Home About UH Academic Calendar Courses Undergraduate Education Graduate Education Degrees, Minors, & Certificates Colleges, Schools, & Academic Units


Degree, Minors and Certificates Offered

General Information

Accreditations and Affiliations

Certificate Programs

Marine Option Program


Undergraduate Programs

Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences

UH Manoa General Education Core Requirements

UH Manoa Graduation Requirements

A&S College Requirements

A&S Degree Requirements

A&S Major Requirements

Second or Multiple Majors and Minors

Second Baccalaureate Degree

Professional Programs

Graduate Programs

Student Organizations

Honors and Awards

Instructional and Research Facilities

Center for Biographical Research

Center for Language and Technology

Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center

National Foreign Language Resource Center


Colleges of Arts and Sciences

Degrees, Minors, and Certificates

The Colleges of Arts and Sciences offer undergraduate and graduate degrees, minors, and certificate programs in the following areas. Changes in programs and degrees approved after December 2012 may not be reflected in this listing

Field - Degree or Certificate
American Studies - Min, BA, MA, PhD
Anthropology - Min, BA, MA, PhD
Art and Art History - Min, BA, BFA, MA, MFA
Astronomy - MS, PhD
Biology - Min, BA, BS
Botany - Min, BA, BS, MS1, PhD1
Burmese - U Cert6
Chemistry - Min, BA, BS, MS, PhD
Chinese - U Cert, Min, BA, MA2, PhD2
Classics - U Cert, BA
Clinical Psychology - G Cert
Communication - BA, MA, G Cert, PhD
Communicology (formerly Speech) - Min, BA, MA
Computer Science - Min, BS, MS, PhD
Conflict Resolution - G Cert
Creative Media - BA
Dance - Min, BA, BFA, MA, MFA
Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance - G Cert
East Asian Languages and Literatures - MA2, PhD2
Economics - U Cert, Min, BA, MA, PhD
English - Min, BA, MA, PhD
English as a Second Language - BA4, MA, PhD
Environmental Studies - U Cert, BA4
Ethnic Studies - U Cert, BA
Ethnobotany - BS
Filipino - U Cert6, Min, BA7
French - U Cert, BA, MA3
Geography - Min, BA, G Cert, MA, PhD
German - U Cert, BA
Hindi - U Cert6, BA5
Historic Preservation - G Cert
History - Min, BA, MA, PhD
Ilokano - U Cert6, Min, BA7
Indonesian - U Cert6, BA5
Indo-Pacific Languages - U Cert6, BA5
Information and Computer Sciences - BA
Islamic Studies - U Cert
Japanese - U Cert, Min, BA, MA2, PhD2
Journalism - BA
Khmer (Cambodian) - U Cert
Korean - U Cert, Min, BA9, MA2, PhD2
Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas - MA3
Latin America & Iberian Studies - U Cert
Law and Society - U Cert
Library and Information Science - G Cert, MLISc
Linguistics - BA4, MA, PhD
Marine Biology - BS, MS11, PhD11
Marine Option Program - U Cert
Mathematical Biology - U Cert
Mathematics - Min, BA, BS, MA, PhD
Microbiology - Min, BA, BS, MS, PhD
Molecular Cell Biology - BS
Museum Studies - G Cert
Music - U Cert, Min, BA, BEd, BMus, MA, MMus, PhD
Ocean Policy - G Cert8
Peace Studies - U Cert, BA4, G Cert
Philosophy - Min, BA, MA, PhD
Philippine Language and Literature - BA
Physics - Min, BA, BS, MS, PhD
Pidgin and Creole Studies - U Cert
Planning Studies - G Cert
Political Science - Min, BA, MA, PhD
Psychology - BA, BS, MA, PhD
Public Administration - G Cert, MPA
Public Policy - G Cert
Religion - Min, BA, MA
Russian - U Cert, BA
Russian Area Studies - U Cert
Samoan - U Cert6, BA5
Sanskrit - U Cert6, BA5
Second Language Studies - BA, MA, G Cert, PhD
Social Sciences & Health - U Cert
Sociology - Min, BA, MA, G Cert, PhD
Spanish - U Cert, BA, MA3
Tahitian - U Cert6
Telecommunications Information Resource Management - G Cert
Thai - U Cert6, BA5
Theatre - Min, BA, MA, MFA, PhD
Urban and Regional Planning - G Cert, MURP, PhD
Vietnamese - U Cert6, BA5
Women’s Studies - U Cert, BA, G Cert
Zoology - Min, BA10, BS10, MS, PhD

1 The MS and PhD in botanical sciences are offered in botany.
2 The MA and PhD in East Asian languages and literatures are offered in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
3 The MA in languages and literatures of Europe and the Americas is offered in French and Spanish.
4 Students can receive a BA in interdisciplinary studies in environmental studies, European cultural studies, Indo-Pacific languages, linguistics, and peace studies. In addition, students can design their own majors utilizing this program.
5 The BA in interdisciplinary studies for Indo-Pacific languages has several concentrations: Hindi, Indonesian, Samoan, Sanskrit, Thai, and Vietnamese.
6 The Certificate in Indo-Pacific Languages is offered in Burmese, Filipino, Hindi, Ilokano, Indonesian, Samoan, Sanskrit, Tahitian, Thai, and Vietnamese.
7 BA in Philippine Language and Literature with concentration in Filipino or Ilokano.
8 The Department of Geography coordinates the Graduate Certificate in Ocean Policy.
9The BA in Korean in East Asian Languages and Literatures has a concentration in Korean for Professionals.
10There is no admittance to the BA and BS in Zoology degrees effective Spring 2013.
11The MS and PhD in marine biology are offered in the Marine Biology Graduate Program (College of Natural Science/SOEST).

BA—bachelor of arts
BFA—bachelor of fine arts
BMus—bachelor of music
BS—bachelor of science
G Cert—graduate certificate
MA—master of arts
MFA—master of fine arts
MLISc—master of library and information science
MMus—master of music
MPA—master of public administration
MS—master of science
MURP—master of urban and regional planning
PhD—doctor of philosophy
U Cert—undergraduate certificate