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Pharmacology (PHRM)

School of Medicine

PHRM 201 Introduction to General Pharmacology (2) Drugs discussed with emphasis on sites and mechanism of action, toxicity, fate, and uses of major therapeutic agents. Pre: mammalian physiology and dental hygiene major. NI DB

PHRM 203 General Pharmacology (3) Similar to 201 but wider in scope of drugs discussed. Intended for undergraduates in the health sciences and related fields. Pre: mammalian physiology. NI DB

PHRM 499 Directed Reading and Research (V) Directed reading and research in experimental pharmacology. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

PHRM 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.

PHRM 512 (Alpha) Unit II Concurrent Elective (1) Elective for first-year medical students. CR/NC only. (B) cardiovascular pharmacology; (C) topics in pharmacology. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent. (Spring only).

PHRM 513 Unit III Topics in Pharmacology (1) Elective for first-year medical students. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent. (Spring only).

PHRM 514 Unit IV Topics in Pharmacology (1) Elective for second-year medical students. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent. (Fall only).

PHRM 515 Unit V Topics in Pharmacology (1) Elective for second-year medical students. Repeatable six times. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551 and consent. (Spring only).

PHRM 525 Review of Pharmacology (1) Elective for second-year medical students, objective to be determined by contract. One option is a review for USMLE Step 1. CR/NC only. Pre: BIOM 551. (Spring only).

PHRM 595 Principles of Pharmacology (1) Pharmacology elective course for medical students. MD students only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 554 or consent. (Fall only).

PHRM 599 Research in Pharmacology (V) Pharmacology research elective for medical students. MD majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: MDED 551 or consent.

PHRM 601 General Pharmacology (3) Pharmacodynamics, receptor theory, modeling, clinical trials and the FDA will be covered. Concepts in ADME/T and clinical research are also considered. Pre: consent.

PHRM 602 Systemic Pharmacology (9) Provides instruction at an organ systems/functional level covering major organ and functional systems of the human body. Concepts in pharmacological research at the animal, organ system and whole human evel will also be considered. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

PHRM 699 Directed Research (V) Repeatable unlimited times.

PHRM 700 Thesis Research (V) Repeatable unlimited times.

PHRM 800 Dissertation Research (V) Repeatable unlimited times.