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Learning Design and Technology (LTEC)

College of Education

LTEC 112 Technology Resources for Learning (3) Virtual and hands-on analysis of technology resources and utilization in learning.

LTEC 414 Educational Media Technology (3) Introduction to educational technology theory and practice with an emphasis on meaningful integration of technology and media into a variety of face-to-face and online learning environments for diverse populations. Pre: upper division standing.

LTEC 415 Technology for Teachers (3) Introduction to the application of educational technology in teaching and learning using strategies in design, selection, development, integration, and evaluation. Interactive delivery via distance education technologies. A-F only. Pre: basic teaching certification.

LTEC 430 Video Technology (3) Overview of video uses in educational contexts. Includes video planning, production, and simple editing procedures, as well as selection, evaluation, and integration into learning plans. Pre: upper division standing.

LTEC 442 Computers in Education (3) Planning and implementation of computer systems and applications for effective integration into classroom settings. Emphasis is on methods and strategies for using digital technologies to enhance standards-based learning by K-12 students. Pre: upper division standing.

LTEC 448 Links to Lifelong Learning (3) Focused exploration of the internet and its application to effective teaching/learning, including finding, evaluating, using, creating information on the web; culminating project involves designing, creating, and publishing a website. Integration with copyright law and standards. Repeatable one time. Pre: upper division standing (junior+) and consent.

LTEC 499 Directed Activity (V) Individual work, supervised by instructor. May consist of reading, research, and/or projects. Repeatable two times, up to six credits. Pre: consent.

LTEC 500 Master's Plan B/C Studies (1) Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master's Plan B candidate and consent. Repeatable nine times.

LTEC 501 Professional Development in Educational Technology: Technology Skills for Educators (1) Exploring technology resources needed for distance learning and classroom integration. Repeatable two times.

LTEC 502 PDET: Technology Skills for Educators (2) Exploring technology resources needed for integration into classroom instruction. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only.

LTEC 511 Professional Development Education Technology I (3) Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

LTEC 512 Professional Development Education Technology II (3) Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

LTEC 513 Professional Development Education Technology III (3) Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

LTEC 514 Professional Development Education Technology IV (3) Specialized topics reflecting interests and needs of faculty in current issues of technology integration. Combined lecture, lab and discussion course. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

LTEC 600 Theory and Practice in Educational Technology (3) The profession of educational technology and the role of instructional designers. Theoretical and philosophical foundations underlying practice that include instructional systems theory, needs assessment, change theory, and relevant learning models. Practical applications of these theories to solve instructional problems in real-life settings. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 602 Innovations in Educational Technology (3) Innovative technological advances and new media in the field of educational technology and their application in instruction. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 611 Educational Technology Research and Evaluation (3) Review of existing research in media/ed technology, with activities leading to the preparation of final study or project proposal. Repeatable one time. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.

LTEC 612 Introduction to E-learning (3) Introduction to principles of e-learning and their application in formal and informal instructional settings. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.

LTEC 613 Instructional Design and Development (3) Basic concepts and techniques of instructional design and development, for application to solving instructional problems in real-life situations. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 620 Visual Design (3) Theory and practice involved in planning educational/instructional graphic and photographic material for print and computer-based media. LTEC majors only or consent.

LTEC 622 E-learning Theory and Design (3) Principles of e-learning theory as well as design and development for instruction. Application to new media and web authoring. Repeatable one time. Pre: LTEC majors or consent. A-F only.

LTEC 623 Digital Video Design (3) Development and utilization of digital video for the purpose of improving the teaching-learning process. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 632 Developing E-learning Environments (3) Planning, design, and development of e-learning instruction for educational and training settings. Implementation of online course elements such as student interaction, course management, testing, and content delivery using a learning management environments and open courseware. Repeatable one time. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only. Pre: 673 or consent.

LTEC 641 Emerging Technologies for K-12 Teaching (3) Exploration and impact of emerging technologies in K-12 classroom teaching and learning and ramifications of these technologies on administrative structure of schools. A-F only. LTEC majors only or consent.

LTEC 642 Facilitating E-learning Communities (3) Exploration of tools and design considerations for effective online communication and development of learning communities. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 643 Educational Technology in Informal Learning Environments (3) Exploring the nature, application, and use of educational technology in informal learning environments, such as museums, cultural institutions, tourist attractions, and visitor information centers. Focusing on the analysis, selection, and development of various media choices. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 647 (Alpha) Learning with Emerging Technologies (3) Exploration and evaluation of new tools and strategies for teaching and learning. (B) mobile learning; (C) free/open software; (D) educational games and simulations; (E) critical trends. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent. (Fall only for (B) and (D)) (Spring only for (C) and (E))

LTEC 651 Interactive Multimedia Production (3) The utilization and application of advanced authoring tools, combining video, animation, graphics, and sound to develop student-centered learning. Primarily for advanced LTEC students. LTEC majors only or consent.

LTEC 652 (Alpha) Authoring E-learning Environments (3) Conceptualization of instructional design and its application to the development for e-learning environments: (B) assisted instruction (CAI); (C) managed instruction; (D) virtual reality; (E) animation. Repeatable two times. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.

LTEC 654 Programming for Games and Simulations (3) Project-based exploration of the breadth of programming in the context of educational games and simulations. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 662 Assessment and Evaluation in Educational Technology (3) Evaluation and assessment processes, sources, and instruments applicable to systematic appraisal of learning with technology. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 665 Research Design: Multiple Methods and Traditions (3) Explores research methods used in educational technology with a focus on developing a design for dissertation research. Emphasis is on the use of digital technologies in data collection and analysis. A-F only. Graduate students only.

LTEC 667 Qualitative Research in Educational Technology (3) Introduction to qualitative research traditions and designs. Emphasis will be on the use of digital technologies in data collection and analysis. Repeatable one time. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only. (Once a year)

LTEC 668 Quantitative Research in Educational Technology (3) Application of methodological and statistical concepts in a projects-based classroom framework. Formative and summative evaluation, measurements, descriptive, and inferential statistics. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.

LTEC 672 Distance Education Technology (3) Technical and instructional considerations for developing, delivering, managing, and evaluating distance education including voice, video, print, hypermedia and data transmissions. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 673 Planning for Technology and Resources (3) Planning, needs assessment, and change theory applied to the development and evaluation of long-range plans and the communication of a vision for technology in education. LTEC majors only or consent.

LTEC 674 (Alpha) Technical Issues in Educational Technology (3) Applying theory of management in instructional technology support services and delivery systems. (B) management; (C) systems; (D) networks. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 676 Social and Ethical Issues in Educational Technology (3) Examination of social and ethical issues as they relate to technology in instructional settings. Focus on social justice and societal impact. A-F only. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 686 Information Literacy and Learning Resources (3) Study of information literacy models. Integration of information literacy with K-12 curriculum units and lessons. Evaluation of print and multimedia resources to meet student and curricular needs. Required for Librarian HDOE licensure. Pre: LTEC major or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 686 and LIS 686)

LTEC 687 Instructional Design and Technology Practicum (3) Practicum in instructional design, development, and technology in academic and non-academic settings, under close supervision, plus regular class meetings in seminar format. Repeatable three times. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.

LTEC 689 LTEC Training and Evaluation Practicum (3) Practicum in educational technology training and evaluation in formal and informal settings, under close supervision, plus class meetings in hybrid format. Repeatable unlimited times. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only. Pre: instructor consent.

LTEC 690 Seminar in Technology Leadership (3) Supervised activity in application of technology to teaching/training experiences. Repeatable three times. LTEC majors only and consent. A-F only.

LTEC 692 Practicum in E-learning (3) Practicum in e-learning in academic or non-academic settings, under close supervision, plus regular class meetings. Repeatable three times. LTEC majors only or consent. A-F only.

LTEC 699 Directed Reading and/or Research (V) Individual reading and/or research. Repeatable for 3 credit hours maximum each time. Pre: LTEC major or consent.

LTEC 700 Thesis Research (V) Research for master's thesis. Repeatable nine times.

LTEC 701 Instructional Design Studio (3) Covers multiple instructional design models within the context of theory and research. Studio approach to focus on facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. LTEC majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only.

LTEC 705 Special Topics in Educational Technology (3) Issues of topical interest in educational technology. Concentrates on a topic of current interest, including the new technologies for learning and teaching, and innovative strategies for design and delivery of instruction. Repeatable unlimited times. LTEC majors only. A-F only.

LTEC 750 (Alpha) Seminar in Educational Technology Issues (3) Study and discussion of significant topics and problems. (B) instructional development; (C) online communities; (D) the future; (E) research. Repeatable five times. A-F only. Pre: consent.

LTEC 760 Seminar in Educational Technology Theory (3) Doctoral level seminar for advanced students examining the theoretical foundations of research in the learning sciences and technology. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Once a year)

LTEC 780 Mixed Methods Research Design (3) Mixed methods research is designed for PhD and masters students in education and social sciences considering combining qualitative and quantitative research. Covers philosophical and practical implications culminating in a mixed methods dissertation/thesis proposal. Repeatable one time. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as EDCS 780 and DIS 780)

LTEC 781 Technology in Qualitative Analysis (3) Advanced research methods focused on management and analysis of qualitative data using technology. Reviews of different qualitative data types, analytical methods, and software. Includes independent research project. Repeatable one time. LTEC majors only. A-F only. Pre: 667 or graduate level qualitative research course. (Summer only)

LTEC 800 Dissertation Research (1) Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable five times. Satisfactory only.