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Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences (PEPS)

College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

A grade of C- or better is required in a prerequisite courses.

PEPS 210 Introduction to Environmental Science (3) Analysis of our environment with emphasis on understanding relationships and interactions of physical, biological, technological, and political components using scientific methods of inquiry. Food supply and safety, water quality, pollution control, biodiversity, environmental policy. Open to nonmajors. (Cross-listed as NREM 210) DB

PEPS 250 The World of Insects (3) Biology/ecology of insects with emphasis on relationships to plants, animals, and especially people in Hawai‘i and the tropics. Open to nonmajors. A-F only. (Spring only). DB

PEPS 310 Environment and Agriculture (3) Overview of environmental issues and impacts associated with agriculture, specifically pest management issues, and options for environmentally responsible management and amelioration of these impacts. Pre: 210 or consent. (Fall only).

PEPS 350 Invasive Pest Species (3) Ecological, economic and sociological impacts of invasive pest species on tropical ecosystems; characteristics of invasive species and nature of vulnerable habitats; management of invasive species or eradication options; impacts on evolution, biological diversity and ecological stability. Open to nonmajors. (Alt. years: spring) DB

PEPS 363 General Entomology (3) Biology, ecology, habits, structure of Hawai‘i’s insects/arthropods. Classification to family level. A-F only. Pre: BOT 101 or ZOOL 101 or BIOL 171; or consent. DB

PEPS 363L General Entomology Laboratory (1) Laboratory in the biology and classification to family level of Hawai‘i’s insects and arthropods. A-F only. Pre: 363 (or concurrent) or consent. DY

PEPS 371 Genetics: Theory to Application (3) Fundamentals of genetic theory using biotechnological procedures in insect and plant pathogen control and plant and animal breeding as practical applications. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 172 and CHEM 162, or consent. (Cross-listed as TPSS 371)

PEPS 402 Principles of Biochemistry (4) Molecular basis of living processes in bacteria, plants, and animals; emphasis on metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Pre: BIOL 275/275L, and CHEM 273; or consent. (Cross-listed as BIOL 402 and MBBE 402) DB

PEPS 405 Plant Pathogens and Diseases (4) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Classification, morphology, ecology, and biology of bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and viruses that attack economic crops. Etiology and control of plant diseases. Pre: 210 or BOT 101 or MICR 130, or consent. (Fall only). DB

PEPS 412 Environmental Biochemistry (3) Biochemical and chemical principles of occurrence, distribution, biotic and abiotic conversion, fate, and impact of synthetic and natural molecules in the environment. Important pollutants will be used as case studies to illustrate the principles. A-F only. Pre: CHEM 152 or CHEM 272, and CHEM 162 or CHEM 171; or consent. (Spring only). (Cross-listed as MBBE 412) DB

PEPS 421 Foundations of Pest Management (4) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles and concepts of insect pest management using biological, ecological, cultural, behavioral, legislative, microbial and chemical methods. A-F only. Pre: one of the following: 250 or 353, BIOL 171, BIOL 172, or BOT 101; or consent. (Spring only). DB

PEPS 422 Biocontrol of Invasive Species (3) Biological control of arthropods, weeds, plant pathogens, and vertebrates. Pre: 363 or consent. DB

PEPS 451 Environmental Law (3) Exploration of federal laws, regulations, and precedents that govern our interaction with the environment. Analysis of laws regulating air, water, toxins, pests, endangered species, and environmental justice. Pre: junior or senior standing.

PEPS 463 Urban Pest Management (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Lecture-lab on biology, ecology, and management of pest organisms associated with people, structures and the urban environment. Emphasis on household/structural insect pests. Pre: 363 or consent. (Alt. years: spring) DB

PEPS 481 Weed Science (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Weed classification, identification, adaptations for weediness; principles of weed control; properties, uses, and action of herbicides. Lab: pesticide application equipment and techniques, no-till farming, greenhouse and field experiments. Pre: CHEM 152 and TPSS 200, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as TPSS 481) DB

PEPS 486 Insect-Microbe Interactions (3) Multi-disciplinary treatment of medical entomology, plant vector entomology, insect pathology and symbiosis. Topics are addressed on evolutionary, ecological and molecular levels. Pre: BIOL 172 or MICR 130; or consent.

PEPS 491 Topics in Plant & Environmental Protection (V) Study and discussion of significant topics and problems. May be offered by visiting faculty, extension faculty or research faculty. Repeatable two times.

PEPS 495 PEPS Capstone (4) Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development, Directed Research, field studies, employment with cooperating businesses, government or schools are all options. A-F only. Pre: consent.

PEPS 499 Directed Research (V) Conduct original research in environmental protection sciences. Limited to qualified undergraduate students. Repeatable two times. CR/NC only.

PEPS 616 Plant Nematology (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Study of nematode biology (taxonomy, genetics, behavior), interactions with plants and animals, and sustainable management practices in an integrated lecture-laboratory setting. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PEPS 630 Plant Virology (4) (2 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Isolation, identification, and molecular biology of plant viruses; biological and physical properties. Pre: 402, 405; or consent.

PEPS 641 Insect Physiology (2) (2 Lec) Study of the principal physiological and biochemical functions in insects, with emphasis on hormonal interactions. Pre: 402 and 402L, or consent.

PEPS 646 Plant-Bacterial Interactions (3) Diagnosis, molecular biology, genetics, and infection mechanisms of bacterial plant pathogens and symbionts. Pre: one of BIOC 481, MICR 351, MICR 475; or consent. (Cross-listed as MICR 646)

PEPS 660 Seminar in Plant Pathology (1) Seminar on research and topics in plant pathology. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PEPS 661 Medical and Veterinary Entomology (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Vector control; insects and other arthropods in relation to human and animal diseases. Pre: 363 or consent.

PEPS 662 Systematics and Phylogenetics (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Classification and study of diversity among insects and other life forms. Use of morphological and molecular characters to reconstruct evolutionary histories. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PEPS 671 Insect Ecology (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Insects as living units in an environment of physical and biotic factors. Pre: consent of instructor.

PEPS 675 Biological Control of Pests (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Fundamental concepts. Critical study of major biological control projects. Pre: 421 or consent. Recommended: 662; and ZOOL 631 or 632.

PEPS 681 Pesticide Toxicology (3) Principles of toxicology; chemical and biochemical mechanisms of pesticide toxicity. A-F only. Pre: 402 or BIOC 441; CHEM 272; or consent. (Fall only).

PEPS 686 Insect Transmission of Plant Pathogens (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) A multidisciplinary treatment of insect transmission of plant pathogens. Insect-plant and cellular insect-pathogen interactions and management strategies are emphasized.

PEPS 690 Seminar in Entomology (1) Seminars on research and topics in entomology. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PEPS 691 Special Topics (V) Study and discussion of significant topics and problems in plant and environmental protection sciences at an advanced level. Offered by visiting or existing faculty as a special course. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PEPS 695 Plan B Master’s Project (3) Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in entomology or tropical plant pathology.

PEPS 699 Directed Research (V) Directed research, critical reviews in environmental protection sciences, entomology, or plant pathology. CR/NC only.

PEPS 700 Thesis Research (V) Research for master’s thesis.

PEPS 799 Proposal/Defense Seminar (1) Thesis/dissertation proposal and defense seminars. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PEPS 800 Dissertation Research (V) Research for doctoral dissertation.