ECON 130, and 310 or ECON 321; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 429 and TSPP 429) DS

NREM 450 Wildlife Ecology and Management (3) Lecture-based overview of the history, ecology, and management of wildlife species (i.e., terrestrial vertebrates) from around the world and Hawai‘i. One or two field trips may be required. Class size limited to 25 students. Pre: BIOL 172 or consent. (Alt. years)

NREM 458 Environmental Benefit Cost Analysis (3) Fundamentals of benefit-cost analysis with extensions to environmental impacts and projects; case studies. Pre: senior level or graduate standing, or consent. DS

NREM 461 Soil and Water Conservation (3) Past and present issues in soil and water conservation will be examined. Principles of erosion, conservation tillage, irrigation, and drainage will be discussed. Land-based threats to coastal zones and watershed management will also be covered. Pre: 301 or 304. DP

NREM 463 Irrigation and Water Management (3) Basic soil-water-plant relationships, irrigation water requirements, irrigation efficiencies, different methods of irrigation, planning, design and management of an irrigation system, fertigation and impact of irrigation on soil and water quality. Pre: 203 (or equivalent) and NREM/TPSS 304 (or equivalent), or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as TPSS 463)

NREM 467 Natural Resources Conservation Planning (3) Combined lecture and hands-on field course on theory and practice of natural resource conservation planning. Includes individual and group projects. Pre: undergraduate junior or senior or graduate standing. Recommended: at least one upper division course in soils, natural resources, planning, physical geography, or related area; or consent. (Alt. years) DP

NREM 477 Geographic Information Systems for Resource Managers (4) Combined lecture-lab on the basic concepts and principles of geographic information systems, remote sensing, and global positioning system. Practical skills to be developed by solving real natural resources and environmental problems. Pre: either 310 or MATH 140 or MATH 373, and either GEOG 370 (or concurrent) or GEOG 375 (or concurrent) or GEOG 387 (or concurrent), and 301; or consent. (Once a year)

NREM 480 Applied Forest Ecology (3) Application of ecological theory to sustainable management of forest resources in Hawaii and beyond, including silviculture (production of timber and nontimber forest products), restoration (restoring damaged or degraded forests), and conservation (conserving existing forest resources). A-F only. Pre: 301 and 380 or consent. (Alt. years)

NREM 491 Topics in Natural Resources and Environmental Management (V) Study and discussion of significant topics and problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable five times up to four credits. A-F only. Pre: consent.

NREM 492 Internship (4) Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. Pre: 301 (or concurrent).

NREM 494 Environmental Problem Solving (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Senior-level capstone for NREM and related majors. Ecosystem management within problem-solving context. Applications of research and analytical methods, management tools to case studies. Focus on student teamwork and oral communications. NREM majors only. A-F only. Pre: senior in NREM (or consent) and 310. (Once a year)

NREM 499 Directed Study (V) Repeatable up to four credits. Pre: senior standing and consent.

NREM 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.

NREM 600 Evaluation of Natural Resource Management (3) Critical evaluation of natural resource management approaches. Emphasis on the physical, chemical, and biological aspects within an environmental context. Pre: graduate standing or advanced undergraduate standing, and consent.

NREM 601 Economic Analysis of Natural Resource Management (3) Lecture/discussion providing an economic framework for assessing natural resource management projects and environmental policies. Use of case studies to demonstrate applications of the framework in selected subject areas. (Spring only). Pre: one ECON course.

NREM 605 Research Skills (2) Assists the student in developing skills necessary to write a research grant and design a research proposal. NREM majors only. A-F only. (Fall only).

NREM 611 Resource and Environmental Policy (3) Exploration of institutional and policy dimensions of natural resource development, management, allocation, markets and pricing, focusing on their environmental impacts. Emphasis on policy analysis using case studies and empirical findings. Original paper required. A-F only. Pre: ECON 300 or ECON 301, or consent. (Fall only).

NREM 612 Predicting and Controlling Degradation in Human-Dominated Terrestrial Ecosystems (3) Historic, present, and projected trends in understanding and managing human-dominated ecosystems; predicting, measuring and mitigating degradation especially in terrestrial ecosystems with a focus on small volcanic islands in tropical settings. A-F only. Pre: 301 and 304 (or equivalent) and 600. Recommended 461, or consent. (Fall only).

NREM 627 Applied Microeconomic Analysis (3) Economic applications to the agricultural and nonagricultural industries are emphasized. Econometric techniques are used to estimate demand, supply, production and cost functions which are analyzed in terms of economic theory and market information. A-F only. Pre: AREC 626 and ECON 627, or consent.

NREM 631 Sustainable Agriculture Seminar (2) Critical evaluation of existing and alternative cropping systems from a long-term perspective. Value conflicts and resolution. Pre: graduate standing or advanced undergraduate standing, and consent.

NREM 637 Resource Economics (3) Analysis of problems of development and management of natural resources with emphasis on resources in agriculture and role in economic development. Pre: ECON 608 and ECON 629. (Cross-listed as ECON 637)

NREM 652 Information Research Skills (1) Examines the use of libraries and information technology for scholarly investigation in support of scientific research; provides experience utilizing and critically evaluating a variety of print and electronic sources in basic and applied sciences. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 652, FSHN 652, and TPSS 652)

NREM 660 Hydrologic Processes in Soils (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Hydrologic properties in soils and the processes involved in water infiltration drainage and solute transport. Emphasis on key parameters required for modeling. Recommended: CEE 424 or consent. (Fall only). (Cross-listed as BE 664 and CEE 625)

NREM 662 Watershed Hydrology (3) Application of basic hydrologic processes and management practices occurring on small islands watersheds. Pre: 203 or equivalent and 304 or equivalent; or consent. (Once a year)

NREM 664 Small Watershed Modeling (3) Introduction to process-based modeling of watershed with emphasis on model applications. Deals with the characterization and simulation of small watershed hydrolic and pollutant transport processes. Pre: CEE 424 (or concurrent) or GG 425 (or concurrent) or BS degree from NREM, or consent. (Spring only).

NREM 665 Coastal and Wet and Ecology and Management (3) Study of marshes, mangroves, sea grass beds, and coral reefs. Emphasis on the hydrology, biogeochemistry, productivity, and community dynamics of these systems. Response to perturbations and management strategies will also be discussed. Pre: advanced undergraduate coursework in hydrology, soils, and ecosystem ecology recommended. (Alt. years)

NREM 671 International Agricultural Systems (2) Analysis of trends and strategies in international agricultural research and development. International agricultural research centers (IARC), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), university networks and consortia, and private voluntary organizations (PVOs). Pre: graduate standing or advanced undergraduate standing, and consent.

NREM 677 Remote Sensing of the Environment (3) Fundamentals, techniques, and applications of remote sensing for natural resource assessments and environmental monitoring. Lab consisting of field radiometric exercises, computer modeling of energy-matter interaction, processing, and analysis of remotely sensed imagery. Pre: one physics course (e.g. PHYS 151), one calculus course (e.g. 203), and one statistics course (e.g. 310), or consent. Recommended: either GEOG 470 or GG 460 or one introductory remote sensing course. (Alt. years)

NREM 680 Ecosystem Ecology (4) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of ecosystem ecology with emphasis on tropical forests, human impacts, and global environmental change. Factors controlling ecosystem structure, productivity, nutrient cycling, plant-soil-atmosphere interactions, and energy balance. Field and laboratory methods in ecosystem science. Pre: advanced undergraduate coursework in ecology and soil science; graduate standing; and consent. (Alt. years: spring)

NREM 682 Restoration Ecology (3) Graduate seminar on foundations of restoration ecology, application of ecological theory to restoration practice. Emphasis on restoration of structure and function in degraded terrestrial ecosystems using case studies from Hawai‘i and around the world. Pre: advanced undergraduate ecology course and graduate standing, or consent. Completion of 680 recommended, but not required. (Alt. years)

NREM 685 Landscape Ecology (3) Focuses on the history, theories, and contemporary views of landscapes; including scale, land cover, land use, landscape metrics, disturbance regimes, land management, landscape change, the relationship of landscapes to species, and modeling. Pre: graduate students, or consent. (Alt. years)

NREM 691 Advanced Topics in Natural Resources and Environmental Management (V) Study and discussion of significant topics and problems at an advanced level. Offered by visiting or existing faculty as a special course. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

NREM 699 Directed Research (V) Repeatable. Pre: graduate standing.

NREM 700 Thesis Research (V)

NREM 701 Research Seminar (1) Presentation and discussion of student research proposals, theses and dissertations, and research presentations by NREM faculty, students, and invited speakers. A-F only. Pre: consent.

NREM 800 Dissertation Research (V)