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Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (OEST)

School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology

The following courses are not part of a specified department’s curriculum. These courses are highly interdisciplinary in nature, drawing on faculty expertise from throughout SOEST and the Manoa campus. They are not based in any of the departments but are administered and coordinated by the associate dean’s office.

OEST 735 is a key element of the graduate ocean policy certificate program.

OEST 099 International Exchange Study/Research (V) Study overseas in an approved international exchange or similar program. Repeatable three times. CR/NC only. Pre: consent of academic advisor.

OEST 101 Natural Hazards (3) Science of natural hazards: impact on human civilization of events in the lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere (e.g., earthquakes, hurricanes, red tides, and floods), and impact of humans on their exposure to and mitigation of the hazards. DP

OEST 310 Global Environmental Change (3) Global environmental change problems, such as carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect, acid rain, chlorofluorocarbons and the ozone layer, global deforestation and effect on climate, etc. Pre: one environmentally oriented science course, or consent. (Cross-listed as MET 310 and OCN 310) DP

OEST 310L Global Environmental Change Laboratory (2) (2-hr Lab) Laboratory to supplement OEST 310. Quantitative aspects of global environmental change will be addressed through problem solving and computer modeling. A-F only. Pre: MATH 242, PHYS 170, PHYS 170L, CHEM 161/161L, and OCN/MET/OEST 310; or consent. Co-requisite: 310 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as MET 310L and OCN 310L) DY

OEST 350 Ethics in Scientific Research (1) Introduction to issues of ethics in scientific research and scientific misconduct. GG, GES or MET majors only. (Spring only).

OEST 395 Undergraduate Internship (V) Experiential approach to earth science; students serve as interns to field professionals; responsibilities include supervised field work. Open to undergraduate SOEST majors. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: junior/senior standing or consent.

OEST 510 Earth Sciences Professional Development Education (V) Specialized Earth Science topics workshops designed for in-service teachers who wish to learn new approaches and content areas in geology and geophysics, meteorology and oceanography. Repeatable up to 12 credits. Credits earned cannot be applied for graduate degrees.

OEST 696 Communicating Ocean Sciences (3) Application of current learning theory and pedagogical practices in formal and informal learning environments to improve communication and instructional skills. Graduate students from multiple science disciplines welcome. Requires knowledge of biology, earth sciences, and/or chemistry. Pre: at least one course in introductory biology, geology, earth science, chemistry or marine science, an interest in ocean science, and enthusiasm for teaching science; or consent. (Spring only).

OEST 699 Directed Reading/Research (V) Selected interdisciplinary ocean/earth-related topics involving science, technology, engineering, and/or policy. Pre: consent.

OEST 735 Ocean Policy and Management (3) Interdisciplinary approach to problems relating to humans and their interactions with the world’s oceans and coasts. Focus includes institutions for governing the world’s oceans and coasts at all scales and on the role of scientific knowledge in managing marine and coastal resources. Repeatable one time. Pre: OCN 331, GEOG 435, or consent. (Cross-listed as SOCS 735)