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Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences (TPSS)College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources TPSS 120 (Alpha) Plants for People (1) The origins: social, cultural, and ceremonial traditions; culture; food and nutritional properties. Processing of a variety of tropical horticultural plants are presented, with tasting sessions and optional field trips. Topics will rotate among (B) beverage crops (eg. coffee, tea, chocolate, kava, fruit juices); (C) herbs, spices, and flavoring (selection of examples to be determined); (D) tropical fruits (assortment offered depends on availability during semester); (E) ornamental plants (flowers, houseplants, popular landscape plans, bonsai, ethnic ornamentals). Does not count towards TPSS major. Pre: consent. DB TPSS 200 Tropical Crop Science (3) Relation of plants, nutrients, and environment, cultural practices to tropical crop production. DB TPSS 220 Organic Food Crop Production (2) Combined lecture/lab on the theory and practice of certified organic food production. Field visits to organic farms/markets included. Open to nonmajors. (Fall only) DY TPSS 236 Renewable Energy and Society (3) Combined lecture/discussion regarding the ability of renewable energy technologies to meet local, national, and global energy demands and their potential impacts on the environment and society. Pre: consent. TPSS 300 Tropical Production Systems (4) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Comparisons and contrasts of crop management systems, techniques, and technologies in protected and open field production of tropical crops. Pre: 200 or consent. DB TPSS 304 Fundamentals of Soil Science (4) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Origin, development, properties, management of tropical soils; classification of Hawaiian soils. A-F only. Pre: one of CHEM 151, CHEM 161, CHEM 171 or CHEM 181A; or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 304) DP DY TPSS 311 Current Topics in Plant Science (1) Undergraduate seminar that provides the presentation and discussion of topics of current relevance to students preparing for careers in applied plant sciences. Oral focus designation. A-F only. Pre: 200 or NREM 210, or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 311) TPSS 322 Marketing Perishable Products (3) Problems, agencies, functions, costs, prices, regulations affecting marketing: proposed improvements. Pre: ECON 130, NREM 220; or consent. (Alt. years) DS TPSS 341 Accounting and Financial Analysis (3) Principles and methods of agricultural accounting. Preparing and interpreting financial statements. Sources and costs of credit, capital budgeting, tax management, estate planning. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: ECON 130 or NREM 220, or consent. (Cross-listed as NREM 341) DS TPSS 350 Tropical Landscape Practices (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Concepts and techniques of landscape installation and management in the tropics. Pre: 200 and 369; or consent. DB TPSS 351 Enterprise Management (3) Introduction of practical concepts and methods used in business management. Introduce broad range of business strategies. Understand the critical role each strategy plays. Facilitate student’s practice of analytical and critical thinking through case studies. (Cross-listed as NREM 351) TPSS 352 Landscape Architecture History, Theory, and Practice (3) Surveying the development of landscape architecture as an art form from Mesopotamia to present. Exploring the theory, profession and art of landscape architecture in the world by physical, social, economic, political, and cultural environmental factors. (Alt. years) DH TPSS 353 Tropical Landscape Planting Design and Graphics Studio (3) Basic skills of landscape graphic communication and theoretical design concepts will develop functional and sustainable landscape planting designs through sociocultural, economic, artistic environmental and aesthetic qualities of the built and natural landscape. Pre: consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ARCH 353) DA TPSS 364 Horticultural Practices (2) (1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Techniques of culture and management of horticulture crops. Pre: 200 (or concurrent). DB TPSS 369 Ornamental Plant Materials (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Identification, origin, use, and cultural requirement of trees, shrubs, vines, and groundcovers used in Hawaiian landscapes. Pre: 200 or consent. DB TPSS 371 Genetics: Theory to Application (3) Fundamentals of genetic theory using biotechnological procedures in insect and plant pathogen control and plant and animal breeding as practical applications. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 172 and CHEM 162, or consent. (Cross-listed as PEPS 371) TPSS 401 Vegetable Crop Production (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Crop biology, requirements, and production techniques for commercial vegetable production in Hawai‘i will be stressed. Pre: 300 or consent. DB TPSS 402 Flower and Foliage Crop Production (4) Biology and production of cut flowers, blooming potted plants, foliage plants under field and protected cultivation in Hawai‘i and globally. Pre: 300 or consent. DB TPSS 403 Tropical Fruit Production (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Botanical aspects and horticultural management practices of selected tropical and subtropical fruit crops, with emphasis on small scale commercial production in Hawai‘i. Pre: 300 or consent. DB TPSS 404 Tropical Foliage Production (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Combined lecture-lab on foliage crop production in Hawai‘i. Crop biology, requirements and production techniques. Pre: 300 or consent. DB TPSS 405 Turfgrass Management (4) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Adaptability and selection, establishment, and cultural practices of grasses for various types of turf. Pre: 200 or consent. DB TPSS 409 Cultural Biogeography (3) Co-evolution of human societies and plants over the last 10,000 years. Foraging, farming and urban societies economies; spread and modification of selected plants; issues of preservation of genetic resources and traditional plant knowledge. The form and function of gardens. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 409) DS TPSS 416 Introduction to Social, Ethical and Political Issues Associated with Biotechnology (3) Introduces concepts of biotechnology, fundamental issues associated with use of this technology, with special emphasis on agricultural biotechnology. A-F only. Pre: 200 or BIOL 171 or NREM 210, or consent. (Once a year) TPSS 420 Plant Propagation (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Theoretical and applied aspects of seed and vegetative propagation technology involving fruits, flowers, vegetables, and landscape plants. Pre: 200 or consent. DB TPSS 421 Tropical Seed Science (2) (1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of seed science, seed physiology, seed production, and genetic modification. Hawai‘i’s seed industry and biotechnology. A-F only. Pre: 200 or consent. DB TPSS 429 Spreadsheet Modeling for Business and Economic Analysis (3) Introduction to quantitative decision-making methods for effective agribusiness management in resource allocation, scheduling, logistics, risk analysis, inventory, and forecasting. Emphasis on problem identification, model formulation and solution, and interpretation and presentation of results. Pre: ECON 130 or NREM 220, and ECON 321 or NREM 310; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ECON 429 and NREM 429) DS TPSS 430 Nursery Management (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Management practices in production and operations of commercial nurseries in Hawai‘i. Pre: 200 and 364; or consent. DB TPSS 435 Environmental Soil Chemistry (3) Study of soil chemical processes such as weathering, adsorption, precipitation, and ion exchange; causes of soil acidity, alkalinity, and salinity; reactions between soils and fertilizers, pesticides, or heavy metals. Management strategies to minimize environmental contamination by nitrate, phosphate, and trace elements such as As, Pb, and Se. A-F only. Pre: 304 or consent. (Fall only) DB TPSS 440 Tissue Culture/Transformation (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Application of plant tissue culture for plant scientists; study of the growth and development of plant tissues in culture as influenced by chemical and environmental factors, and the regeneration of plants following plant transformation by biolistics and other molecular approaches. Pre: 420 or consent. Recommended: BOT 410. DB TPSS 450 Nutrient Management of Soils and Plants (4) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles and mechanisms governing the availability of plant nutrients in soil and nutrient management for enhanced plant productivity and maintenance for environmental and soil quality. Pre: 304 and CHEM 161, or consent. DB TPSS 453 Plant Breeding and Genetics (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Unique aspects of plant genetics and applications to crop improvement, with emphasis on breeding plants in Hawai‘i. Pre: BIOL 375 (or concurrent) or consent. DB TPSS 460 Soil Plant Environment (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Bio-physical processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum that influence crop growth and development. Methods to estimate the impact of soil and climate on crop performance. Use of crop models to simulate effects of planting date, plant spacing and density, fertilizer rate, rainfall or irrigation, and daily weather on crop yield and farm income. Pre: 304 and either PHYS 151 or PHYS 170, or consent. DB TPSS 463 Irrigation and Water Management (3) Basic soil-water-plant relationships, irrigation water requirements, irrigation efficiencies, different methods of irrigation, planning, design and management of an irrigation system, fertigation and impact of irrigation on soil and water quality. Pre: NREM 203 (or equivalent) and NREM/TPSS 304 (or equivalent), or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as NREM 463) TPSS 470 Plant Physiology (3) Integration of form and function from cellular to whole plant levels in processes from seed germination, through photosynthesis, growth, and morphogenesis, to flowering and senescence. A-F only. Pre: BIOL 171 and CHEM 152, or consent. Co-requisite: 470L. (Cross-listed as BOT 470) DB TPSS 470L Principles of Plant Physiology Lab (1) (1 3-hr Lab) Principles of experimentation in plant physiology, includes individual investigations. A-F only. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 470. (Cross-listed as BOT 470L) DY TPSS 473 Post-Harvest Physiology (3) Comparative physiological and biochemical processes during growth, maturation, ripening, and senescence in fruits, vegetables, and flowers related to changes in quality and storage life. Tropical commodities emphasized. A-F only. Pre: 200, BIOL 171, or BOT 201; CHEM 152; or consent. DB TPSS 481 Weed Science (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Weed classification, identification, adaptations for weediness; principles of weed control; properties, uses, and action of herbicides. Lab: pesticide application equipment and techniques, no-till farming, greenhouse and field experiments. A-F only. Pre: 200 and CHEM 152, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as PEPS 481) DB TPSS 491 Experimental Topics (V) Study and discussion of significant topics, problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable. Pre: consent. TPSS 492 Internship (4) Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. Pre: consent. TPSS 499 Directed Studies (V) Supervised individual instruction in field laboratory and library. Repeatable. CR/NC only. Pre: 364 or consent. TPSS 500 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate or consent. TPSS 601 Crop Modeling (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of modeling crop growth and development, model types, techniques, simulation. Modeling influence of climate/environment on phenology, growth, development of horticultural crops. Pre: BOT 470 and NREM 310, or consent. TPSS 603 Experimental Design (4) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Design of experiments and variance analyses in biological and agricultural research. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: ZOOL 632. (Cross-listed as ANSC 603) TPSS 604 Advanced Soil Microbiology (4) (3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Study of biochemical and biogeochemical transformations mediated by soil microorganisms, emphasis on processes important to plant growth productivity and environmental quality. Pre: 304 and MICR 351, or consent. TPSS 610 Nutrition of Tropical Crops (3) (1 2-hr Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Mineral nutrition of plants in relation to plant metabolism, mechanisms of ion uptake, long-distance transport of solutes, and interactions at the root-soil interface. Special emphasis on problems associated with tropical crops. Pre: 450 and 470, or consent. (Alt. years) TPSS 614 Molecular Genetics of Crops (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Applications of molecular genetics to crop improvement. Pre: 453 and MBBE 402; or consent. TPSS 615 Quantitative Genetics (3) Applications of quantitative genetics to crop and animal improvement. Pre: 453 and 603, or consent. TPSS 640 Advanced Soil Chemistry (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Physio-chemical processes in soils and soil solutions, with emphasis on ionic equilibria, mineral stability, organic complexation, and surface sorption of major plant nutrients and heavy metals. A-F only. Pre: 435 and CHEM 351, or consent. TPSS 650 Soil Plant Nutrient Relations (4) (2 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Soil-plant interactions, emphasis on characteristics of tropical soils and plants influencing nutrient uptake by plants. Diagnostic methods to identify nutrient deficiencies and element toxicity. Pre: 450 or consent. TPSS 652 Information Research Skills (1) Examines the use of libraries and information technology for scholarly investigation in support of scientific research; provides experience utilizing and critically evaluating a variety of print and electronic sources in basic and applied sciences. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 652, FSHN 652, and NREM 652) TPSS 654 Communications in the Sciences (1) (3-hr Lec/Lab combination) Laboratory-type course for improving communication abilities in the sciences and engineering. Presentations to lay audiences are emphasized. Hands-on experience in techniques and methods is provided. TPSS 657 Grant Writing for Graduate Students (1) Combined lecture/discussion on grants and grant writing. Designed to introduce graduate students to grants and grant proposal writing through lectures, class discussion, writing assignments, and peer review. Open to CTAHR graduate students only; others with consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ANSC 657 and FSHN 657) TPSS 664 Orchidology (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Classification, culture, cytogenetics, breeding of orchids. Pre: consent. Recommended: 200 and 402. TPSS 667 Graduate Seminar (1) Presentation of research reports; reviews of current literature in plant and soil sciences. Pre: graduate standing or consent. TPSS 670 Agrarian Systems Analysis (3) Comparative analysis of philosophy and process of interdisciplinary and participatory approaches to sustainable development and rural resource management including farming systems research and extension (FSRandE), agroecosystem analysis (AEA), participatory action research (PAR), and rapid rural appraisal (RRA). Repeatable. Pre: consent. TPSS 674 Plant Growth and Development (3) Contemporary literature is used as the basis for understanding the physiology for whole plant growth and development. Aspects covered include vegetative and reproductive development, seed dormancy, senescence, abscission, and relevant biochemical and molecular processes. Pre: 470 and MBBE 402, or consent. TPSS 680 Geospatial Analysis of Natural Resource Data (3) The application of geostatistics to estimate spatial dependence to improve soil and regional sampling; provide insight into underlying soil, geographic, and geologic process, and to provide quantitative scaling up of point measurements to fields, regions, and watersheds. State-space modeling also will be included. A-F only. Pre: GEOG 488 or ZOOL 631; or consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 680) TPSS 695 Plan B Master’s Project (3) Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in TPSS program. TPSS 699 Directed Research (V) In-depth study of specialized problems. CR/NC only. Pre: consent. TPSS 700 Thesis Research (V) CR/NC only. Pre: consent. TPSS 711 Special Topics (V) Specialized topics from various areas of plant and soil research such as experimental techniques, growth regulation, morphogenesis, genetics and breeding, culture and nutrition of tropical crops. A-F only. Pre: consent. TPSS 800 Dissertation Research (V) CR/NC only. Pre:
consent. |
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