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Degree, Minors and Certificates Offered Colleges of Arts and Sciences Program Requirements
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ZoologyCollege of Natural Sciences Faculty*S. Conant, PhD (Chair)—ornithology, ecology, behavior, conservation
biology Cooperating Graduate FacultyW. W. L. Au, PhD—marine bioacoustics and echolocation Affiliate Graduate FacultyG. Aeby, PhD—coral reef biology Degrees Offered: BA (including minor) in zoology, BS in zoology, MS in zoology, PhD in zoology The Academic ProgramThe Department of Zoology at UH Manoa offers undergraduate programs leading to bachelor of science and bachelor of arts degrees and a zoology minor, and graduate programs that offer master of science and PhD degrees. Of particular note is the department’s emphasis on tropical marine biology and evolutionary biology. There are few places in the U.S. where these emphases can be pursued more productively or in a more practical setting. Students can acquire a broad background for a career in marine biology. The BS degree is particularly suited for students preparing for graduate training in zoology and related fields and for those seeking immediate employment in zoology-related research and application markets, providing the broadest scientific background at the undergraduate level. Students preparing for pre-professional programs (premedical, pre-dental, pre-physical therapy, pre-veterinary medical) should consider the BA degree. It provides greater flexibility in pursuing the broad liberal arts education encouraged by professional schools. The courses applied toward the zoology major may then be selected with those programs in mind. Undergraduate StudyProspective majors should consult a departmental advisor. BA DegreeRequirements
Students must take an additional 20 credit hours, including:
Zoology courses at the 200 level carry no major credit. MATH 216 or 242 and a year of college physics are strongly recommended for students planning graduate study. BS DegreeRequirementsStudents must complete 78 to 82 credit hours, including:
MinorRequirements(At least 15 credits from the following courses, including 2 lab courses from 2 of the following 5 areas) I. Development
II. Genetics
III. Physiology
IV. Ecology and Behavior
V. Morphology and Taxonomy
Other Courses Applicable Toward Minor in Zoology
Graduate StudyThe department offers programs of graduate study and research leading to the MS and PhD degrees. The major strengths of the graduate program in zoology are in the areas of animal behavior; cellular, molecular, and developmental biology; and evolution and ecology. Especially strong programs have developed in areas that utilize the resources of Hawai‘i’s unique island setting, including developmental biology, marine biology, and ecology, evolution and conservation biology. Much of the research in the department emphasizes the animals of Hawai‘i: marine invertebrates, terrestrial arthropods, fishes, and birds. Graduate students in zoology may join three interdisciplinary graduate specializations: the Cellular and Molecular Biology (CMB); the Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology (EECB) Program; and the Marine Biology (MB) Program. The department also hosts the Hawai‘i Cooperative Fishery Research Unit and has active affiliations with the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology, the Kewalo Marine Laboratory, the Békésy Laboratory of Neurobiology, and the Center for Conservation Research and Training. Recipients of the MS degree usually teach, pursue careers in research or government service, or pursue further graduate training. Those with the PhD ordinarily seek teaching positions in colleges and universities or research careers in university, government, or private laboratories. A brochure listing research interests and publications of the members of the zoology graduate faculty, as well as summarizing admissions and program requirements and opportunities for financial aid, is available on request from the department; a separate graduate student handbook describes the details of program requirements and procedures. This information also is available on the Web at www.hawaii.edu/zoology. The following sections summarize the admissions and program requirements, but the department brochure and handbook should be consulted for complete details. AdmissionsStudents are admitted to the graduate program only in the fall semester; the application deadline is December 31. Applicants must submit a completed graduate application form, the official record of performance on the GRE General Test, transcripts for all previous undergraduate and graduate studies; and letters of recommendation from three persons who can appraise the student’s aptitude for graduate study. It is strongly recommended that students take the GRE Biology subject test, and include an official record of performance in their applications. An applicant also must be sponsored by a member of the graduate faculty who has indicated his or her willingness to advise the student; the applicant should communicate with prospective faculty sponsors well in advance of the application deadline. Intended candidates for the MS or PhD degrees in zoology are expected to present a minimum of 18 credit hours of undergraduate course work in zoology and/or biology and to have completed at least three semesters of chemistry (inorganic and organic), one year of physics, and at least one course each in calculus and botany. Deficiencies in undergraduate preparation must be rectified within the first 2 years, without graduate credit, except that biochemistry or molecular biology may be taken for graduate credit if it is at the 400-700 level. A course in biochemistry or molecular biology is required of all students, but it may be taken for graduate credit. General RequirementsTo ensure that students have broad competence in zoology, they must take a written diagnostic examination at the start of their first semester. This examination seeks evidence of competence at the level of the undergraduate major (for MS students) or the master’s degree (for PhD students) in the areas of molecular-cellular, organismic, and supraorganismic zoology. Students scoring at the 90th percentile or higher on any of these sections of the GRE biology test are exempted from the corresponding section of the diagnostic exam. Students who do not perform satisfactorily on the diagnostic examination will be required to take remedial course work, which must be completed within two years. All entering students are required to take ZOOL 691C. All graduate students are required to take at least one graduate seminar or topics course each year. Master’s DegreesThesis (Plan A) and non-thesis (Plan B) programs leading to the MS degree in zoology are available. In addition to the thesis, Plan A requires a minimum of 24 credit hours of course work and 6 credit hours of ZOOL 700 (thesis). The 24 credit hours must include at least 12 credit hours of 600- or higher-level course work. The 24 credit hours may include up to 6 credit hours from related departments and up to 2 credit hours of ZOOL 699. Plan B is a non-thesis program and requires a minimum of 30 credit hours in 400- through 700-level courses. The 30 credit hours must include at least 6 but not more than 16 credit hours from related departments (excluding courses cross-listed in zoology or applicable to the zoology BA degree) at least 2 but not more than 5 credit hours of ZOOL 699, and at least 18 credit hours of 600 or higher level course work. A research paper based on original scientific work is required. Doctoral DegreeMany applicants to the PhD program will have completed a master’s degree, but well-qualified applicants without a master’s degree may be admitted directly into the PhD program. Students currently enrolled in the master’s program also may apply for admission into the PhD program without completing the master’s degree. Course RequirementsFor students matriculating with a master’s degree in zoology (or equivalent), there are no course requirements for the PhD degree other than the general requirements (ZOOL 691C in the first year, and at least one graduate seminar or topics course each year), and any courses required by the student’s dissertation committee. For students matriculating with a bachelor’s degree, general course
requirements are very similar to the requirements for students receiving
a Plan A master’s degree. A minimum of 24 credits are required in
courses numbered 400-800. Additionally, 6 credits are required of ZOOL
800 (dissertation), for a total of 30 credit hours. Students are required
to enroll in ZOOL 800 during the term in which their degree will be conferred.
At least 12 of the 24 credits of required coursework should be in 600-700
level courses, not counting ZOOL 699. The Zoology Department requires
that 1 of the 24 coursework credits include ZOOL 691C. Of the 24 required
credit hours, student may include a maximum of 2 credit hours from ZOOL
699, and up to 6 of the 24 credits are allowed from courses in related
departments. All courses cross-listed with zoology, and all biology courses
which can be counted towards a zoology BA or BS, are considered zoology
courses, not courses in a related department. Other RequirementsAn oral comprehensive examination must be passed within one year of admission to candidacy; this examination will emphasize the student’s research area but may cover any facet of zoology. The research project culminating in the dissertation is the most important part of the PhD degree program. The dissertation is to be an original contribution based on independent research, carried out under the guidance of the advisor and dissertation committee. The completed dissertation is defended at a public final examination, conducted by the dissertation committee and including a public research seminar by the candidate. Further InformationFurther information about the graduate program in zoology, including full details of admissions and program requirements, may be obtained from the department or at www.hawaii.edu/zoology. Other inquiries may be sent to zoology@hawaii.edu. ZOOL
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