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Public Health Sciences (PH)The courses listed below are offered subject to student interest and faculty availability. Please consult the Schedule of Classes/UH Manoa Registration Homepage for confirmed offerings each semester. Individuals who are not public health students require instructor consent to enroll in courses; all courses 600 level and above require graduate standing. The minimum required grade for prerequisites is C- or better. PH 301 Introduction to Public Health Issues (2) Seminar will explore current issues and case studies in epidemiology, issues and causes of chronic and infectious diseases, how the environment interacts with health, and how social and behavioral factors affect personal health. PH 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent. PH 600 Introduction to Public Health (2) Focus will provide a broad introduction to the field of public health and orientation to overarching issues in the field. A-F only. (Fall only). PH 602 Introduction to Health Services (3) Overview of the historical, conceptual, ethical and political context for health care delivery. It explores current trends, practices and issues in the delivery of health care services. Repeatable one time. PH 610 Public Health Biology (3) Writing-intensive asynchronous computer-based course examines biological processes and challenges relevant to the public health professional. Topics include anatomical, pathophysiological, and molecular bases of public health; genetics, immunology, ethics; disease prevention, control, and management. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as CMB 610) PH 623 Social Science and Public Health (3) Individual and community health; implications for public health practice, individual and social change processes. PH 626 Health Economics (3) Integrated concepts in health economics and its application towards health policy issues; market failures in health care; factors affecting U.S. health care spending potential impact on equity/efficiency stemming from changes in health care delivery. A-F only. (Once a year) PH 628 Stress and Stress Management in Public Health (3) Lecture/discussion on theoretical concepts of stress and stress management, management issues, selected application areas, and prevention and treatment skills relevant to public health. Format includes readings, guest speakers, student paper, and practical exercises. A-F only. (Once a year) PH 630 Cultural Competency in Health Care (3) Presents both analytical and practical approaches to cultural competency domains, concepts, models, frameworks, patterns and communication that occur in cross-cultural healthcare situations. A-F only. PH 641 Introduction to Health Policy (3) Lecture/discussion on historical and current public health policies; the role of stakeholders in health policy-making and advocacy; using health policy frameworks for conducting policy analysis. Group activities apply the concepts presented in class. A-F only. Pre: 602 or consent. (Once a year) PH 646 Grant Writing in Public Health (1) Lecture/discussion on grant writing with public health focus. Includes basic components of grant proposals, assessing appropriate funding opportunities, data sources/resources for justifying grants, and the funder’s perspective. Student will prepare a brief foundation grant proposal. A-F only. (Once a year) PH 647 Analytic Approaches to MCH (3) Application of analytic methods to the identification of health problems in children and women of reproductive age. Evidence-based approach in MCH. Repeatable one time. PH 648 Public Health Program Planning (2) Combined lecture and seminar-style on the theory and practice of public health program planning. Open to non-majors. A-F only. Pre: consent. PH 649 Needs Assessment (3) Knowledge and skills acquisition in conducting needs assessment in public health practice. PH 651 Introduction to Human Population (3) Comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative aspects of population; factors affecting size, distribution, and composition; impact of population size and composition on society. (Cross-listed as PPST 650 and SOC 650) PH 652 Interdisciplinary Seminar (1) Topics such as contemporary issues in global health and population studies, international health programs, demographic methods, global economy and health, human right and humanitarian assistance, social justice, global environmental changes and health. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as PPST 649) PH 655 Biostatistics I (3) Introduction to statistical methods for public health sciences. Probability, experimental design, t tests and analysis of variance, 2X2 contingency tables, linear regression, introduction to life tables. Pre: MATH 203 or equivalent course in calculus; or consent. PH 656 Biostatistics II (3) Poisson distribution, Fisher’s exact test, contrasts in ANOVA, two way ANOVA, multiple linear regression and analysis of covariance, path analysis, logistic regression, method of maximum likelihood, likelihood ratio tests. Pre: 655, completion of one semester of calculus; or consent. PH 658 Computer Applications in Public Health (3) Applications of computers to problems common to public health. Emphasis on data analysis and processing using existing computer programs. PH 659 Methods of Demographic Analysis (3) Statistical evaluation and analysis of population data; data sources; population growth; composition; standardization of rates; mortality and the life table; nuptiality and fertility; distribution, migration, and urbanization; projections and stable population theory. (Cross-listed as PPST 691 and SOC 691) PH 660 Current Topics in Community Health (2) Critique of published articles in community health as they relate to public health. Skill building in community health development techniques. Emphasis on exchange of ideas and alternative approaches. Stresses group approaches to solve community health problems. A-F only. PH 663 Principles of Epidemiology I (3) Research methods and evaluation of research in epidemiology. Pre: 655 (or concurrent) or consent. PH 664 Principles of Epidemiology II (3) Lecture/discussion on: design and interpretation of experimental and observational studies; causation and casual inference; biases in study design; random error and statistics role in epidemiology; and epidemiological data analysis. Pre: 655 and 663, or consent. PH 665 Infectious Disease Micro I (3) Part 1: Immunological concepts relating to infectious diseases and host pathogen interactions. Part 2: Pathogenesis, epidemiology, and immunobiology of diseases caused by parasitic infections. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: MICR 351 or consent. (Cross-listed as TRMD 604) PH 666 Seminar in Infectious Disease Control (3) Strategies for controlling important infectious diseases in the Pacific area. Emphasis on epidemiology, ecology, and public health principles. Pre: 663 (or concurrent), MICR 130, and consent. PH 667 Infectious Disease Micro II (3) Will cover different families of animal viruses of importance to human diseases. The genome, structure, replication, as well as host immune responses, epidemiology, clinical features, and animal models will be presented. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 604 and MICR 351, or consent. (Cross-listed as TRMD 605) PH 668 Tropical Medicine Laboratory Rotations (V) Practical experience in use of equipment and procedures in infectious disease and immunology research; introduction to research in tropical medicine. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: TRMD 604 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as TRMD 606) PH 669 Epidemiological Study Design Critique (2) Critique of study design using published public health literature. Emphasis on exchange of ideas, alternative approaches; stresses epidemiology as science of public health. Repeatable. A-F only. Pre: 663 or consent. PH 671 Community and Public Health Practice (2) Community organization and development applicable to the delivery of health services. Understanding community dynamics, mobilizing community groups for effective health care practice and delivery. Pre: 647 or 737, or consent. (Cross-listed as SW 674) PH 672 Public Health Leadership and Systems Thinking (2) Assess how to organize community partnerships to create and communicate a shared vision for a changing future; discuss solutions to organizational and community challenges; maximize motivation to reach public health goals. A-F only. Pre: 600 or consent. PH 673 Health Ethics, Law and Politics (3) Review theories and case studies concerning health care ethics, law and politics. Topics include health care quality, key health care policymakers, and the intersecting issues of policy and law with medicine, public health and ethics. A-F only. (Once a year) PH 681 Environmental Determinants of Health (3) Environmental factors in personal and community health; implications for public health practice. Consideration of major issues from local, U.S., and international perspectives. PH 683 Global Nutrition (2) Examination of global food and nutrition problems, programs, issues, policies, and strategies for improvement. Pre: statistics and consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as FSHN 683) PH 689 Nutritional Epidemiology (3) Dietary, biochemical, anthropometric and clinical methods used for evaluating nutrition and diet in the etiology and epidemiology of disease. Pre: 663 and FSHN 685, or consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 689) PH 690 Introduction to Global Health (3) Current global health issues such as: global health workforce distribution/shortages, maternal and child health, emerging infectious diseases, population aging, chronic diseases, nutrition, global environmental change, health and human rights of special population groups. A-F only. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as PPST 690) PH 691 Fundamentals of Environmental Epidemiology (2) Examines the complex relationship between environmental contaminants and human health. Emphasis on environmental epidemiology study design, environmental exposure monitoring and risk assessment, disease and environmental exposure mapping, and spatial data analysis and modeling with GIS. A-F only. (Once a year) PH 692 Clinical Epidemiology (3) Combined lecture-discussion on health measurement and use of epidemiologic principles to questions applicable at both individual and population levels on diagnosis, screening, prognosis, and the safety and efficacy of therapeutic and preventive interventions. Pre: 664 or consent. (Fall only). PH 696 Continuing Education in Public Health (1) Seminar designed to provide practical, community-focused, continuing education for the practicing public health professional. The application of public health principles to address practical public health problems is stressed. Weekly discussions and reports will cover a variety of relevant public health topics. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. PH 699 Directed Reading/Research (V) Pre: consent. PH 700 Thesis Research (V) Pre: consent. PH 701 Health Communication (3) Skills-oriented course introduces the basic structure of health communication strategies in different settings, selected elements of communication theory, the development of health communication material, and a practical training in motivational counseling skills. Pre: 623 or consent. PH 702 Health Promotion Research (3) Focus on research methods commonly used in health promotion. Topics will include randomized trials, quasi-experimental design, sampling, measurement, and correlational studies. Labwork will focus on the use of SPSS to analyze data for applied research problems. A-F only. Pre: 623 and 655, or consent. PH 704 Community-Based Participatory Research (3) Explores ways academic and lay communities collaborate on research, key theoretical perspectives in the development of CBPR, and the challenges in implementing CBPR approaches. Format includes lectures, discussions, readings, writing assignments, and a fieldwork project. DrPH majors only. A-F only. PH 737 Policies/Programs in MCH Services (3) Development and organization of health services for mothers and children—review and analysis of policies and events, legislation and programs; current issues. Pre: consent. PH 742 Qualitative Methods (3) Application of qualitative research methods in the development of health sciences disciplinary knowledge related to culturally diverse populations. A-F only. Pre: 655 (or equivalent) or consent. PH 745 Maternal and Child Health and Disabilities I (V) Designed to teach leadership development for health professionals in an interdisciplinary seminar format. Inquiry-based learning approaches are applied with a series of families and children with neurodevelopmental and related disabilities to explore clinical, cultural, policy, and program implications for services and supports for individuals with disabilities and family members. Program evaluation and research analysis are also conducted with relevance to best practice with the MCH or CSHN population. PH 746 Maternal and Child Health and Disabilities II (V) Designed to apply leadership development for health professionals in an interdisciplinary seminar format. Inquiry-based learning approaches are applied with a series of families and children with neurodevelopmental and related disabilities to explore clinical, cultural, policy, and program implications for services and supports for individuals with disabilities and family members. Program evaluation and research analysis are also conducted with relevance to best practice with the MCH/CSHN population. PH 747 Statistical Methods in Epidemiological Research (3) Multiple variable statistical methods currently used in chronic disease epidemiology. Logistic regression, conditional logistic regression, proportional hazards regression modelling, generalized estimating equation-based methods, delta method approximations, exact tests. Pre: 656, 663, completion of one semester of calculus; or consent. PH 748 Chronic Disease Epidemiology (3) Will cover selected topics in chronic diseases with critical analysis of the current epidemiologic literature. Methodologic issues, contemporary findings and recommendations for future research will be discussed. A-F only. Pre: 663 or consent. PH 750 Health Behavior Change (3) Provide an understanding of the relationship between health behaviors and outcomes including psychological, physiological, and quality of life aspects. It will also focus on the major theories of behavior and behavior change. Emphasis will be placed on understanding concepts, principles, explanations, and how these are translated into practical interventions for adoption and maintaining behavior change. A-F only. Pre: 623 or consent. PH 751 Social Epidemiology (3) Examine the epidemiologic study of the social distribution and social determinants of states of health, including the identification of social-environmental exposures and their relation to physical and mental health outcomes. Repeatable one time. A-F only. PH 753 Survival Analysis (3) Construction and interpretation of various types of life tables, treatment of censored data, proportional hazards, relative risk regression models, and parametric survival analysis. Pre: 655 or consent. PH 754 Neuroepidemiology (2) Lecture/discussion providing an overview of the epidemiology of neurological and neurodegenerative diseases and their risk factors, and methodological considerations for the study of these diseases. Pre: 663 or consent. (Fall only). PH 755 Seminar in Tropical Medicine and Public Health (1) Weekly discussion and reports on current advances in tropical medicine and public health. Repeatable unlimited times. (Cross-listed as TRMD 690) PH 756 Special Topics in Tropical Medicine (V) Advanced instruction in frontiers of tropical medicine and public health. Repeatable unlimited times. (Cross-listed as TRMD 705) PH 765 Program Evaluation (3) Presented are principles of and frameworks for program evaluation. Students develop logic models and evaluation plans for a community program, and collect and analyze evaluation data. A-F only. (Spring only). PH 770 (Alpha) Doctoral Seminar in Translational Research (2) Required for students in the DrPH program. (B) domestic and global health disparities; (C) research methods in health disparities; (D) evidence-based programs in global health and health disparities; (E) topics in health disparities and policy. Repeatable one time for different alphas. A-F only. Pre: 600 (or concurrent) and 623 (or concurrent) and 649 (or concurrent and 655 (or concurrent) and 663 (or concurrent) and 765 (or concurrent), or departmental approval. (702 (or concurrent) may be substituted for 649). PH 771 Teaching Practicum (3) Provide doctoral students with theoretical and practical teaching and course development experiences under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students will have a portfolio documenting their accomplishments. Graduate standing in PH only. A-F only. Pre: 600 and 623 and 649 and 655 and 663 and 765 and 770; or departmental approval. (702 (or concurrent) may be substituted for 649). PH 772 Research Practicum (3) Hands-on research experience with a faculty mentor. Meet in small groups to discuss issues related to research in public health. Final project will be submission of a publishable quality paper. Graduate standing in PH only. A-F only. Pre: 600 and 623 and 649 and 655 and 663 and 765 and 770, or departmental approval. (702 (or concurrent) may be substituted for 649). PH 781 Environmental Health Lab Methods (1) Hands-on training for laboratory methods used in monitoring and detecting environmental health risk factors; learning and application of immunological-, animal cell culture- and molecular biology-based techniques for studying environmental pathogens and toxic pollutants. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Once a year) PH 788 Seminar in Public Health Sciences (V) Topics related to recent developments in major areas; student and faculty research activities. Sections: (1) biostatistics; (2) environmental health; (3) epidemiology; (4) public health nutrition. Repeatable unlimited times. PH 789 (Alpha) Integrative Seminar (2) Integrative seminar in (M) maternal and child health; and (U) public health. A-F only. Required as part of the student capstone experience to bring together the key aspects of their courses, competencies, and practicum. PH 791 Advanced Public Health Practice (3) Observation, study, and supervised practical work in student’s area of specialization. Pre: public health degree candidate and consent. PH 792 (Alpha) Current Issues and Topics in Public Health (V) Current and emerging issues and topics related to public health. (B) biostatistics; (E) epidemiology; (H) health policy and management; (S) social and behavioral health sciences; (U) public health. Repeatable unlimited times. PH 793 Special Practicum/Project (V) Supervised practical training beyond the required practicum in an area of particular interest. Provides additional opportunity to synthesize, integrate, and apply practical skills and knowledge in a public health work environment. Repeatable one time. Pre: 791 and a minimum of 6 credit hours of PH core courses, or consent. PH 794 (Alpha) Exploration in Public Health (V) Investigation of emergent fields of inquiry in public health. (B) biostatistics; (E) epidemiology; (H) health policy and management; (S) social and behavioral health sciences; (T) public health science; (U) public health. Repeatable up to three credits. PH 800 Dissertation Research (V) Pre: consent. |
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